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Latest Release for C# / .NET

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Release Notes

Version History on GitHub

Concordion.NET 1.5.0 - March 2016

This release of Concordion.NET needs NUnit 2.6.4 to run executable specifications.

Concordion.NET has reached full compatibility with Concordion 1.5.1:


Bug Fixes

Concordion.NET 1.5.0 beta - January 2016

This release of Concordion.NET needs NUnit 2.6.4 to run executable specifications.

For details about features and bug fixes please see release information of Concordion.NET 1.5.0.

Concordion.NET 1.3.0 - May 2015

This release of Concordion.NET needs NUnit 2.6.4 to run executable specifications.


Bug Fixes

Concordion.NET 1.2.0 - March 2015

This release of Concordion.NET needs NUnit 2.6.3 to run executable specifications.


Concordion.NET 1.1.0 - October 2014


Concordion.NET 1.0.0 - May 2014


Bug Fixes

Previous Versions

Please, find older versions of Concordion.NET on the original Google Codes project.

These releases are needed by many people for legacy work, so we keep them around for download. Bugs are accepted on older releases only if they can be reproduced on a current release.