Go to the documentation of this file.
63 #define MINTHROTTLE 1150 // (*) (**)
67 #define MAXTHROTTLE 1850
72 #define MINCOMMAND 1000
75 #define I2C_SPEED 100000L //100kHz normal mode, this value must be used for a genuine WMP
83 #define LOOP_TIME 2800
173 #define LSM9DS0 //combo + ACC + MAGN
228 #define PID_CONTROLLER 1
231 #define YAW_DIRECTION 1
234 #define ONLYARMWHENFLAT //prevent the copter from arming when the copter is tilted
269 #define CAM_TIME_HIGH 1000 // the duration of HIGH state servo expressed in ms
275 #define FLAPPERON_EP { 1500, 1700 } // Endpooints for flaps on a 2 way switch else set {1020,2000} and program in radio.
276 #define FLAPPERON_INVERT { -1, 1 } // Change direction om flapperons { Wing1, Wing2 }
292 #define YAW_COLL_PRECOMP 10 // (*) proportional factor in 0.1. Higher value -> higher precomp effect. value of 10 equals no/neutral effect
293 #define YAW_COLL_PRECOMP_DEADBAND 120 // (*) deadband for collective pitch input signal around 0-pitch input value
302 #define COLLECTIVE_RANGE { 80, 0, 80 }// {Min%, ZeroPitch offset from 1500, Max%}.
303 #define YAWMOTOR 0 // If a motor is used as YAW Set to 1 else set to 0.
307 #define SERVO_NICK { +10, -10, 0 }
308 #define SERVO_LEFT { +10, +5, +10 }
309 #define SERVO_RIGHT { +10, +5, -10 }
312 #define CONTROL_RANGE { 100, 100 } // { ROLL,PITCH }
405 #define SBUS_MID_OFFSET 988 //SBUS Mid-Point at 1500
507 #define SERIAL0_COM_SPEED 115200
508 #define SERIAL1_COM_SPEED 115200
509 #define SERIAL2_COM_SPEED 115200
510 #define SERIAL3_COM_SPEED 115200
514 #define NEUTRALIZE_DELAY 100000
606 #define FAILSAFE_DELAY 10 // Guard time for failsafe activation after signal lost. 1 step = 0.1sec - 1sec in example
607 #define FAILSAFE_OFF_DELAY 200 // Time for Landing before motors stop in 0.1sec. 1 step = 0.1sec - 20sec in example
608 #define FAILSAFE_THROTTLE (MINTHROTTLE + 200) // (*) Throttle level used for landing - may be relative to MINTHROTTLE - as in this case
679 #define GPS_BAUD 57600 // GPS_BAUD will override SERIALx_COM_SPEED for the selected port
721 #define NAV_CONTROLS_HEADING 1 //(**)
723 #define NAV_TAIL_FIRST 0 //(**)
725 #define NAV_SET_TAKEOFF_HEADING 1 //(**)
731 #define MAG_DECLINATION 4.02f //(**)
734 #define GPS_LEAD_FILTER //(**)
741 #define GPS_WP_RADIUS 100 //(**)
745 #define SAFE_WP_DISTANCE 500 //(**)
748 #define MAX_NAV_ALTITUDE 100 //(**)
751 #define NAV_SPEED_MIN 100 // cm/sec //(**)
753 #define NAV_SPEED_MAX 400 // cm/sec //(**)
755 #define NAV_SLOW_NAV 0 //(**)
757 #define CROSSTRACK_GAIN .4 //(**)
759 #define NAV_BANK_MAX 3000 //(**)
762 #define RTH_ALTITUDE 15 //(**)
764 #define WAIT_FOR_RTH_ALT 1 //(**)
767 #define NAV_TAKEOVER_BARO 1 //(**)
770 #define IGNORE_THROTTLE 1 //(**)
774 #define FENCE_DISTANCE 600
777 #define LAND_SPEED 100
802 #define LCD_SERIAL_PORT 0 // must be 0 on Pro Mini and single serial boards; Set to your choice on any Mega based board
821 #define LCD_MENU_PREV 'p'
822 #define LCD_MENU_NEXT 'n'
823 #define LCD_VALUE_UP 'u'
824 #define LCD_VALUE_DOWN 'd'
826 #define LCD_MENU_SAVE_EXIT 's'
827 #define LCD_MENU_ABORT 'x'
902 #define VBATSCALE 131 // (*) (**) change this value if readed Battery voltage is different than real voltage
903 #define VBATNOMINAL 126 // 12,6V full battery nominal voltage - only used for lcd.telemetry
904 #define VBATLEVEL_WARN1 107 // (*) (**) 10,7V
905 #define VBATLEVEL_WARN2 99 // (*) (**) 9.9V
906 #define VBATLEVEL_CRIT 93 // (*) (**) 9.3V - critical condition: if vbat ever goes below this value, permanent alarm is triggered
907 #define NO_VBAT 16 // Avoid beeping without any battery
908 #define VBAT_OFFSET 0 // offset in 0.1Volts, gets added to voltage value - useful for zener diodes
914 #define VBAT_CELLS_NUM 0 // set this to the number of cells you monitor via analog pins
915 #define VBAT_CELLS_PINS {A0, A1, A2, A3, A4, A5 } // set this to the sequence of analog pins
916 #define VBAT_CELLS_OFFSETS {0, 50, 83, 121, 149, 177 } // in 0.1 volts, gets added to voltage value - useful for zener diodes
917 #define VBAT_CELLS_DIVS { 75, 122, 98, 18, 30, 37 } // divisor for proportional part according to resistors - larger value here gives smaller voltage
931 #define PSENSORNULL 510
986 #define BOARD_NAME "MultiWii V-.--"
993 #define NO_FLASH_CHECK
1001 #define VBAT_PRESCALER 16 // set this to 8 if vbatscale would exceed 255
1034 #define SERVO_RFR_50HZ
1055 #define MEGA_HW_PWM_SERVOS
1068 #define SERVO_RFR_RATE 50 // In Hz, you can set it from 20 to 400Hz, used only in HW PWM mode for mega and 32u4
1152 #define ESC_CALIB_HIGH 2000
1160 #define LCD_TELEMETRY_FREQ 23 // to send telemetry data over serial 23 <=> 60ms <=> 16Hz (only sending interlaced, so 8Hz update rate)
1161 #define LCD_TELEMETRY_AUTO_FREQ 967// to step to next telemetry page 967 <=> 3s
1162 #define PSENSOR_SMOOTH 16 // len of averaging vector for smoothing the PSENSOR readings; should be power of 2; set to 1 to disable
1163 #define VBAT_SMOOTH 16 // len of averaging vector for smoothing the VBAT readings; should be power of 2; set to 1 to disable
1164 #define RSSI_SMOOTH 16 // len of averaging vector for smoothing the RSSI readings; should be power of 2; set to 1 to disable
1202 #define DISABLE_POWER_PIN