MBMLCollectionFunctions Class Reference

Inherits from NSObject
Declared in MBMLCollectionFunctions.h


This class provides a set of MBML functions that perform common operations on collections such as NSArray, NSSet and NSDictionary objects.

These functions are exposed to the Mockingbird environment via <Function ... /> declarations in the MBDataEnvironmentModule.xml file.

For more information on MBML functions, see the MBMLFunction class.

Testing for collection types

+ isCollection:

Determines whether a given object is considered a collection; that is, an instance of NSSet, NSArray or NSDictionary.

+ (NSNumber *)isCollection:(id)param



The function’s input parameter.

Return Value

@YES if param represents a collection object, @NO otherwise.


This Mockingbird function accepts a single parameter: an object expression yielding the instance to be tested.

Expression usage

Assume the MBML variable $cities contains an array value. The expression:


would return the value @YES.

Declared In


+ isSet:

Determines whether a given object is an instance of NSSet.

+ (NSNumber *)isSet:(id)param



The function’s input parameter.

Return Value

@YES if param represents an NSSet, @NO otherwise.


This Mockingbird function accepts a single parameter: an object expression yielding the instance to be tested.

Expression usage

Assume the MBML variable $cities contains an array value. The expression:


would return the value @NO.

Declared In


+ isDictionary:

Determines whether a given object is an instance of NSDictionary.

+ (NSNumber *)isDictionary:(id)param



The function’s input parameter.

Return Value

@YES if param represents an NSDictionary, @NO otherwise.


This Mockingbird function accepts a single parameter: an object expression yielding the instance to be tested.

Expression usage

Assume $accountIdsToNames is a dictionary. The expression:


would return the value @YES.

Declared In


+ isArray:

Determines whether a given object is an instance of NSArray.

+ (NSNumber *)isArray:(id)param



The function’s input parameter.

Return Value

@YES if param represents an NSArray, @NO otherwise.


This Mockingbird function accepts a single parameter: an object expression yielding the instance to be tested.

Expression usage

Assume $cities is an array. The expression:


would return the value @YES.

Declared In


Counting the items in a collection

+ count:

Returns the count of items in a collection object.

+ (id)count:(id)param



The function’s input parameter.

Return Value

A number containing the count of items in the input parameter.


This Mockingbird function accepts a single parameter, an object expression that’s expected to yield an NSSet, NSArray or NSDictionary instance.

Expression usage

Assume $cities is an array containing the values “New York”, “London”, and “Boston”. The expression:


would return the value 3.

Declared In


Modifying collections

+ removeObject:

Creates and returns a new NSArray instance by removing all instances of one or more objects from an input array.

+ (id)removeObject:(NSArray *)params



The function’s input parameters.

Return Value

An array containing the items in the input array, with the specified items removed.


This Mockingbird function accepts two or more pipe-separated expressions as parameters:

  • The array expression, which should evaluate to an NSArray instance

  • One or more items to be removed, object expressions yielding the item(s) to be removed from the array

Expression usage

Assume $babies is an array containing the values “Juno”, “Theo”, “Cooper” and “Shiloh”. The expression:


would return an array containing the values “Cooper” and “Theo”.

Declared In


+ removeObjectAtIndex:

Creates and returns a new NSArray instance by removing an object at a given index from the input array.

+ (id)removeObjectAtIndex:(NSArray *)params



The function’s input parameters.

Return Value

An array containing the items in the input array, with the specified item removed.


This Mockingbird function accepts two pipe-separated expressions as parameters:

  • The array expression, which should evaluate to an NSArray instance

  • The index, a numeric expression that specifies the array index of the object to remove

Expression usage

Assume $cities is an array containing the values “New York”, “London”, and “Boston”. The expression:


would return an array containing the values “New York” and “London”.

Declared In


+ appendObject:

Creates and returns a new NSArray by adding one or more items to the end of an input array.

+ (id)appendObject:(NSArray *)params



The function’s input parameters.

Return Value

An array containing the items in the input array, with the specified item(s) appended.


This Mockingbird function accepts two or more pipe-separated expressions as parameters:

  • The array expression, which should evaluate to an NSArray instance

  • One or more items to be added, object expressions yielding the item(s) to be appended to the array

Expression usage

Assume $cities is an array containing the values “New York”, “London”, and “Boston”. The expression:

^appendObject($cities|Chicago|Las Vegas)

would return an array containing the values “New York”, “London”, “Boston”, “Chicago” and “Las Vegas”.

