public static class


extends Object

Class Overview

Group chat


String BASECOLUMN_ID The name of the column containing the unique id across provider tables.
String CHAT_ID The name of the column containing the unique ID of the group chat.
String CONTACT ContactId formatted number of the inviter of the group chat or null if this is a group chat initiated by the local user (ie outgoing group chat).
String DIRECTION The name of the column containing the direction of the group chat.
int HISTORYLOG_MEMBER_ID History log member id
String PARTICIPANTS The name of the column containing the list of participants and associated status.
String REASON_CODE The name of the column containing the reason code of the state of the group chat.
String STATE The name of the column containing the state of the group chat.
String SUBJECT The name of the column containing the subject of the group chat.
String TIMESTAMP The name of the column containing the time when group chat is created.
public static final Uri CONTENT_URI Content provider URI for chat conversations
Public Methods
static Map<ContactIdGroupChat.ParticipantStatus> getParticipants(Context ctx, String participants)
Utility method to get participants from its string representation in the ChatLog provider.
Inherited Methods
From class java.lang.Object


public static final String BASECOLUMN_ID

Since: API Level 1.5

The name of the column containing the unique id across provider tables.


Constant Value: "_id"

public static final String CHAT_ID

Since: API Level 1.5

The name of the column containing the unique ID of the group chat.

Type: TEXT

Constant Value: "chat_id"

public static final String CONTACT

Since: API Level 1.5

ContactId formatted number of the inviter of the group chat or null if this is a group chat initiated by the local user (ie outgoing group chat).

Type: TEXT

Constant Value: "contact"

public static final String DIRECTION

Since: API Level 1.5

The name of the column containing the direction of the group chat.


Constant Value: "direction"

public static final int HISTORYLOG_MEMBER_ID

Since: API Level 1.5

History log member id

Constant Value: 0 (0x00000000)

public static final String PARTICIPANTS

Since: API Level 1.5

The name of the column containing the list of participants and associated status.

Type: TEXT

Constant Value: "participants"

public static final String REASON_CODE

Since: API Level 1.5

The name of the column containing the reason code of the state of the group chat.


Constant Value: "reason_code"

public static final String STATE

Since: API Level 1.5

The name of the column containing the state of the group chat.


See Also
Constant Value: "state"

public static final String SUBJECT

Since: API Level 1.5

The name of the column containing the subject of the group chat.

Type: TEXT

Constant Value: "subject"

public static final String TIMESTAMP

Since: API Level 1.5

The name of the column containing the time when group chat is created.


Constant Value: "timestamp"


public static final Uri CONTENT_URI

Since: API Level 1.5

Content provider URI for chat conversations

Public Methods

public static Map<ContactIdGroupChat.ParticipantStatus> getParticipants (Context ctx, String participants)

Since: API Level 1.5

Utility method to get participants from its string representation in the ChatLog provider.

ctx the context
participants Participants in string representation
  • Participants