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Class Iterator

Defined in: DataStructures.js.

Class Summary
Constructor Attributes Constructor Name and Description
Interface for managing an iterator for an aggregate.
Method Summary
Method Attributes Method Name and Description
Moves the iterator to the first position of the aggregate.
Returns the item stored at the position pointed by the iterator.
Checks if the iterator is out of the bounds of the aggregate.
Moves the iterator to the last position of the aggregate.
Moves the iterator to the next item.
Moves the iterator to the previous item.
Class Detail
Interface for managing an iterator for an aggregate.
Method Detail
{void} first()
Moves the iterator to the first position of the aggregate.

{*} getItem()
Returns the item stored at the position pointed by the iterator.
{*} The item stored or undefined if it's out of the bounds.

{boolean} isDone()
Checks if the iterator is out of the bounds of the aggregate.
{boolean} It return true if the iterator is out of the bounds of the aggregate, otherwise false.

{void} last()
Moves the iterator to the last position of the aggregate.

{void} next()
Moves the iterator to the next item.

{void} previous()
Moves the iterator to the previous item.

Documentation generated by JsDoc Toolkit 2.4.0 on Wed Apr 23 2014 22:40:58 GMT+0200 (CEST)