Jetson Inference
DNN Vision Library
Deprecated List
Module camera
See the updated Video Streaming APIs.
Member cudaRectFill (void *input, void *output, size_t width, size_t height, imageFormat format, float4 *rects, int numRects, const float4 &color)
please use the functions from cudaDraw.h instead
Member cudaRectFill (T *input, T *output, size_t width, size_t height, float4 *rects, int numRects, const float4 &color)
please use the functions from cudaDraw.h instead
Member cudaWarpPerspective (float4 *input, float4 *output, uint32_t width, uint32_t height, const float transform[3][3], bool transform_inverted=false)
this function has been deprecated in lieu of the overload that accepts different dimensions for the input and output images.
Member cudaWarpPerspective (uchar4 *input, uchar4 *output, uint32_t width, uint32_t height, const float transform[3][3], bool transform_inverted=false)
this function has been deprecated in lieu of the overload that accepts different dimensions for the input and output images.
Member detectNet::Detect (float *input, uint32_t width, uint32_t height, Detection *detections, uint32_t overlay=OVERLAY_DEFAULT)
this overload of Detect() provides legacy compatibility with float* type (RGBA32F).
Member detectNet::Detect (float *input, uint32_t width, uint32_t height, Detection **detections, uint32_t overlay=OVERLAY_DEFAULT)
this overload of Detect() provides legacy compatibility with float* type (RGBA32F).
Member detectNet::GetThreshold () const
please use GetConfidenceThreshold() instead
Member detectNet::SetThreshold (float threshold)
please use SetConfidenceThreshold() instead
Member glDisplay::SetTitle (const char *str)
SetTitle() has been superceded by SetStatus() from videoOutput API. SetTitle() is functionally the same as SetStatus().
Member gstCamera::CaptureRGBA (float **image, uint64_t timeout=DEFAULT_TIMEOUT, bool zeroCopy=false)
CaptureRGBA() has been deprecated and is only provided for legacy compatibility. Please use the updated Capture() function instead.
Member imageNet::Classify (float *rgba, uint32_t width, uint32_t height, float *confidence=NULL, imageFormat format=IMAGE_RGBA32F)
this overload of Classify() provides legacy compatibility with float* type (RGBA32F).
Member loadImageRGBA (const char *filename, float4 **ptr, int *width, int *height)
this overload of loadImageRGBA() is deprecated and provided for legacy compatbility. it is recommended to use loadImage() instead, which supports multiple image formats.
Member loadImageRGBA (const char *filename, float4 **cpu, float4 **gpu, int *width, int *height)
this overload of loadImageRGBA() is deprecated and provided for legacy compatbility. having separate CPU and GPU pointers for shared memory is no longer needed, as they are the same. it is recommended to use loadImage() instead, which supports multiple image formats.
Member saveImageRGBA (const char *filename, float4 *ptr, int width, int height, float max_pixel=255.0f, int quality=100)
saveImageRGBA() is deprecated and provided for legacy compatbility. it is recommended to use saveImage() instead, which supports multiple image formats.
Member segNet::Mask (float *output, uint32_t width, uint32_t height, FilterMode filter=FILTER_LINEAR)
this overload is for legacy compatibility. It expects float4 RGBA image.
Member segNet::Overlay (float *output, uint32_t width, uint32_t height, FilterMode filter=FILTER_LINEAR)
this overload is for legacy compatibility. It expects float4 RGBA image.
Member segNet::Process (float *input, uint32_t width, uint32_t height, const char *ignore_class="void")
this overload is for legacy compatibility. It expects float4 RGBA image.