libnetconf  0.10.0-146_trunk
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Datastore operations

libnetconf's functions for handling NETCONF datastores. More information can be found at Datastores Usage page. More...

Collaboration diagram for Datastore operations:


 File Datastore
 Specific functions for NCDS_FILE_DS type of datastore implementation.
 Custom Datastore
 libnetconf's API to use a server-specific datastore implementation.


#define NCDS_INTERNAL_ID   0
 Datastore ID to access libnetconf's internal datastores such as notifications, monitoring, etc. More...
#define NCDS_RPC_NOT_APPLICABLE   ((void*)(&error_area))
 Return value of ncds_apply_rpc2all() when the requested operation is not applicable to the datastore. More...


typedef int ncds_id
 Datastore ID. More...


 Enumeration of the supported types of datastores defined by NETCONF. More...
 Datastore implementation types provided by libnetconf. More...


int ncds_add_model (const char *path)
 Add an configuration data model to the internal list of models. Such model is used to resolve imports, includes and uses statements in base models. More...
int ncds_add_models_path (const char *path)
 Specify a directory path to the location where the required (imported or included) data models can be found. This function can be called repeatedly to specify multiple locations. More...
nc_replyncds_apply_rpc2all (struct nc_session *session, const nc_rpc *rpc, ncds_id *ids[])
 Perform the requested RPC operation on the all datastores controlled by the libnetconf (created by ncdsd_new() and ncds_init()). More...
void ncds_break_locks (const struct nc_session *session)
 Remove all the locks that the given session is holding. More...
int ncds_consolidate (void)
 Consolidate all internal structures of created data stores and all data models. This function especially solves all YANG's uses and augment statements. More...
int ncds_feature_disable (const char *module, const char *feature)
 Disable usage of the specified feature defined in the specified module By default, all features are disabled. More...
int ncds_feature_enable (const char *module, const char *feature)
 Enable usage of the specified feature defined in the specified module. By default, all features are disabled. More...
int ncds_feature_isenabled (const char *module, const char *feature)
 Check if the feature of the specified module is currently enabled or disabled. More...
int ncds_features_disableall (const char *module)
 Disable usage of all features defined in the specified module. By default, all features are disabled. To disable only the specific feature(s), use ncds_feature_disable(). More...
int ncds_features_enableall (const char *module)
 Enable usage of all features defined in the specified module. By default, all features are disabled. To enable only the specific feature(s), use ncds_feature_enable(). More...
void ncds_free (struct ncds_ds *datastore)
 Close the specified datastore and free all the resources. More...
void ncds_free2 (ncds_id datastore_id)
 Close specified datastore and free all the resources. More...
char * ncds_get_model (ncds_id id, int base)
 Return a serialized XML containing the data model in the YIN format. More...
const char * ncds_get_model_path (ncds_id id)
 Return path to the file containing the datastore datamodel. More...
ncds_id ncds_init (struct ncds_ds *datastore)
 Activate datastore structure for use. More...
int ncds_model_info (const char *path, char **name, char **version, char **ns, char **prefix, char ***rpcs, char ***notifs)
 Informational function to get basic information about configuration data model in the given file. More...
struct ncds_ds * ncds_new (NCDS_TYPE type, const char *model_path, char *(*get_state)(const char *model, const char *running, struct nc_err **e))
 Create a new datastore structure of the specified implementation type. More...
struct ncds_ds * ncds_new2 (NCDS_TYPE type, const char *model_path, xmlDocPtr(*get_state)(const xmlDocPtr model, const xmlDocPtr running, struct nc_err **e))
 Create a new datastore structure of the specified implementation type with get_state function using libxml2. More...
int ncds_rollback (ncds_id id)
 Undo the last change performed on the specified datastore. More...
int ncds_set_validation (struct ncds_ds *ds, int enable, const char *relaxng, const char *schematron)
 Set validators (or disable validation) on the specified datastore. More...
int ncds_set_validation2 (struct ncds_ds *ds, int enable, const char *relaxng, const char *schematron, int(*valid_func)(const xmlDocPtr config, struct nc_err **err))
 Set validators (or disable validation) on the specified datastore. More...

Detailed Description

libnetconf's functions for handling NETCONF datastores. More information can be found at Datastores Usage page.

libnetconf's functions for handling NETCONF datastores.

Macro Definition Documentation

#define NCDS_INTERNAL_ID   0

Datastore ID to access libnetconf's internal datastores such as notifications, monitoring, etc.

#define NCDS_RPC_NOT_APPLICABLE   ((void*)(&error_area))

Return value of ncds_apply_rpc2all() when the requested operation is not applicable to the datastore.

Typedef Documentation

typedef int ncds_id

Datastore ID.

Each datastore gets its ID after initialisation (ncds_init()). Only initialised datastores can be used to access the configuration data.

