Usage examples

Summarise interfaces

Complete examples of a very simple summary of some operational data.

These include all setup overhead and cover all on-box/off-box and sync/async combinations (showing relative verbosity/differences).

On box, sync

from cisco.sdk import ApplicationContext, EventContext
from xrm2m import RootOper, connect

app_ctx = ApplicationContext("interface-summarizer")
event_loop = EventContext(app_ctx)

conn = connect(loop=event_loop)
for path, info in conn.get(RootOper.Interfaces):
    print(path["InterfaceName"], info["MTU"], info["ActualState"])

On box, async

from cisco.sdk import ApplicationContext, EventContext
from xrm2m import RootOper, connect_async

app_ctx = ApplicationContext("interface-summarizer")
event_loop = EventContext(app_ctx)

async def summarise_intfs():
   conn = await connect_async(loop=event_loop)
   for path, info in await conn.get(RootOper.Interfaces):
       print(path["InterfaceName"], info["MTU"], info["ActualState"])

task = event_loop.create_task(summarise_intfs())

Off box, sync

from xrm2m import RootOper, connect, SSHTransport

# Default asyncio/trollius event loop used unless otherwise specified
conn = connect(SSHTransport("LSR42", "netops"))
for path, info in conn.get(RootOper.Interfaces):
    print(path["InterfaceName"], info["MTU"], info["ActualState"])

Off box, async

import asyncio
from xrm2m import RootOper, connect_async, SSHTransport

async def summarise_intfs():
   # Default asyncio/trollius event loop used unless otherwise specified
   conn = await connect_async(SSHTransport("LSR42", "netops"))
   for path, info in await conn.get(RootOper.Interfaces):
       print(path["InterfaceName"], info["MTU"], info["ActualState"])

event_loop = asyncio.get_event_loop()
task = event_loop.create_task(summarise_intfs())

Summarise, recompose TE tunnel interfaces

Some more complex examples of read operations, working with TE tunnel config.

These are all sync, omitting the standard overhead. For async, mentally sprinkle await around.

Summarize TE tunnel interface-name mapping:

# This example also illustrates one potential gap: seamlessly retrieving the
# values of two leafs for all elements of the InterfaceConfiguration list in
# one get operation.

tunnels_cfg = RootCfg.InterfaceConfiguration("act", "tunnel-te*")

print("TE Tunnel Interface  Tail-IP\n--------- ---------- --------")
for path, signame in conn.get(tunnels_cfg.TunnelTEAttributes.SignalledName):
    destination = conn.get_value(conn.get_parent(path).Destination)
    print(signame, path["InterfaceName"], destination)

Summarize TE tunnel interface-name mapping, using ‘nested’ output format to reduce number of operations:

tunnels_cfg_path = RootCfg.InterfaceConfiguration("act", "tunnel-te*")

print("TE Tunnel Interface  Tail-IP\n--------- ---------- --------")
# N.B. same get RPC under the covers, just a non-clunking spelling for
# Python
tunnels_cfg = conn.get_nested(tunnels_cfg_path):
for tunnel_cfg in tunnels_cfg["RootCfg"]["InterfaceConfiguration"]:

Recompose data in a custom way, server-side filtering:

intfs_oper = RootOper.Interfaces.InterfaceBrief
tunnels_cfg = RootCfg.InterfaceConfiguration("act", "tunnel-te*")

for path, signame in conn.get(tunnels_cfg.TunnelTEAttributes.SignalledName):
    oper_state = conn.get_value(intfs_oper(path["InterfaceName"]))
    print(signame, oper_state['MTU'], oper_state['ActualState'])

Reconfigure TE metrics

Basic config write examples, again omitting overheads and sync only.

Start changing the behavior of the router:

REGEXP = ".*SFO.*-3"
METRIC = {"MetricType": "Relative", "RelativeMetric": -5}

tunnels_signame_cfg = (RootCfg.InterfaceConfiguration("act", "tunnel-te*").

for path, signame in conn.get(tunnels_signame_cfg):
    if re.match(REGEXP, signame):
        conn.set(path.elems[:-1].Autoroute.Metric, METRIC)

Alternative, more efficient spelling of the above example (demonstrates bulk set capability):

REGEXP = ".*SFO.*-3"
METRIC = {"MetricType": "Relative", "RelativeMetric": -5}

tunnels_signame_cfg = (RootCfg.InterfaceConfiguration("act", "tunnel-te*").

conn.set((path.elems[:-1].Autoroute.Metric, METRIC)
         for path, signame in conn.get(tunnels_signame_cfg)
         if re.match(REGEXP, signame))

Subtree replace

    "SFO": {
        "Description": "to DEN",
        "IPV4Network.Addresses.Primary": ("", ""),
        "Bandwidth": 42
    "BOS": {
        "Description": "to CVG",
        "IPV4Network.Addresses.Primary": ("", ""),
        "Bandwidth": 43
    "MIA": {
        "Description": "to ATL",
        "IPV4Network.Addresses.Primary": ("", ""),
        "Bandwidth": 44

def extend_path(base_path, extra_pathstr):
    extended_path = base_path
    for elem in extra_pathstr.split("."):
        extended_path = getattr(extended_path, elem)
    return extended_path

intf_cfg = RootCfg.InterfaceConfiguration("act", "GigabitEthernet0/0/0/0")
for path, value in CONFIG[cfg.get_value(RootCfg.Hostname)].items():
    full_path = extend_path(intf_cfg, path)
    conn.set(full_path, value)