40 #ifndef NC_MESSAGES_XML_H_
41 #define NC_MESSAGES_XML_H_
45 #include <libxml/tree.h>
Enumeration of edit-config's <error-option> element values.
Definition: netconf.h:308
Enumeration of edit-config's <default-operation> element values.
Definition: netconf.h:296
struct nc_filter * ncxml_filter_new(NC_FILTER_TYPE type,...)
Create a new NETCONF filter of the specified type.
xmlNodePtr ncxml_rpc_get_op_content(const nc_rpc *rpc)
Get the content of the operation specification from the given rpc.
xmlNodePtr ncxml_rpc_get_config(const nc_rpc *rpc)
Get <config> element from the RPC operation including its content. This function is valid only for <c...
xmlNodePtr ncxml_reply_get_data(const nc_reply *reply)
Get <data> element in <rpc-reply> including its content.
Enumeration of the supported types of datastores defined by NETCONF.
Definition: netconf.h:260
nc_rpc * ncxml_rpc_editconfig(NC_DATASTORE target, NC_DATASTORE source, NC_EDIT_DEFOP_TYPE default_operation, NC_EDIT_ERROPT_TYPE error_option, NC_EDIT_TESTOPT_TYPE test_option,...)
Create <edit-config> NETCONF rpc message.
struct nc_msg nc_reply
reply message.
Definition: netconf.h:62
nc_reply * ncxml_reply_data(const xmlNodePtr data)
Create rpc-reply response with <data> content.
nc_rpc * ncxml_rpc_generic(const xmlNodePtr data)
Create a generic NETCONF rpc message with the specified content.
NETCONF error handling functions.
struct nc_msg nc_rpc
rpc message.
Definition: netconf.h:56
nc_rpc * ncxml_rpc_build(xmlDocPtr rpc_dump, const struct nc_session *session)
Build <rpc> message from the libxml2 document structure. This is the reverse function of the ncxml_rp...
Enumeration of edit-config's <test-option> element values.
Definition: netconf.h:322
nc_reply * ncxml_reply_data_ns(const xmlNodePtr data, const char *ns)
Create rpc-reply response with <data> content in the specified namespace.
nc_rpc * ncxml_rpc_copyconfig(NC_DATASTORE source, NC_DATASTORE target,...)
Create <copy-config> NETCONF rpc message.
nc_reply * ncxml_reply_build(xmlDocPtr reply_dump)
Build <rpc-reply> message from the libxml2 document structure. This is the reverse function of the nc...
Enumeration of supported NETCONF filter types.
Definition: netconf.h:273
libnetconf's general public functions and structures definitions.
xmlDocPtr ncxml_reply_dump(const nc_reply *reply)
Dump the rpc-reply message into a libxml2 document structure.
xmlDocPtr ncxml_rpc_dump(const nc_rpc *rpc)
Dump the rpc message into a libxml2 document structure.