Data Structures |
struct | EPR_ProductId |
| The EPR_ProductId structure contains information about an ENVISAT product file which has been opened with the epr_open_product() function. More...
struct | EPR_DatasetId |
| The EPR_DatasetId structure contains information about a dataset within an ENVISAT product file which has been opened with the epr_open_product() API function. More...
struct | EPR_DSD |
| The EPR_DSD structure contains information about the propertier of a dataset properties and its location within an ENVISAT product file. More...
struct | EPR_Record |
| The EPR_Record structure represents a record instance read from an ENVISAT dataset. More...
struct | EPR_Field |
| Represents a field within a record. More...
struct | EPR_Raster |
| Represents a raster in which data will be stored. More...
struct | EPR_DatasetRef |
| The EPR_DatasetRef structure represents the information from dddb
with the reference to data name (in dddb), field-name and index of the element in field-array, in which (by name) searchable values are located. More...
struct | EPR_FlagDef |
| Represents a flag-field within a flag-record. More...
struct | EPR_BandId |
| The EPR_BandId structure contains information about a band within an ENVISAT product file which has been opened with the epr_open_product() API function. More...
struct | EPR_Time |
| Represents a binary time value field in ENVISAT records. More...
Defines |
#define | EPR_PRODUCT_API_NAME_STR "ENVISAT Product Reader API" |
#define | EPR_MAGIC_BAND_ID 0xFEC21ABD |
#define | TRUE 1 |
#define | FALSE 0 |
#define | EPR_PRODUCT_ID_STRLEN 48 |
Typedefs |
typedef enum EPR_DataTypeId | EPR_EDataTypeId |
typedef enum EPR_ErrCode | EPR_EErrCode |
typedef enum EPR_LogLevel | EPR_ELogLevel |
typedef enum EPR_SampleModel | EPR_ESampleModel |
typedef enum EPR_ScalingMethod | EPR_EScalingMethod |
typedef struct EPR_ProductId | EPR_SProductId |
typedef struct EPR_DatasetId | EPR_SDatasetId |
typedef struct EPR_BandId | EPR_SBandId |
typedef struct EPR_Record | EPR_SRecord |
typedef struct EPR_RecordInfo | EPR_SRecordInfo |
typedef struct EPR_Field | EPR_SField |
typedef struct EPR_FieldInfo | EPR_SFieldInfo |
typedef struct EPR_DSD | EPR_SDSD |
typedef struct EPR_Raster | EPR_SRaster |
typedef struct EPR_FlagDef | EPR_SFlagDef |
typedef struct EPR_ParamElem | EPR_SParamElem |
typedef struct EPR_Time | EPR_STime |
typedef struct EPR_DatasetRef | EPR_SDatasetRef |
typedef struct EPR_BitmaskTerm | EPR_SBitmaskTerm |
typedef struct EPR_FlagSet | EPR_SFlagSet |
typedef void(* | EPR_FErrHandler )(EPR_EErrCode err_code, const char *err_message) |
typedef void(* | EPR_FLogHandler )(EPR_ELogLevel log_level, const char *log_message) |
typedef int | epr_boolean |
typedef unsigned char | uchar |
typedef unsigned short | ushort |
typedef unsigned int | uint |
typedef unsigned long | ulong |
typedef int | EPR_Magic |
Enumerations |
enum | EPR_DataTypeId {
e_tid_unknown = 0,
e_tid_uchar = 1,
e_tid_char = 2,
e_tid_ushort = 3,
e_tid_short = 4,
e_tid_uint = 5,
e_tid_int = 6,
e_tid_float = 7,
e_tid_double = 8,
e_tid_string = 11,
e_tid_spare = 13,
e_tid_time = 21
} |
| The EPR_DataTypeId enumeration lists all possible data types for field elements in ENVISAT dataset records.
