
You can run Concordion.NET acceptance tests within Visual Studio with ReSharper:

  1. Download Concordion.NET.
  2. Install ReSharper
  3. Copy Concordion.NUnit.dll from the tools directory of the Concordion.NET package into the addin directory of your ReSharper installation (<resharper-installation-path>\Bin\addins\)
  4. Run your Concordion.NET acceptance tests with ReSharper
    1. To run a single test directly from the editor: Click on the ReSharper testing icon next to the line of your fixture class definition and select the Run or Debug option in the context menu.
    2. To run multiple tests: Right click on the element containing the tests of interest in the Solution Explorer and select either the Run Unit Tests or Debug Unit Tests option in the context menu.

When running the automated tests with ReSharper you can see the progress and results in the Unit Test Sessions window:

ReSharper Unit Test Session