MBMLDateFunctions Class Reference

Inherits from NSObject
Declared in MBMLDateFunctions.h


This class contains a set of MBML functions and supporting methods that provide date manipulation tools.

These functions are exposed to the Mockingbird environment via <Function ... /> declarations in the MBDataEnvironmentModule.xml file.

For more information on MBML functions, see the MBMLFunction class.

Supporting methods

+ defaultDateParsingFormat

Returns the date parsing format used by default.

+ (NSString *)defaultDateParsingFormat

Return Value

The default date parsing format string.


First, the string expression $MBMLDateFunctions:dateParsingFormat is checked for a value; if a value is present, it is returned.

Otherwise, the value of the constant kRFC1123DateStringFormat is returned.

Note: This method is not exposed to the Mockingbird environment as a an MBML function.

Declared In


+ defaultDateParsingLocale

Returns the date parsing locale used by default.

+ (NSLocale *)defaultDateParsingLocale

Return Value

The default date parsing locale.


First, the string expression $MBMLDateFunctions:dateParsingLocale is checked for a value; if a value is present, it is used as the locale identifier.

Otherwise, the value of the constant kMBDateParsingLocaleVariableName is used to construct the locale.

If all else fails, the device’s current locale is used.

Note: This method is not exposed to the Mockingbird environment as a an MBML function.

Declared In


+ formatDate:withStyle:usingTimeZone:

Returns a date-formatted string using the specified formatter style.

+ (NSString *)formatDate:(NSDate *)d8 withStyle:(NSDateFormatterStyle)style usingTimeZone:(NSTimeZone *)timeZone



The NSDate to format.


The NSDateFormatterStyle to use for formatting the date.


The NSTimeZone to use for the output.

Return Value

A string containing the formatted date.


Note: This method is not exposed to the Mockingbird environment as a an MBML function.

Declared In


+ formatTime:withStyle:

Returns a time-formatted string using the specified formatter style.

+ (NSString *)formatTime:(NSDate *)d8 withStyle:(NSDateFormatterStyle)style



The NSDate to format.


The NSDateFormatterStyle to use for formatting the time.

Return Value

A string containing the formatted time.


Note: This method is not exposed to the Mockingbird environment as a an MBML function.

Declared In


+ formatDateTime:withStyle:

Returns a date/time-formatted string using the specified formatter style.

+ (NSString *)formatDateTime:(NSDate *)d8 withStyle:(NSDateFormatterStyle)style



The NSDate to format.


The NSDateFormatterStyle to use for formatting the date/time.

Return Value

A string containing the formatted date/time.


Note: This method is not exposed to the Mockingbird environment as a an MBML function.

Declared In


+ parseDate:fromLocale:usingFormat:

Attempts to parse an NSDate from a string using the specified date format.

+ (NSDate *)parseDate:(NSString *)str fromLocale:(NSLocale *)locale usingFormat:(NSString *)dateFormat



The date string to parse.


The locale of the input string str. If nil, the value str is assumed to be in the device’s current locale.


A date format string as accepted by NSDateFormatter.

Return Value

An NSDate representing the parsed date string, or nil if there was an error parsing the string.


Note: This method is not exposed to the Mockingbird environment as a an MBML function. The mbmlParseDate: method implements the ^parseDate() MBML function.

Declared In


+ parseDate:

Attempts to parse an NSDate from a string in the locale defaultDateParsingLocale using the date format returned by the method defaultDateParsingFormat.

+ (NSDate *)parseDate:(NSString *)str



The date string to parse.

Return Value

An NSDate representing the parsed date string, or nil if there was an error parsing the string.


Note: This method is not exposed to the Mockingbird environment as a an MBML function. The mbmlParseDate: method implements the ^parseDate() MBML function.

Declared In


Getting the current time

+ currentTime

Returns an NSDate representing the current date and time.

+ (NSDate *)currentTime

Return Value

An NSDate instance representing the present time.


This Mockingbird function accepts no input parameters.

Expression usage

The expression:


returns an NSDate containing the current date and time.

Declared In


Calculating time deltas to the present

+ secondsSince:

Returns the number of seconds that have elapsed since the given time in the past.

+ (id)secondsSince:(NSDate *)date



The function’s input parameter.

Return Value

An NSNumber instance containing the number of seconds since the input date; if the input date is in the future, the return value will be negative.


This Mockingbird function accepts a single object expression parameter yielding an NSDate instance.

Expression usage

The expression:


would return the number of seconds elapsed since $referenceDate.

See Also

Declared In


+ secondsUntil:

Returns the number of seconds between the present time and the given time in the future.

+ (id)secondsUntil:(NSDate *)date



The function’s input parameter.