Declared In


+ insertObjectAtIndex:

Creates and returns a new NSArray instance by inserting an item into an input array.

+ (id)insertObjectAtIndex:(NSArray *)params



The function’s input parameters.

Return Value

An array containing the items in the input array, with the specified item inserted at the given index.


This Mockingbird function accepts three pipe-separated expressions as parameters:

  • The array, an object expression expected to yield an NSArray instance

  • The insert item, an expression that yields the object to be inserted into the array

  • The index expression, which should evaluate to a numeric value specifying the array index into which the object should be inserted

Expression usage

Assume $cities is an array containing the values “New York”, “London”, and “Boston”. The expression:


would return an array containing the values “New York”, “Chicago”, “London”, and “Boston”.

Warning: An error will be logged to the console if the index is out-of-range for the given array.

See Also

Declared In


Creating collections

+ array:

Returns an NSArray containing the result of evaluating each input parameter as an object expression.

+ (id)array:(NSArray *)params



The function’s input parameters.

Return Value

An array containing the value of each input parameter expression.


This Mockingbird function accepts zero or more pipe-separated expressions as parameters. If zero parameters are provided, an empty array is returned.

Expression usage

The expression:


would return an NSArray containing the strings “One”, “2”, and “III”.

See Also

Declared In


+ subarray:

Returns an NSArray containing the receiving array’s elements that fall within the limits specified by a given range.

+ (id)subarray:(NSArray *)params



The function’s input parameters.

Return Value

An array containing the receiving array’s elements that fall within the limits specified by range.


This Mockingbird function accepts three pipe-separated expressions as parameters:

  • The array expression, which should evaluate to an NSArray instance

  • The start location in the provided array, which used for range location within the receiving array’s range of elements.

  • The length for subarray, which used for range length within the receiving array’s range of elements.

Expression usage

Assume $cities is an array containing the values “New York”, “London”, and “Boston”. The expression:


would return an array containing the values “London” and “Boston”.

Declared In


+ set:

Returns an NSSet containing the result of evaluating each input parameter as an object expression.

+ (id)set:(NSArray *)params



The function’s input parameters.

Return Value

A set containing the value of each input parameter expression.


This Mockingbird function accepts zero or more pipe-separated expressions as parameters. If zero parameters are provided, an empty set is returned.

Expression usage

The expression:


would return an NSSet containing the strings “One”, “2”, and “III”.

Declared In


+ setWithArray:

Returns an NSSet containing the same elements as the passed-in array.

+ (id)setWithArray:(id)array



The function’s input parameter.

Return Value

A set containing the values of the passed-in array.


This Mockingbird function accepts as input an object expression that yields an NSArray instance.

Expression usage

The expression:


would return an NSSet containing the strings “One”, “2”, and “III”.

Declared In


+ dictionary:

Creates a new NSDictionary instance containing the items provided as keys and values.

+ (id)dictionary:(NSArray *)params



The function’s input parameters.

Return Value

A dictionary containing the specified key/value pairs.


This Mockingbird function accepts zero or more pipe-separated object expressions as parameters:

  • If zero parameters are provided, an empty dictionary is returned.

  • If more than zero parameters are provided, the function will expect an even number of parameters representing key/value pairs. The first item in each pair is an expression yielding the dictionary key, and the second item is an expression yielding the corresponding value for that key.

Expression usage

The expression:

^dictionary(firstKey|The first item|secondKey|item 2)

would return an NSDictionary containing two key/value pairs:

  • The key “firstKey” has the value “The first item
  • The key “secondKey” has the value “item 2

See Also

Declared In


+ keys:

Returns an array containing the keys of an NSDictionary.

+ (id)keys:(NSDictionary *)dict



The function’s input parameter, which is expected to be a dictionary.

Return Value

An array containing the passed-in dictionary’s keys.


This Mockingbird function accepts a single parameter: an object expression yielding an NSDictinary instance.

Expression usage

Assume that the expression $namesToAges yields a dictionary containing a mapping of people’s names (keys) to their ages (values). The expression:


would return an array containing the names of each person in $namesToAges.

