
EGradle is a lightweight gradle integration for eclipse which includes junit integration, launching, etc. and also a very feature rich editor.

With Version 2.0 the editor was refactored and enabled to work standalone. So if you use another gradle integration for eclipse but you want to use the EGradle editor you can now install EGradle editor from eclipse market place instead of full EGradle IDE. Of course the editor is still an integrated part of EGradle IDE.

More information about EGradle IDE can be found inside user guide. There exists also a tutorial playlist at YouTube. If you have only installed the editor you should only look at this page.




Why EGradle?

There are other gradle integrations for eclipse (Gradle IDE, Buildship, ...).
So why just another one? EGradle does it in another way than other integrations:

What are the features of EGradle?

Open the user guide in this help, or, if your are curious about new features being in development, look at Features overview (GitHub)

What has changed between releases, what's new ?

Please look into Release history (GitHub)