Return Value

An NSNumber instance containing the number of seconds until the input date; if the input date is in the past, the return value will be negative.


This Mockingbird function accepts a single parameter: an object expression expected to yield an NSDate instance.

Expression usage

The expression:


would return the number of seconds until $referenceDate.

See Also

Declared In


Converting to and from UNIX timestamps

+ unixTimestampToDate:

Converts a UNIX timestamp into an NSDate.

+ (id)unixTimestampToDate:(id)timestamp



The function’s input parameter.

Return Value

An NSDate instance containing the date representation of given timestamp.


This Mockingbird function accepts a single numeric expression as an input parameter: the UNIX timestamp.

Expression usage

The expression:


would return an NSDate representing 10:45PM ET on December 11, 2012.

Declared In


+ dateToUnixTimestamp:

Returns the UNIX timestamp representation of a given NSDate.

+ (id)dateToUnixTimestamp:(NSDate *)date



The function’s input parameter.

Return Value

An NSNumber instance containing the UNIX timestamp representation of the input date.


This Mockingbird function accepts a single input parameter: an object expression yielding an NSDate instance.

Expression usage

The expression:


would return the UNIX timestamp representation of the present time.

Declared In


Date/time addition

+ addSecondsToDate:

Returns an NSDate representing the given date plus the specified number of seconds.

+ (id)addSecondsToDate:(NSArray *)params



The function’s input parameters.

Return Value

The adjusted date.


This Mockingbird function accepts two expressions as input parameters:

  • seconds, a numeric expression specifying the number of seconds add to the input date

  • the input date, an object expression yielding an NSDate or date-formatted NSString containing the date to which seconds will be added

Expression usage

The following expression:


would result in an NSDate 30 seconds from the present time.

Declared In


Date/time formatting

+ formatTimeUntil:

Returns a string representation of the time remaining until the given date.

+ (id)formatTimeUntil:(NSDate *)date



The function’s input parameter.

Return Value

An NSString instance containing the time until the input date.


This Mockingbird function accepts a single parameter: an object expression expected to yield an NSDate instance.

Expression usage

The expression:


would return the string “5:00”, indicating that there are 5 minutes until the time that’s 300 seconds in the future.

Declared In


+ formatDate:

Accepts a date and a format string, and returns a string representation of the date in the specified format.

+ (id)formatDate:(NSArray *)params



The function’s input parameters.

Return Value

A date-formatted string.


This Mockingbird function accepts two expressions as input parameters:

  • the input date, an NSDate or date-formatted NSString

  • the output format specifying the date format used to create the returned date string

Expression usage

The following expression:


would result in the string “12/12/13” if called on December 12th, 2013.

Declared In


+ formatSortableDate:

Accepts a date and returns a date string formatted using the format “YYYY-MM-dd HH:mm:ss”. This format ensures allows dates to be sorted using simple string sorting.

+ (id)formatSortableDate:(id)input



The function’s input parameter.

Return Value

The date-formatted string.


This Mockingbird function accepts a single input parameter, an object expression yielding either an NSDate or a date-formatted NSString containing the date to format.

Expression usage

The following expression:

^formatSortableDate(^parseDate(Sun, 26 Oct 1986 00:02:00 EDT))

would result in the string “1986-10-26 00:02:00”.

Note: The time in the returned string will be in 24-hour format.

Declared In


+ formatShortDate:

Accepts a date and returns a date string formatted using the NSDateFormatterShortStyle format.

+ (id)formatShortDate:(id)input



The function’s input parameter.

Return Value

The date-formatted string.


This Mockingbird function accepts one of two expressions as input parameters:

  • the input date, an NSDate or NSString that contains the date to format

  • an optional timezone string, specifying the timezone to use when formatting the input date parameter (if this parameter is omitted, the local timezone is used)

Expression usage

The following expression:

^formatShortDate(^parseDate(Sun, 26 Oct 1986 00:02:00 EDT))

would result in the string “10/26/86”.

Note: The string returned depends on the device’s locale settings and may not match the example above.

Declared In


+ formatMediumDate:

Accepts a date and returns a date string formatted using the NSDateFormatterMediumStyle format.

+ (id)formatMediumDate:(id)input



The function’s input parameter.

Return Value

The date-formatted string.


This Mockingbird function accepts one of two expressions as input parameters:

  • the input date, an NSDate or NSString that contains the date to format

  • an optional timezone string, specifying the timezone to use when formatting the input date parameter (if this parameter is omitted, the local timezone is used)

Expression usage

The following expression:

^formatMediumDate(^parseDate(Sun, 26 Oct 1986 00:02:00 EDT))

would result in the string “Oct 26, 1986”.

