This collection of pages describes the external M2M Python API, which gives access to the IOS-XR management plane intended for direct use by Cisco customers. Example usage:

from xrm2m import RootOper, connect

conn = connect()
for path, info in conn.get(RootOper.Interfaces):
    print(path["InterfaceName"], info["MTU"], info["ActualState"])

The interface also has facilities for operating asynchronously, and remotely over SSH.

See Usage examples for more examples.

The main module exports are:

  • connect(): Function to connect to a router, and return a Connection object. Connection objects have methods which perform manageability and schema requests/operations on the server (eg. get, set).
  • connect_async(): Asynchronous equivalent to connect() which returns a AsyncConnection object, which is an asynchronous equivalent of the Connection object. sync() can be called on a AsyncConnection object to give the equivalent Connection object without creating a new underlying connection.
  • RootCfg and RootOper which are Path objects, from which all other paths are created via attribute access and calling syntax.
  • Transport classes which define a method of connection to a remote router. Arguments include identifying information (eg. IP address) for the router in question, and user credentials as necessary. Currently only SSHTransport is supported, which uses SSH to connect to a router remotely.

Asynchronous functions and methods return asyncio Future objects on Python 3, and Trollius Future objects on Python 2.