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Similar to the generic derivative example, we can calculate integrals in a similar manner:
template<typename value_type, typename function_type> inline value_type integral(const value_type a, const value_type b, const value_type tol, function_type func) { unsigned n = 1U; value_type h = (b - a); value_type I = (func(a) + func(b)) * (h / 2); for(unsigned k = 0U; k < 8U; k++) { h /= 2; value_type sum(0); for(unsigned j = 1U; j <= n; j++) { sum += func(a + (value_type((j * 2) - 1) * h)); } const value_type I0 = I; I = (I / 2) + (h * sum); const value_type ratio = I0 / I; const value_type delta = ratio - 1; const value_type delta_abs = ((delta < 0) ? -delta : delta); if((k > 1U) && (delta_abs < tol)) { break; } n *= 2U; } return I; }
The following sample program shows how the function can be called, we begin by defining a function object, which when integrated should yield the Bessel J function:
template<typename value_type> class cyl_bessel_j_integral_rep { public: cyl_bessel_j_integral_rep(const unsigned N, const value_type& X) : n(N), x(X) { } value_type operator()(const value_type& t) const { // pi * Jn(x) = Int_0^pi [cos(x * sin(t) - n*t) dt] return cos(x * sin(t) - (n * t)); } private: const unsigned n; const value_type x; };
/* The function can now be called as follows: */ int main(int, char**) { using boost::math::constants::pi; typedef boost::multiprecision::cpp_dec_float_50 mp_type; const float j2_f = integral(0.0F, pi<float>(), 0.01F, cyl_bessel_j_integral_rep<float>(2U, 1.23F)) / pi<float>(); const double j2_d = integral(0.0, pi<double>(), 0.0001, cyl_bessel_j_integral_rep<double>(2U, 1.23)) / pi<double>(); const mp_type j2_mp = integral(mp_type(0), pi<mp_type>(), mp_type(1.0E-20), cyl_bessel_j_integral_rep<mp_type>(2U, mp_type(123) / 100)) / pi<mp_type>(); // 0.166369 std::cout << std::setprecision(std::numeric_limits<float>::digits10) << j2_f << std::endl; // 0.166369383786814 std::cout << std::setprecision(std::numeric_limits<double>::digits10) << j2_d << std::endl; // 0.16636938378681407351267852431513159437103348245333 std::cout << std::setprecision(std::numeric_limits<mp_type>::digits10) << j2_mp << std::endl; // // Print true value for comparison: // 0.166369383786814073512678524315131594371033482453329 std::cout << boost::math::cyl_bessel_j(2, mp_type(123) / 100) << std::endl; }