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Classes | Namespaces
Point2DArray.h File Reference

Class def header for a 2D point array holder. More...

#include <vector>
#include "LArCVTypes.h"

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class  larcv::Point2DArray
 An array of 2D points implemented as 1D std::vector<double> for I/O performance It is meant to be used to store larcv::Contour_t in a ROOT file but not yet implemented (ignore!) More...


 C++ namespace for developping LArTPC software interface to OpenCV based algorithm tools (LArOpenCV)
 C++ namespace for a collection of Python<=>LArOpenCV C++ object conversion functions/classes.

Detailed Description

Class def header for a 2D point array holder.

tmw, kazu

Definition in file Point2DArray.h.