enum | EPR_ErrCode {
e_err_none = 0,
e_err_null_pointer = 1,
e_err_illegal_arg = 2,
e_err_illegal_state = 3,
e_err_out_of_memory = 4,
e_err_index_out_of_range = 5,
e_err_illegal_conversion = 6,
e_err_illegal_data_type = 7,
e_err_file_not_found = 101,
e_err_file_access_denied = 102,
e_err_file_read_error = 103,
e_err_file_write_error = 104,
e_err_file_open_failed = 105,
e_err_file_close_failed = 106,
e_err_api_not_initialized = 201,
e_err_invalid_product_id = 203,
e_err_invalid_record = 204,
e_err_invalid_band = 205,
e_err_invalid_raster = 206,
e_err_invalid_dataset_name = 207,
e_err_invalid_field_name = 208,
e_err_invalid_record_name = 209,
e_err_invalid_product_name = 210,
e_err_invalid_band_name = 211,
e_err_invalid_data_format = 212,
e_err_invalid_value = 213,
e_err_invalid_keyword_name = 214,
e_err_unknown_endian_order = 216,
e_err_flag_not_found = 301,
e_err_invalid_ddbb_format = 402
} |
| The EPR_ErrCode enumeration lists all possible error codes for the ENVISAT product reader API.
enum | EPR_LogLevel { e_log_debug = -1,
e_log_info = 0,
e_log_warning = 1,
e_log_error = 2
} |
| The EPR_LogLevel enumeration lists possible log levels for the ENVISAT product reader API.
enum | EPR_SampleModel {
e_smod_1OF1 = 0,
e_smod_1OF2 = 1,
e_smod_2OF2 = 2,
e_smod_3TOI = 3,
e_smod_2TOF = 4
} |
enum | EPR_ScalingMethod { e_smid_non = 0,
e_smid_lin = 1,
e_smid_log = 2
} |
Functions |
int | epr_init_api (EPR_ELogLevel log_level, EPR_FLogHandler log_handler, EPR_FErrHandler err_handler) |
| Initializes the ENVISAT product reader API.
void | epr_close_api () |
| Closes the ENVISAT product reader API by releasing all resources allocated by the API.
int | epr_set_log_level (EPR_ELogLevel log_level) |
| Sets the log level for the ENVISAT API.
void | epr_set_log_handler (EPR_FLogHandler log_handler) |
| Sets the log handler for the ENVISAT API.
void | epr_log_message (EPR_ELogLevel log_level, const char *log_message) |
| A default implementation for a logging function to be passed into the epr_init() function.
void | epr_set_err_handler (EPR_FErrHandler err_handler) |
| Sets the error handler for the ENVISAT API.
EPR_EErrCode | epr_get_last_err_code () |
| Gets the error code of the error that occured during the last API function call.
const char * | epr_get_last_err_message () |
| Gets the error message of the error that occured during the last API function call.
void | epr_clear_err () |
| Clears the last error.
EPR_SProductId * | epr_open_product (const char *product_file_path) |
| Opens the ENVISAT product file with the given file path,
reads MPH, SPH and all DSDs,
organized the table with parameter of line length and tie points number;
returns a file identifier for the product.
int | epr_close_product (EPR_SProductId *product_id) |
| Closes the ENVISAT product file determined by the given product identifier.
void | epr_print_record (const EPR_SRecord *record, FILE *ostream) |
void | epr_print_field (const EPR_SField *field, FILE *ostream) |
void | epr_print_element (const EPR_SRecord *record, uint field_index, uint element_index, FILE *ostream) |
void | epr_dump_record (const EPR_SRecord *record) |
void | epr_dump_field (const EPR_SField *field) |
void | epr_dump_element (const EPR_SRecord *record, uint field_index, uint element_index) |
uint | epr_get_scene_width (const EPR_SProductId *product_id) |
| Gets the product's scene width in pixels.
uint | epr_get_scene_height (const EPR_SProductId *product_id) |
| Gets the product's scene height in pixels.
uint | epr_get_num_datasets (EPR_SProductId *product_id) |
| Gets the number off all datasets contained in a product.
