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Interface CvActionProps




Optional actionHandler

Allows the specification of a handler for 'client' side actions. This is a special class of actions that require some type of special processing by the client. (i.e. #search, #refresh, #calulateStatistics, etc.)

Optional actionId

actionId: string

The actionId of this action

Optional actionListeners

actionListeners: Array<function>

Array of CvListeners that will be notified of any actions fired

Optional catavolt

catavolt: AppContext

The Catavolt SDK entry point, an instance of the sdk {AppContext} which is always available to components. A singleton instance is used by the underlying components to interact with the sdk.

Optional eventRegistry

eventRegistry: CvEventRegistry

The CvEventRegistry handles decoupled communication between components. Any component may subscribe to and publish CvEvents. See also CvListener and CvEventType

Optional fireOnLoad

If this callback function is provided, automatically fire this action immediately upon mounting and return the result via the callback

Optional menuDef

menuDef: MenuDef

The sdk {MenuDef} that points to this action. If not specified the containing sdk {PaneContext} will be searched for the matching MenuDef

Optional navTarget

navTarget: string

Provide a target for any navigations that originate from this action. The navTarget should correspond to the 'targetId' value of the coresident CvNavigation or {@link CvNavigator}. This is useful for single page apps where components may be coresident.

Optional navigationListeners

navigationListeners: Array<function>

Register to receive CvEvents of type CvNavigationResult

Optional paneContext

paneContext: PaneContext

The sdk {PaneContext} associated with this action. If not specified, the context chain will be upwardly searched to find a component with a containing sdk {PaneContext} scopeObj

Optional renderer

renderer: function

Render override function. It should accept the following params:


The current cvContext. The cvContext.cvScope.scopeObj will be the sdk {MenuDef} object


A callback for firing the action

Type declaration

Optional selectionProvider

selectionProvider: CvValueProvider<Array<string>>

Provides any target values that may have been 'selected' when firing this action

Optional stateChangeListeners

stateChangeListeners: Array<function>

Register to receive CvEvents of type CvStateChangeResult

Optional wrapperElemName

wrapperElemName: string

Name of the wrapping element (should be component name) Defaults to 'span' from backward compatibility's sake

Optional wrapperElemProps

wrapperElemProps: any

Props for the wrapping element

Optional wrapperEventHandlerName

wrapperEventHandlerName: string

Name of the wrapperElem property that fires the action (i.e. onClick or onPress) Defaults to 'onClick'

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