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Yun_Log_BatteryDisCharging.ino File Reference
#include <Bridge.h>
#include <YunServer.h>
#include <YunClient.h>
#include <Wire.h>
#include <Adafruit_ADS1015.h>


#define AVERAGE   10
#define LOG_SIZE   30
#define LOG_TIME   300.0
#define multiplier   0.1875F /* ADS1115 @ +/- 6.144V gain (16-bit results) */


void setup ()
void loop ()
void process (YunClient client)
void adcCommand (YunClient client)
void monCommand (YunClient client)
void monitor_func (void)
void log_func (void)


unsigned long const MAX_unsigned_long = -1
float ADC_SE_0
float ADC_SE_1
float U
float I
float R
float P
float C
float E
float T
float lI
float lT
float W = 0.0
unsigned long t = 0
unsigned long lt = 0
int dsindex = LOG_SIZE - 1
YunServer server
Adafruit_ADS1115 ads

Macro Definition Documentation

#define AVERAGE   10
#define LOG_SIZE   30
#define LOG_TIME   300.0
#define multiplier   0.1875F /* ADS1115 @ +/- 6.144V gain (16-bit results) */

Function Documentation

void adcCommand ( YunClient  client)
void log_func ( void  )
void loop ( void  )

OneWirePJON device status update function.


Arduino IDE: put your main code here, to run repeatedly.

void monCommand ( YunClient  client)
void monitor_func ( void  )
void process ( YunClient  client)
void setup ( void  )

Arduino IDE: put your setup code here, to run once.

Variable Documentation

float ADC_SE_0
float ADC_SE_1
Adafruit_ADS1115 ads
float C
int dsindex = LOG_SIZE - 1
float E
float I
float lI
float lT
unsigned long lt = 0
unsigned long const MAX_unsigned_long = -1
float P
float R
YunServer server
float T
unsigned long t = 0
float U
float W = 0.0