See Also

Declared In


+ values:

Returns an array containing the values of an NSDictionary.

+ (id)values:(NSDictionary *)dict



The function’s input parameter, which is expected to be a dictionary.

Return Value

An array containing the passed-in dictionary’s values.


This Mockingbird function accepts a single parameter: an object expression yielding an NSDictinary instance.

Expression usage

Assume that the expression $namesToAges yields a dictionary containing a mapping of people’s names (keys) to their ages (values). The expression:


would return an array containing the age of each person in $namesToAges.

See Also

Declared In


+ removeLastObject:

Creates and returns a new NSArray instance by removing the last object from the input array.

+ (id)removeLastObject:(id)array



The function’s input parameter, which is expected to be an array.

Return Value

A copy of the input array, with the last item removed.


This Mockingbird function accepts a single parameter: an object expression yielding an NSArray instance.

Expression usage

Assume that the object expression $colors yields an array containing the values “red”, “yellow”, “green”, and “blue” in that order.

The expression:


would return an array containing the values “red”, “yellow” and “green”.

Declared In


+ lastObject:

Returns the last object in an array.

+ (id)lastObject:(id)array



The function’s input parameter, which is expected to be an array.

Return Value

The last item in the input array.


This Mockingbird function accepts a single parameter: an object expression yielding an NSArray instance.

Expression usage

Assume that the object expression $colors yields an array containing the values “red”, “yellow”, “green”, and “blue” in that order.

The expression:


would return the string “blue”.

Declared In


+ indexOf:

Returns the index of a specified value within an array, or -1 if the value is not found.

+ (id)indexOf:(NSArray *)params



an array containing the input parameters for the function

Return Value

A number indicating the zero-based index of the value in the array. If the value does not exist in the array, -1 is returned.


This Mockingbird function accepts two pipe-separated object expressions as parameters:

  • The array, expected to yield an NSArray instance

  • The value, the object whose array index is sought

Expression usage

Assume that the expression $colors yields an array containing the values “red”, “yellow”, “green”, and “blue” in that order.

The expression:


would return the number 1 indicating that the value “yellow” exists in $colors at array index 1.

Declared In


+ copyOf:

Returns a copy of an object adopting the NSCopying protocol.

+ (id)copyOf:(id)param



The function’s input parameter.

Return Value

A copy of the object yielded by the input expression.


If the input object is mutable and is subsequently modified, the copy would be unaffected.

This Mockingbird function accepts a single parameter: an expression yielding the object instance to be copied.

Expression usage

Note: This function is exposed to the Mockingbird environment with a name that differs from that of its implementing method:


Assuming $array yields an NSArray, the expression above would return a new NSArray containing the same items as $array.

See Also

Declared In


+ mutableCopyOf:

Returns a mutable copy of an object adopting the NSMutableCopying protocol.

+ (id)mutableCopyOf:(id)param



The function’s input parameter.

Return Value

A mutable copy of the object yielded by the input expression.


If the input object is mutable and is subsequently modified, the copy would be unaffected. Similarly, if the copy is modified, the input object would be unaffected.

This Mockingbird function accepts a single parameter: an expression yielding the object instance to be copied.

Expression usage

Note: This function is exposed to the Mockingbird environment with a name that differs from that of its implementing method:


Assuming $array yields an NSArray, the expression above would return a new NSMutableArray containing the same items as $array.

See Also

Declared In


+ getValueForKey:

Uses key-value coding (KVC) to retrieve the value for a given key from a target object.

+ (id)getValueForKey:(NSArray *)params



The function’s input parameters.

Return Value

The value for the given key. If the key does not have an associated value, the default value (if it was provided) or nil (if no default was provided) is returned.


This Mockingbird function accepts two or three pipe-separated expressions as parameters:

  • The target, an object expression yielding the object whose key will be queried

  • The key, a string expression

  • An optional default value, an object expression whose result will be returned if target does not possess a value for key

Expression usage

Note: This function is exposed to the Mockingbird environment with a name that differs from that of its implementing method:


Assuming that the expression $dictionaryOfImages yields a dictionary, the expression above would return the value for the key identified by the string expression $myImageKey in the dictionary $dictionaryOfImages.

If $dictionaryOfImages contains no value for the key identified by $myImageKey, the value of “default.png” will be returned.

Declared In