EPR_SDatasetId * | epr_get_dataset_id_at (EPR_SProductId *product_id, uint index) |
| Gets the dataset_id at the specified position within the product.
EPR_SDatasetId * | epr_get_dataset_id (EPR_SProductId *product_id, const char *dataset_name) |
| Gets the dataset_id coresponding to the specified dataset name.
const char * | epr_get_dataset_name (EPR_SDatasetId *dataset_id) |
| Gets the name of the dataset for the given dataset ID.
const char * | epr_get_dsd_name (const EPR_SDatasetId *dataset_id) |
| Gets the name of the dsd for the given dataset ID.
EPR_SRecord * | epr_get_mph (const EPR_SProductId *product_id) |
| Gets the MPH record from the given product_id .
EPR_SRecord * | epr_get_sph (const EPR_SProductId *product_id) |
| Gets the SPH record from the given product_id .
const EPR_SDSD * | epr_get_dsd (const EPR_SDatasetId *dataset_id) |
| Gets the dataset descriptor (DSD) for the dataset specified by dataset_id .
uint | epr_get_num_records (const EPR_SDatasetId *dataset_id) |
| Gets the number of records of the dataset specified by dataset_id .
uint | epr_get_num_dsds (const EPR_SProductId *product_id) |
EPR_SDSD * | epr_get_dsd_at (const EPR_SProductId *product_id, uint dsd_index) |
EPR_SRecord * | epr_create_record (EPR_SDatasetId *dataset_id) |
| Creates a new, empty record with a structure compatible with the dataset specified by dataset_id.
EPR_SRecord * | epr_read_record (EPR_SDatasetId *dataset_id, uint record_index, EPR_SRecord *record) |
| Reads a record of a dataset specified by dataset_id.
void | epr_free_record (EPR_SRecord *record) |
| Frees the memory allocated through the given record.
const EPR_SField * | epr_get_field (const EPR_SRecord *record, const char *field_name) |
| Gets a field from the given record.
uint | epr_get_num_fields (const EPR_SRecord *record) |
| Gets the number of fields contained in the given record.
const EPR_SField * | epr_get_field_at (const EPR_SRecord *record, uint field_index) |
| Gets a field at the specified position within the record.
const char * | epr_get_field_unit (const EPR_SField *field) |
| Gets the unit of the field.
const char * | epr_get_field_description (const EPR_SField *field) |
| Gets the description of the field.
uint | epr_get_field_num_elems (const EPR_SField *field) |
| Gets the number of elements of the field.
const char * | epr_get_field_name (const EPR_SField *field) |
| Gets the name of the field.
EPR_EDataTypeId | epr_get_field_type (const EPR_SField *field) |
| Gets the type of the field.
