LArOpenCV  1
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Class List
Here are the classes, structs, unions and interfaces with brief descriptions:
[detail level 123]
oNlarcaffeC++ namespace for developping LArTPC software interface to deep learning tool caffe
|oNmsgNamespace for larcaffe message related types
|oCImage2DMeant to be a storage class for an image into a ROOT file
|oCImageMetaA simple class to store image's meta data including
0) origin (left-bottom corner of the picture) absolute coordinate
1) horizontal and vertical size (width and height) in double precision
2) number of horizontal and vertical pixels
It is meant to be associated with a specific cv::Mat or larcv::Image2D object
(where the latter class contains ImageMeta as an attribute)
|oClarbysThrow insignificant larbys when you find nonesense
|oCloggerUtility class used to show formatted message on the screen
|\CPoint2DSimple 2D point struct
oNlarcvC++ namespace for developping LArTPC software interface to OpenCV based algorithm tools (LArOpenCV)
|oNconvertC++ namespace for a collection of Python<=>LArOpenCV C++ object conversion functions/classes
|oNmsgNamespace for larcv message related types
|oCImageManagerA utility container class for multiple image objects with corresponding metadata per image
|oClaropencv_baseVery base class of all everything else defined in this framework
|oCPoint2DArrayAn array of 2D points implemented as 1D std::vector<double> for I/O performance It is meant to be used to store larcv::Contour_t in a ROOT file but not yet implemented (ignore!)
|oCEmptyImageClusterA simple clustering algorithm meant to serve for testing/example by Kazu
|oCEmptyImageClusterFactoryA concrete factory class for larcv::EmptyImageCluster
|oCImageClusterBaseAn abstract base class for ImageCluster algorithms
|oCImageClusterFactoryBaseAbstract base class for factory (to be implemented per algorithm)
|oCImageClusterFactoryFactory class for instantiating algorithm instance by larcv::ImageClusterManager This factory class can instantiate a specified algorithm instance w/ provided instance name
|oCImageClusterManagerClass to execute a chain of algorithms to a given image input
|oCSBClusterFactoryA concrete factory class for larcv::SBCluster
|oCToyImageClusterA simple clustering algorithm meant to serve for testing/example by Kazu
|oCToyImageClusterFactoryA concrete factory class for larcv::ToyImageCluster
|oCWatchvery simple stopwatch class for simple time measurement
|oCImage2DBorrowed from larcaffe (see larcaffe::Image2D)
|oCImageMetaBorrowed from larcaffe (see larcaffe::ImageMeta)
|\ClarbysBorrowed from larcaffe (see larcaffe::larbys)
 oCLArImageClusterBaseUser custom analysis class made by SHELL_USER_NAME
 oCLArImageHitUser custom analysis class made by SHELL_USER_NAME
 oCLArImageWireUser custom analysis class made by SHELL_USER_NAME
 \CHitImageMakerUser custom analysis class made by SHELL_USER_NAME