NativeBase Cheat Sheet
0.1. Basic Layout
Component | Description | Replacing Component |
<Container> | Complete section of screen | React Native View |
<Header> | Header or Navbar of screen | React Native View |
<Content> | Body element of screen | React Native KeyboardAwareScrollView |
0.2. Components
Component | Description | Replacing Component |
<ActionSheet> | Flexible and extensible content container | React Native Modal |
<Badge> |
Numerical indicators used to notify an element |
React Native View |
blue background color | |
green background color | |
light blue background color | |
yellow background color | |
red background color | |
<Button> | Submit or reset a form, Navigate etc |
React Native - TouchableOpacity (iOS) TouchableNativeFeedback (Android) |
state of button | |
renders child element of button | |
outline button style | |
button with slightly round shaped edges | |
block level button | |
full width button | |
disables click option for button | |
small size button | |
large size button | |
aligns icon to the left in button | |
aligns icon to the right in button | |
light white background color | |
blue background color | |
green background color | |
light blue background color | |
yellow background color | |
red background color | |
<Card> | Flexible and extensible content container | React Native View |
iOS - no card shadow Android - no elevation |
array of data chunks to render iteratively | |
Flag indicating whether empty section headers should be rendered | |
<CardItem> | Child component of <Card> | React Native TouchableOpacity / View |
renders text as header for cards | |
body section for card | |
renders text as footer for cards | |
navigate on click of a card item | |
adds border to card item | |
custom card border radius | |
custom card border radius | |
<CheckBox> | Multiple selections from a set of choices | React Native TouchableOpacity |
represents the state value of an item | |
background color of checkbox | |
Handler to be called when checkbox is tapped | |
<Content> | Renders as body element of your screen | React Native KeyboardAwareScrollView |
applies margin at all sides to Content section | |
disables automatic scroll on focus | |
lets the user enable or disable automatic resetScrollToCoords | |
<DeckSwiper> | Swipes the card to left and right | React Native <View> |
<Fab> | Provides special type of promoted action. | React Native <Animated> |
toggle status of FAB | |
direction of buttons that popup on click of FAB | |
position of FAB on screen | |
padding options to render FAB | |
<FooterTab> | Tabs at Footer which is horizontal region of buttons or links for navigation. | React Native <View> |
button prop, sets a footer button active |
button prop, set to true if using Badges. |
button prop, vertically align footer elements.
| |
<Form> | Includes group of related input components | React Native <View> |
component for inputting text | React Native <TextInput> |
wrap around component with specific styles | React Native <TouchableOpacity> |
component for displaying text | React Native <Text> |
label is fixed to the left of the Input | |
label that animates upwards/downwards when input is selected/erased | |
label placed to the left of the input element | |
places the label on top of input element which appears like a stack | |
includes border with the textbox | |
includes rounded border with the textbox | |
includes rectangular border with the textbox | |
includes underline border with the textbox | |
disables inputting data | |
renders the same way the TextInput does with the form styling of NativeBase | |
string that will be rendered before text input has been entered | |
style the Form Item for the last Item of the Form | |
border color of textbox for invalid input | |
border color of textbox for valid input | |
<Header> | Renders as Header for your screen | React Native <View> |
components render to the left in Header | |
components render at the centre in Header | |
components render to the right in Header | |
set iOS barStyle | |
set background color for status bar in android | |
set background color | |
removes elevation from android | |
add searchBar to header or not | |
make Header searchBar rounded | |
add subtitle to the Header component | |
add Segments to Header component | |
add Tabs to Header component | |
button prop, add padding to Left for Text Button (iOS) |
eliminates Left, moves Title to left (Android) | |
doubles the header sizet | |
No Border, shadow, elevation | |
<Icon> | High definition icons and pixel ideal fonts | React Native Vector Icons <Icon> |
name of icon | |
name of the icon for iOS devices | |
name of the icon for Android devices | |
renders filled icon | |
color for icon | |
size of icon | |
Specify icon family | |
<Grid> | Cellular structure composed of Rows and Cols | React Native <View> |
<Col> | Column component for grid | React Native <View> |
<Row> | Row component for grid | React Native <View> |
<List> | Specifying lists of information | React Native <View> |
array of data chunks to render iteratively. | |
Callback which takes a chunk of data from dataArray and returns as a component. | |
<ListItem> | Child component of <List> |
React Native <TouchableOpacity> - iOS <TouchableNativeFeedback> - Android |
navigate on click of a list item | |
highlights the selected item | |
flag indicating whether empty section headers should be rendered | |
organize and group the list items | |
style the item as the header for the ListItes | |
adds style of first ListItem | |
adds style of last ListItem | |
to have list styling of icons | |
style the list to have Avatars | |
style the list to have Thumbnails | |
removes margin from left | |
<Picker> | Native picker component | React Native <Picker> |
makes component that appears as header of the Picker | |
custom style to be given to Header | |
custom text for the header back button | |
custom text style for the header back button | |
custom title style for the header title | |
icon with picker dropdown | |
custom text for the header title | |
text style of header | |
style of items in the Picker | |
text style of item component in Picker | |
allows the modal to be rotated to any of the specified orientations | |
default placeholder when no value is selected | |
Custom style for placeholder text in iOS | |
Set placeholder icon color in iOS | |
<Radio> | Single selection from a set of choices | React Native <TouchableOpacity> |
represents the state value of an item | |
inactive radio color | |
active radio color | |
Searchbar | Includes search bar in the <Header> section | React Native <View> |
wraps the search bar with predefined border options | |
<Segment> | Best used as an alternative for tabs | React Native <View> |
<Spinner> | Page loader | React Native <ActivityIndicator> |
color of Spinner. | |
<Swipeable List> | ListItems that swipe open and close | |
<Tabs> | Horizontal page swiper | react-native-scrollable-tab-view <ScrollableTabView> |
disable swipe | |
set default active tab | |
set selected tab | |
set position of Tabs | |
style of the default tab bar's underline | |
function to call when tab changes | |
function to call when pages are sliding | |
<Thumbnail> | Showcase an image with variuos dimensions and shapes | React Native <Image> |
size of icon | |
shape of thumbnail (default) | |
shape of thumbnail | |
small thumbnail with width and height of 36px | |
large thumbnail with width and height of 80px | |
<Toast> | Display quick warning or error messages | React Native <View> |
text content to be shown in the toast | |
style text content for toast | |
text to be displayed inside the button | |
style button text for toast | |
style button for toast | |
sets position for the Toast | |
sets context to the Toast | |
milliseconds after which Toast disappers | |
called just before the toast hides | |
Typography | Heading Tags | React Native <Text> |
font-size: 27 | |
font-size: 24 | |
font-size: 21 |