char | epr_get_field_elem_as_char (const EPR_SField *field, uint elem_index) |
uchar | epr_get_field_elem_as_uchar (const EPR_SField *field, uint elem_index) |
short | epr_get_field_elem_as_short (const EPR_SField *field, uint elem_index) |
ushort | epr_get_field_elem_as_ushort (const EPR_SField *field, uint elem_index) |
int | epr_get_field_elem_as_int (const EPR_SField *field, uint elem_index) |
uint | epr_get_field_elem_as_uint (const EPR_SField *field, uint elem_index) |
float | epr_get_field_elem_as_float (const EPR_SField *field, uint elem_index) |
double | epr_get_field_elem_as_double (const EPR_SField *field, uint elem_index) |
const EPR_STime * | epr_get_field_elem_as_mjd (const EPR_SField *field) |
const char * | epr_get_field_elem_as_str (const EPR_SField *field) |
const char * | epr_get_field_elems_char (const EPR_SField *field) |
const uchar * | epr_get_field_elems_uchar (const EPR_SField *field) |
const short * | epr_get_field_elems_short (const EPR_SField *field) |
const ushort * | epr_get_field_elems_ushort (const EPR_SField *field) |
const int * | epr_get_field_elems_int (const EPR_SField *field) |
const uint * | epr_get_field_elems_uint (const EPR_SField *field) |
const float * | epr_get_field_elems_float (const EPR_SField *field) |
const double * | epr_get_field_elems_double (const EPR_SField *field) |
uint | epr_copy_field_elems_as_ints (const EPR_SField *field, int *buffer, uint num_elems) |
uint | epr_copy_field_elems_as_uints (const EPR_SField *field, uint *buffer, uint num_elems) |
uint | epr_copy_field_elems_as_floats (const EPR_SField *field, float *buffer, uint num_elems) |
uint | epr_copy_field_elems_as_doubles (const EPR_SField *field, double *buffer, uint num_elems) |
EPR_SRaster * | epr_create_compatible_raster (EPR_SBandId *band_id, uint source_width, uint source_height, uint source_step_x, uint source_step_y) |
| Creates a raster which is compatible with the data type contained in the band identified by band_id.
EPR_SRaster * | epr_create_raster (EPR_EDataTypeId data_type, uint source_width, uint source_height, uint source_step_x, uint source_step_y) |
| Creates a raster of the specified data type.
EPR_SRaster * | epr_create_bitmask_raster (uint source_width, uint source_height, uint source_step_x, uint source_step_y) |
| Creates a raster to be used for reading bitmasks.
int | epr_read_band_raster (EPR_SBandId *band_id, int offset_x, int offset_y, EPR_SRaster *raster) |
| Reads (geo-)physical values of the given band of the specified source-region.
uint | epr_get_raster_elem_size (const EPR_SRaster *raster) |
void * | epr_get_raster_elem_addr (const EPR_SRaster *raster, uint offset) |
void * | epr_get_raster_pixel_addr (const EPR_SRaster *raster, uint x, uint y) |
void * | epr_get_raster_line_addr (const EPR_SRaster *raster, uint y) |
uint | epr_get_raster_width (EPR_SRaster *raster) |
| Gets the raster's scene width in pixels.
uint | epr_get_raster_height (EPR_SRaster *raster) |
| Gets the raster's scene height in pixels.
uint | epr_get_num_bands (EPR_SProductId *product_id) |
| Gets the number of all bands contained in a product.
EPR_SBandId * | epr_get_band_id_at (EPR_SProductId *product_id, uint index) |
| Gets the band ID at the specified position within the product.
EPR_SBandId * | epr_get_band_id (EPR_SProductId *product_id, const char *band_name) |
| Gets the band ID corresponding to the specified name.
const char * | epr_get_band_name (EPR_SBandId *band_id) |
| Gets the name of the band for the given band ID.
void | epr_free_raster (EPR_SRaster *raster) |
| Release the memory allocated through a raster.
uint | epr_get_pixel_as_uint (const EPR_SRaster *raster, int x, int y) |
| This group of functions is for getting the values of the elements of a raster (i.e.
int | epr_get_pixel_as_int (const EPR_SRaster *raster, int x, int y) |
float | epr_get_pixel_as_float (const EPR_SRaster *raster, int x, int y) |
double | epr_get_pixel_as_double (const EPR_SRaster *raster, int x, int y) |
int | epr_read_bitmask_raster (EPR_SProductId *product_id, const char *bm_expr, int offset_x, int offset_y, EPR_SRaster *raster) |
| Calculates a bit-mask, composed of flags of the given product and combined as described in the given bit-mask expression, for the a certain dimension and sub-sampling as defined in the given raster.
uint | epr_get_data_type_size (EPR_EDataTypeId data_type_id) |
| Gets the size in bytes for an element of the given data type.
const char * | epr_data_type_id_to_str (EPR_EDataTypeId data_type_id) |
| Gets the 'C' data type string for the given data type.