Note: The string returned depends on the device’s locale settings and may not match the example above.

Declared In


+ formatLongDate:

Accepts a date and returns a date string formatted using the NSDateFormatterLongStyle format.

+ (id)formatLongDate:(id)input



The function’s input parameter.

Return Value

The date-formatted string.


This Mockingbird function accepts one of two expressions as input parameters:

  • the input date, an NSDate or NSString that contains the date to format

  • an optional timezone string, specifying the timezone to use when formatting the input date parameter (if this parameter is omitted, the local timezone is used)

Expression usage

The following expression:

^formatLongDate(^parseDate(Sun, 26 Oct 1986 00:02:00 EDT))

would result in the string “October 26, 1986”.

Note: The string returned depends on the device’s locale settings and may not match the example above.

Declared In


+ formatFullDate:

Accepts a date and returns a date string formatted using the NSDateFormatterFullStyle format.

+ (id)formatFullDate:(id)input



The function’s input parameter.

Return Value

The date-formatted string.


This Mockingbird function accepts one of two expressions as input parameters:

  • the input date, an NSDate or NSString that contains the date to format

  • an optional timezone string, specifying the timezone to use when formatting the input date parameter (if this parameter is omitted, the local timezone is used)

Expression usage

The following expression:

^formatFullDate(^parseDate(Sun, 26 Oct 1986 00:02:00 EDT))

would result in the string “Sunday, October 26, 1986”.

Note: The string returned depends on the device’s locale settings and may not match the example above.

Declared In


+ formatShortTime:

Accepts a date and returns a date string formatted using the NSDateFormatterShortStyle format.

+ (id)formatShortTime:(id)input



The function’s input parameter.

Return Value

The time-formatted string.


This Mockingbird function accepts a single input parameter, an object expression yielding either an NSDate or a date-formatted NSString containing the date to format.

Expression usage

The following expression:

^formatShortTime(^parseDate(Sun, 26 Oct 1986 00:02:00 EDT))

would result in the string “12:02 AM”.

Note: The string returned depends on the device’s locale settings and may not match the example above.

Declared In


+ formatMediumTime:

Accepts a date and returns a date string formatted using the NSDateFormatterMediumStyle format.

+ (id)formatMediumTime:(id)input



The function’s input parameter.

Return Value

The time-formatted string.


This Mockingbird function accepts a single input parameter, an object expression yielding either an NSDate or a date-formatted NSString containing the date to format.

Expression usage

The following expression:

^formatMediumTime(^parseDate(Sun, 26 Oct 1986 00:02:00 EDT))

would result in the string “12:02:00 AM”.

Note: The string returned depends on the device’s locale settings and may not match the example above.

Declared In


+ formatLongTime:

Accepts a date and returns a date string formatted using the NSDateFormatterLongStyle format.

+ (id)formatLongTime:(id)input



The function’s input parameter.

Return Value

The time-formatted string.


This Mockingbird function accepts a single input parameter, an object expression yielding either an NSDate or a date-formatted NSString containing the date to format.

Expression usage

The following expression:

^formatLongTime(^parseDate(Sun, 26 Oct 1986 00:02:00 EDT))

would result in the string “12:02:00 AM EDT”.

Note: The string returned depends on the device’s locale settings and may not match the example above.

Declared In


+ formatFullTime:

Accepts a date and returns a date string formatted using the NSDateFormatterFullStyle format.

+ (id)formatFullTime:(id)input



The function’s input parameter.

Return Value

The time-formatted string.


This Mockingbird function accepts a single input parameter, an object expression yielding either an NSDate or a date-formatted NSString containing the date to format.

Expression usage

The following expression:

^formatFullTime(^parseDate(Sun, 26 Oct 1986 00:02:00 EDT))

would result in the string “12:02:00 AM Eastern Daylight Time”.

Note: The string returned depends on the device’s locale settings and may not match the example above.

Declared In


+ formatShortDateTime:

Accepts a date and returns a date string formatted using the NSDateFormatterShortStyle format.

+ (id)formatShortDateTime:(id)input



The function’s input parameter.

Return Value

The date/time-formatted string.


This Mockingbird function accepts a single input parameter, an object expression yielding either an NSDate or a date-formatted NSString containing the date to format.

Expression usage

The following expression:

^formatShortDateTime(^parseDate(Sun, 26 Oct 1986 00:02:00 EDT))

would result in the string “10/26/86, 12:02 AM”.

Note: The string returned depends on the device’s locale settings and may not match the example above.

Declared In


+ formatMediumDateTime:

Accepts a date and returns a date string formatted using the NSDateFormatterMediumStyle format.

+ (id)formatMediumDateTime:(id)input



The function’s input parameter.

