Interface IJsonTabSetNode

interface IJsonTabSetNode {
    active?: boolean;
    autoSelectTab?: boolean;
    children: IJsonTabNode[];
    classNameTabStrip?: string;
    config?: any;
    enableActiveIcon?: boolean;
    enableClose?: boolean;
    enableDeleteWhenEmpty?: boolean;
    enableDivide?: boolean;
    enableDrag?: boolean;
    enableDrop?: boolean;
    enableMaximize?: boolean;
    enableSingleTabStretch?: boolean;
    enableTabScrollbar?: boolean;
    enableTabStrip?: boolean;
    enableTabWrap?: boolean;
    id?: string;
    maxHeight?: number;
    maximized?: boolean;
    maxWidth?: number;
    minHeight?: number;
    minWidth?: number;
    name?: string;
    selected?: number;
    tabLocation?: ITabLocation;
    type?: string;
    weight?: number;

Hierarchy (View Summary)


active?: boolean

Marks this as the active tab set, read from initial json but must subseqently be set on the model (only one tab set can be active)

autoSelectTab?: boolean

whether to select new/moved tabs in tabset

Default: inherited from Global attribute tabSetAutoSelectTab (default true)

children: IJsonTabNode[]
classNameTabStrip?: string

a class name to apply to the tab strip

Default: inherited from Global attribute tabSetClassNameTabStrip (default undefined)

config?: any

a place to hold json config used in your own code

Default: undefined

enableActiveIcon?: boolean

whether the active icon (*) should be displayed when the tabset is active

Default: inherited from Global attribute tabSetEnableActiveIcon (default false)

enableClose?: boolean

allow user to close tabset via a close button

Default: inherited from Global attribute tabSetEnableClose (default false)

enableDeleteWhenEmpty?: boolean

whether to delete this tabset when is has no tabs

Default: inherited from Global attribute tabSetEnableDeleteWhenEmpty (default true)

enableDivide?: boolean

allow user to drag tabs to region of this tabset, splitting into new tabset

Default: inherited from Global attribute tabSetEnableDivide (default true)

enableDrag?: boolean

allow user to drag tabs out this tabset

Default: inherited from Global attribute tabSetEnableDrag (default true)

enableDrop?: boolean

allow user to drag tabs into this tabset

Default: inherited from Global attribute tabSetEnableDrop (default true)

enableMaximize?: boolean

allow user to maximize tabset to fill view via maximize button

Default: inherited from Global attribute tabSetEnableMaximize (default true)

enableSingleTabStretch?: boolean

if the tabset has only a single tab then stretch the single tab to fill area and display in a header style

Default: inherited from Global attribute tabSetEnableSingleTabStretch (default false)

enableTabScrollbar?: boolean

whether to show a mini scrollbar for the tabs

Default: inherited from Global attribute tabSetEnableTabScrollbar (default false)

enableTabStrip?: boolean

enable tab strip and allow multiple tabs in this tabset

Default: inherited from Global attribute tabSetEnableTabStrip (default true)

enableTabWrap?: boolean

wrap tabs onto multiple lines

Default: inherited from Global attribute tabSetEnableTabWrap (default false)

id?: string

the unique id of the tab set, if left undefined a uuid will be assigned

Default: undefined

maxHeight?: number

maximum height (in px) for this tabset

Default: inherited from Global attribute tabSetMaxHeight (default 99999)

maximized?: boolean

Marks this tab set as being maximized, read from initial json but must subseqently be set on the model (only one tab set can be maximized)

maxWidth?: number

maximum width (in px) for this tabset

Default: inherited from Global attribute tabSetMaxWidth (default 99999)

minHeight?: number

minimum height (in px) for this tabset

Default: inherited from Global attribute tabSetMinHeight (default 0)

minWidth?: number

minimum width (in px) for this tabset

Default: inherited from Global attribute tabSetMinWidth (default 0)

name?: string

Default: undefined

selected?: number

index of selected/visible tab in tabset

Default: 0

tabLocation?: ITabLocation

the location of the tabs either top or bottom

Default: inherited from Global attribute tabSetTabLocation (default "top")

type?: string

Fixed value: "tabset"

weight?: number

relative weight for sizing of this tabset in parent row

Default: 100