Enumeration Type Documentation

Enumeration of the supported types of datastores defined by NETCONF.


error state of functions returning the datastore type


value describing that the datastore is set as config


value describing that the datastore data should be given from the URL


base NETCONF's datastore containing the current device configuration


separated startup datastore as defined in Distinct Startup Capability


separated working datastore as defined in Candidate Configuration Capability


Datastore implementation types provided by libnetconf.


virtual enum value for internal purposes


No real datastore. For read-only devices.


Datastores implemented as files


User-defined datastore

Function Documentation

int ncds_add_model ( const char *  path)

Add an configuration data model to the internal list of models. Such model is used to resolve imports, includes and uses statements in base models.

[in]pathPath to the YIN format of the configuration data model.
0 on success, non-zero on error.
int ncds_add_models_path ( const char *  path)

Specify a directory path to the location where the required (imported or included) data models can be found. This function can be called repeatedly to specify multiple locations.

[in]pathDirectory path
0 on success, non-zero on error.
nc_reply* ncds_apply_rpc2all ( struct nc_session *  session,
const nc_rpc rpc,
ncds_id ids[] 

Perform the requested RPC operation on the all datastores controlled by the libnetconf (created by ncdsd_new() and ncds_init()).

This function IS NOT thread safety.

[in]sessionNETCONF session (a dummy session is acceptable) where the <rpc> came from. Capabilities checks are done according to this session.
[in]rpcNETCONF <rpc> message specifying requested operation.
[out]idsPointer to a static array containing list of datastore IDs where the RPC was successfully applied. The list is terminated by value a (ncds_id)(-1). The list is rewritten by any following call to ncds_apply_rpc2all().
NULL in case of a non-NC_RPC_DATASTORE_* operation type or invalid parameter session or rpc, else <rpc-reply> with <ok>, <data> or <rpc-error> according to the type and the result of the requested operation. When the requested operation is not applicable to any datastore (e.g. the namespace does not match none of the controlled datstores), NCDS_RPC_NOT_APPLICABLE is returned.
void ncds_break_locks ( const struct nc_session *  session)

Remove all the locks that the given session is holding.

[in]sessionSession holding locks to remove
int ncds_consolidate ( void  )

Consolidate all internal structures of created data stores and all data models. This function especially solves all YANG's uses and augment statements.

0 on success, non-zero on error.
int ncds_feature_disable ( const char *  module,
const char *  feature 

Disable usage of the specified feature defined in the specified module By default, all features are disabled.

[in]moduleName of the module where the feature is defined. Module must be accessible - added via ncds_add_model() or present in a directory specified via ncds_add_models_path() function.
[in]featureName of the feature to be disabled.
0 on success, non-zero on error.
int ncds_feature_enable ( const char *  module,
const char *  feature 

Enable usage of the specified feature defined in the specified module. By default, all features are disabled.

[in]moduleName of the module where the feature is defined. Module must be accessible - added via ncds_add_model() or present in a directory specified via ncds_add_models_path() function.
[in]featureName of the feature to be enabled.
0 on success, non-zero on error.
int ncds_feature_isenabled ( const char *  module,
const char *  feature 

Check if the feature of the specified module is currently enabled or disabled.

  • negative value in case of error
  • 0 if feature is disabled
  • 1 if feature is enabled
int ncds_features_disableall ( const char *  module)

Disable usage of all features defined in the specified module. By default, all features are disabled. To disable only the specific feature(s), use ncds_feature_disable().

[in]moduleName of the module where the features are defined. Module must be accessible - added via ncds_add_model() or present in a directory specified via ncds_add_models_path() function.
0 on success, non-zero on error.
int ncds_features_enableall ( const char *  module)

Enable usage of all features defined in the specified module. By default, all features are disabled. To enable only the specific feature(s), use ncds_feature_enable().

[in]moduleName of the module where the features are defined. Module must be accessible - added via ncds_add_model() or present in a directory specified via ncds_add_models_path() function.
0 on success, non-zero on error.
void ncds_free ( struct ncds_ds *  datastore)

Close the specified datastore and free all the resources.

Equivalent function to ncds_free2().

[in]datastoreDatastore to be closed.
void ncds_free2 ( ncds_id  datastore_id)

Close specified datastore and free all the resources.

Equivalent function to ncds_free().

[in]datastore_idID of the datastore to be closed.
char* ncds_get_model ( ncds_id  id,
int  base 

Return a serialized XML containing the data model in the YIN format.

[in]idID of the datastore whose data model we want
[in]baseSet 1 to get only base model without any modification. Use 0 value to get complete data model including augmentation, substituted uses statements and removed disabled features of the model. In this case, returned string contains modified YIN format - there are <augment> elements inside the model including information about its namespace and module name.
String containing YIN model. Caller must free the memory after use.
const char* ncds_get_model_path ( ncds_id  id)

Return path to the file containing the datastore datamodel.

[in]idID of the datastore whose data model we want
String containing the path to the file containing the datastore datamodel. The caller must NOT free the memory.
ncds_id ncds_init ( struct ncds_ds *  datastore)

Activate datastore structure for use.

The datastore configuration is checked and if everything is correct, datastore gets its unique ID.

