
open class XcodeLogConfiguration: ConsoleLogConfiguration

A LogConfiguration optimized for use when running within Xcode.

  • Initializes a new XcodeLogConfiguration instance.


    Setting either debugMode or verboseDebugMode to true will result in synchronousMode being used when recording log entries. Synchronous mode is helpful while debugging, as it ensures that logs are always up-to-date when debug breakpoints are hit. However, synchronous mode can have a negative influence on performance and is therefore not recommended for use in production code.



    public init(minimumSeverity: LogSeverity = .info, debugMode: Bool = false, verboseDebugMode: Bool = false, stdStreamsMode: StandardStreamsMode = .useAsFallback, mimicOSLogOutput: Bool = true, showCallSite: Bool = true, filters: [LogFilter] = [])



    The minimum supported LogSeverity. Any LogEntry having a severity less than minimumSeverity will be silently ignored.


    If true, the value of minimumSeverity will be lowered (if necessary) to .debug and synchronousMode will be used when recording log entries.


    If true, the value of minimumSeverity will be lowered (if necessary) to .verbose and synchronousMode will be used when recording log entries.


    A StandardStreamsMode value that governs when standard console streams (i.e., stdout and stderr) should be used for recording log output.


    If true, any output sent to stdout will be formatted in such a way as to mimic the output seen when os_log() is used.


    If true, the source file and line indicating the call site of the log request will be added to formatted log messages.


    The LogFilters to use when deciding whether a given LogEntry should be passed along for recording.