Return Value

The date/time-formatted string.


This Mockingbird function accepts a single input parameter, an object expression yielding either an NSDate or a date-formatted NSString containing the date to format.

Expression usage

The following expression:

^formatMediumDateTime(^parseDate(Sun, 26 Oct 1986 00:02:00 EDT))

would result in the string “Oct 26, 1986, 12:02:00 AM”.

Note: The string returned depends on the device’s locale settings and may not match the example above.

Declared In


+ formatLongDateTime:

Accepts a date and returns a date string formatted using the NSDateFormatterLongStyle format.

+ (id)formatLongDateTime:(id)input



The function’s input parameter.

Return Value

The date/time-formatted string.


This Mockingbird function accepts a single input parameter, an object expression yielding either an NSDate or a date-formatted NSString containing the date to format.

Expression usage

The following expression:

^formatLongDateTime(^parseDate(Sun, 26 Oct 1986 00:02:00 EDT))

would result in the string “October 26, 1986 at 12:02:00 AM EDT”.

Note: The string returned depends on the device’s locale settings and may not match the example above.

Declared In


+ formatFullDateTime:

Accepts a date and returns a date string formatted using the NSDateFormatterLongStyle format.

+ (id)formatFullDateTime:(id)input



The function’s input parameter.

Return Value

The date/time-formatted string.


This Mockingbird function accepts a single input parameter, an object expression yielding either an NSDate or a date-formatted NSString containing the date to format.

Expression usage

The following expression:

^formatFullDateTime(^parseDate(Sun, 26 Oct 1986 00:02:00 EDT))

would result in the string “Sunday, October 26, 1986 at 12:02:00 AM Eastern Daylight Time”.

Note: The string returned depends on the device’s locale settings and may not match the example above.

Declared In


Converting from one string format to another

+ reformatDate:

Accepts a date-formatted string and converts it into a date string of another format.

+ (id)reformatDate:(NSArray *)params



The function’s input parameters.

Return Value

A date-formatted string.


This Mockingbird function accepts two or three pipe-separated expressions as input parameters:

  • the input date, a date-formatted string to be parsed

  • an optional input format, specifying the date format used by the input date parameter (if this parameter is omitted, the default format used is the one specified by the defaultDateParsingFormat method)

  • an output format, specifying the date format to be used for creating the returned date string

Expression usage

The following expression:

^reformatDate(26 Oct 1986|dd MMM yyyy|MM/dd/yy)

would result in the string “10/26/86”.

Declared In


+ reformatDateWithLocale:

Accepts a date-formatted input string—along with a locale specification for that input string—and converts the input into a date string of another format.

+ (id)reformatDateWithLocale:(NSArray *)params



The function’s input parameters.

Return Value

A date-formatted string.


This Mockingbird function accepts three or four pipe-separated expressions as input parameters:

  • the input date, a date-formatted string to be parsed

  • the input date locale, a string specifying the locale identifier of the input date’s locale

  • an optional input format, specifying the date format used by the input date parameter (if this parameter is omitted, the default format used is the one specified by the defaultDateParsingFormat method)

  • an output format, specifying the date format to be used for creating the returned date string

Expression usage

The following expression:

^reformatDateWithLocale(26 Oct 1986|en_US|dd MMM yyyy|MM/dd/yy)

would result in the string “10/26/86”.

See Also

Declared In


Parsing date strings

+ mbmlParseDate:

Attempts to construct an NSDate instance by parsing a string.

+ (id)mbmlParseDate:(NSArray *)params



The function’s input parameters.

Return Value

An NSDate representing the parsed date.


This Mockingbird function accepts two or three pipe-separated expressions as input parameters:

  • the date, a string to be parsed

  • an optional format string, a string in the format that would be used by a NSDateFormatter. If this parameter is omitted, the value returned by the method defaultDateParsingFormat is used as the format string.

Expression usage

Note: This function is exposed to the Mockingbird environment with a name that differs from that of its implementing method.

Assuming the default date parsing format hasn’t been overridden by the $MBMLDateFunctions:dateParsingFormat variable, this expression:

^parseDate(Thu, 26 Jan 2012 15:58:19 UTC)

would return an NSDate instance representing a date equivalent to Thursday, January 26th, 2012 at 10:58:19AM in New York City (eastern standard time, or the America/New_York timezone).

Declared In


Time zone information

+ timeZoneOffset

Returns the offset, in minutes, between the current time zone and UTC.

+ (NSNumber *)timeZoneOffset

Return Value

The time zone offset.


This Mockingbird function accepts no input.

Expression usage

The expression:


would return an NSNumber instance containing the time zone offset, in minutes.

Declared In