[in]datastoreDatastore to be initiated.
Positive integer with the datastore ID on success, negative value on error.
  • -1 Invalid datastore
  • -2 Type-specific initialization failed
  • -3 Unsupported datastore type
  • -4 Memory allocation problem
int ncds_model_info ( const char *  path,
char **  name,
char **  version,
char **  ns,
char **  prefix,
char ***  rpcs,
char ***  notifs 

Informational function to get basic information about configuration data model in the given file.

[in]pathPath to the *.yin file with the configuration data model in YIN format.

Caller is responsible to free returned strings and arrays of strings. If a caller is not interested in a specific return value, NULL pointer can be set as parameter and the value of such a parameter will not be returned.

[out]nameName of the data model
[out]versionVersion of the data model
[out]nsNamespace for the data model
[out]prefixPrefix for the data model
[out]rpcsNull terminated list of names of RPCs defined in the data model
[out]notifsNull terminated list of names of Notifications defined in the data model
struct ncds_ds* ncds_new ( NCDS_TYPE  type,
const char *  model_path,
char *(*)(const char *model, const char *running, struct nc_err **e)  get_state 

Create a new datastore structure of the specified implementation type.

[in]typeDatastore implementation type for the new datastore structure.
[in]model_pathBase name of the configuration data model files. libnetconf expects model_path.yin as a data model, model_path.rng for grammar and data types validation, model_path.dsrl for default values validation and model_path.sch for semantic validation.
[in]get_statePointer to a callback function that returns a serialized XML document containing the state configuration data of the device. The parameters it receives are a serialized configuration data model in YIN format and the current content of the running datastore. If NULL is set, <get> operation is performed in the same way as <get-config>.
Prepared (not configured) datastore structure. To configure the structure, caller must use the parameter setters of the specific datastore implementation type. Then, the datastore can be initiated (ncds_init()) and used to access the configuration data.
struct ncds_ds* ncds_new2 ( NCDS_TYPE  type,
const char *  model_path,
xmlDocPtr(*)(const xmlDocPtr model, const xmlDocPtr running, struct nc_err **e)  get_state 

Create a new datastore structure of the specified implementation type with get_state function using libxml2.

To make this function available, you have to include libnetconf_xml.h.

[in]typeDatastore implementation type for the new datastore structure.
[in]model_pathBase name of the configuration data model files. libnetconf expects model_path.yin as a data model, model_path.rng for grammar and data types validation, model_path.dsrl for default values validation and model_path.sch for semantic validation.
[in]get_statePointer to a callback function that returns a XML document containing the state data of the device. The parameters it receives are a configuration data model in YIN format and the current content of the running datastore. If NULL is set, <get> operation is performed in the same way as <get-config>.
Prepared (not configured) datastore structure. To configure the structure, caller must use the parameter setters of the specific datastore implementation type. Then, the datastore can be initiated (ncds_init()) and used to access the configuration data.
int ncds_rollback ( ncds_id  id)

Undo the last change performed on the specified datastore.

[in]idID of the datastore where the rollback will be performed.
0 on success, non-zero on error.
int ncds_set_validation ( struct ncds_ds *  ds,
int  enable,
const char *  relaxng,
const char *  schematron 

Set validators (or disable validation) on the specified datastore.

[in]dsDatastore structure to be configured.
[in]enable1 to enable validation on the datastore according to the following parameters, 0 to disable validation (following parameters will be ignored as well as automatically or previously set validators).
[in]relaxngPath to the Relax NG schema for validation of the datastore content syntax. To generate it, use the lnctool(1) script. NULL if syntactic validation is not required.
[in]schematronPath to the Schematron XSLT stylesheet for validation of the datastore content semantics. To generate it, use the lnctool(1) script. NULL if semantic validation is not required.
int ncds_set_validation2 ( struct ncds_ds *  ds,
int  enable,
const char *  relaxng,
const char *  schematron,
int(*)(const xmlDocPtr config, struct nc_err **err)  valid_func 

Set validators (or disable validation) on the specified datastore.

To make this function available, you have to include libnetconf_xml.h.

[in]dsDatastore structure to be configured.
[in]enable1 to enable validation on the datastore according to the following parameters, 0 to disable validation (following parameters will be ignored as well as automatically or previously set validators).
[in]relaxngPath to the Relax NG schema for validation of the datastore content syntax. To generate it, use the lnctool(1) script. NULL if syntactic validation not required.
[in]schematronPath to the Schematron XSLT stylesheet for validation of the datastore content semantics. To generate it, use the lnctool(1) script. NULL if semantic validation not required.
[in]valid_funcPointer to a callback function that is used for additional validation of the configuration data in the datastore. It can perform any specific check for the datastore (e.g. check for presence of referred files). If no such check is needed, parameter can be set to NULL.
Validation callback function receives configuration data as a libxml2's xmlDocPtr. As a result it returns EXIT_SUCCESS if validation checks passed and EXIT_FAILURE when an error occurred. An error description may be returned via the err parameter.