HP82162A Tab


This virtual HP-IL device emulates a HP82162A printer.

HP-IL configuration:

Accessory ID0x20
Default Address1
Device ID

This virtual HP-IL device emulates a HP82162A thermal printer. The following features are not supported:

  • Barcode printing. Use the virtual HP7470A plotter instead or create barcodes for HP-41 program and SDATA files from the context menu in the drive tab.
  • HP-IL loop power down and asynchronous requests
  • Switch the printer to active listener status with the Print and Advance key.

The size of the internal printer buffer is not limited.

The formatted printer output is sent to a scrollable display. The display buffer contains up to 2000 lines. The display buffer can be cleared either by a HP-IL device clear command or by pressing the Clear key. The width of the display buffer is 24 characters (or 168 dots).

The default configuration of pyILPER does not contain a HP82162A printer tab. You have to add this device in the Virtual HP-IL device configuration in the file menu.

The paper size setting in the pyILPER configuration controls the paper size of the PDF output (see below).

Device controls

The HP82162A tab has the following controls:

  • Printer mode radio buttons. Selects one of the three printer modes.
  • Clear Resets the device in the same way as a HP-IL device clear.
  • Print Signal the HP-IL controller that the print key is down.
  • Advance Signal the HP-IL controller that the paper advance key is down.
  • PDF Generate a PDF file with the content of the printer display buffer. You may choose a filename, a header and the number of columns (1-3).
  • Device enabled checkbox: If checked, the virtual HP-IL printer is available and can be used as HP-IL device. The HP-IL loop must always be reconfigured after activation or deactivation.
  • Log Printer checkbox: Activates writing printer output to the file Devicename.log in the pyILPER working directory. Output is always appended to that file. A time stamp in the file marks the start and the end of each logging. The log file is closed automatically on program termination. Note: only character information is sent to the log file.

Tab configuration menu

  • Pixel size: set the pixel size of the printer output. If Default is selected, the setting of the pyILPER configuration is used. The pixel size of the PDF output is not affected.
  • Log buffering: enable or disable buffering of the log file. If log buffering is off the log file output is flushed to disk after an end of line was encountered. This enables watching the log file output but may decrease the execution speed of pyILPER considerably.