API Docs for: 0.2.0

File: lib/seed.js

 * Copyright (c) 2013, Yahoo! Inc.  All rights reserved.
 * Copyrights licensed under the New BSD License.
 * See the accompanying LICENSE file for terms.

/*jslint node:true, nomen: true */

Provides a set of features to construct the yui seed structure which contains the url
to fetch the initial piece of the library from the client runtime.

@module express-yui/lib/seed

'use strict';

var debug = require('debug')('express:yui:seed');

Provision the seed information into `app.yui.expose()`, and it
exposes an array of object with the information to build
the script tag or tags that forms the seed:

The following is an example of how these features can be used:

    var express = require('express'),
        expyui = require('express-yui'),
        app = express();

    // adjust the seed modules
    app.yui.seed(['yui-base', 'loader', 'foo', 'bar']);
    // Call expose middleware when a route match.
    app.get('/index.html', expyui.expose(), anotherRoute);

In the example above, the array of objects with all seed urls
will be exposed thru `window.YUI_config.seed`, which means you
can use it in in the client side to prepare the page to host a
yui instance. Normally, you don't have to do this manually, you
can use `app.yui.ready()` or `app.yui.use()` methods to do that
task automatically. Here is an example of what you need in your
layout template:

    app.yui.ready(function () {
        // at this point, YUI is ready in the client, plus
        `loader`, `foo` and `bar` modules injected in the page
        since they were part or the seed.

@class seed
@uses debug*
@extensionfor express-yui/lib/yui
module.exports = {

    The default mapping for suffix based on the config `filter` value for js modules.

    @property JS_FILTERS_MAP
    @type {Object}
        raw: '',
        min: '-min',
        debug: '-debug'

    The default mapping for suffix based on the config `filter` value for css modules.

    @property CSS_FILTERS_MAP
    @type {Object}
        raw: '',
        min: '-min',
        debug: ''

    The default filter suffix for yui modules urls.

    @property DEFAULT_FILTER
    @type {String}
    DEFAULT_FILTER: '-min',

    Gets the default list of module names that should
    be part of the seed files.

    @method getDefaultSeed
    @return {Array} list of modules in seed
    getDefaultSeed: function () {
        return ['yui'];

    Adds a yui module name into the `core` YUI configuration
    which is used by loader to identify the pieces that are
    already part of the seed and should be attached to Y

    @method addModuleToSeed
    @param {String} moduleName the yui module name
    addModuleToSeed: function (moduleName) {

        var config = this.config();

        // add a new entry in the seed for the new meta module
        // so it gets embeded in the page.
        config.seed = config.seed || this.getDefaultSeed();

        // add a new entry in the extended core for the new meta
        // module to force to attach it when calling `use()`
        // for the first time for every instance.
        config.extendedCore = config.extendedCore || [];

        return this;

    Specify a list of modules to use as seed. This
    method extends the yui static configuration,
    specifically setting the `app.yui.config().seed` value.

        app.yui.seed(["yui-base", "loader"]);

    @method seed
    @param {Array} modules list of modules to use
    @return {function} express middleware
    seed: function (modules) {

        var config = this.config();
        if (config.seed && config.seed.length > 0) {
            debug('YUI seed has already been set, and you could ' +
                         'potentially be overwriting the default: ' +
                         config.seed.join(', '));

        config.seed = modules;

        return this;


    Build the list of urls to load the seed files for the app.

        var scripts = app.yui.getSeedUrls();

    As a result, `scripts` will be an array with one or more urls that
    you can use in your templates to provision YUI. Keep in mind that if
    use `expressYUI.expose()` middleware, you don't need to provision the
    seed, it will be provisioned automatically as part of the `state` object.

    @method getSeedUrls
    @param {object} customConfig optional configuration to overrule filter and combine per request when
                    building the urls. This is useful if you have a custom middleware to turn debug mode
                    on, and combine off by passing some special parameter.
        @param {string} customConfig.filter optional filter to overrule any filter
        @param {boolean} customConfig.combine optional flag to overrule combine,
                         when set to `false`, it will avoid creating combo urls.
    @return {Array} the `src` url for each script tag that forms the seed
    getSeedUrls: function (customConfig) {
        var config = this.config(),
            modules = config.seed || this.getDefaultSeed();
        return this._buildUrls(modules, 'js', this.JS_FILTERS_MAP, customConfig);

    Build a list of urls to load a list of modules.

        var scripts = app.yui.buildJSUrls('node', 'photos@hermes');

    As a result, `scripts` will be an array with one or more urls that
    you can use in your templates to insert script tags.

    Modules as `photos@hermes` denotate a module from a particular group,
    as in `<module-name>@<group-name>`. Modules without the group denotation
    will be assumed as core modules from yui.

    @method buildJSUrls
    @param {string} modules* One or more module name (and optional @<group-name>)
    @return {Array} the `src` url for each script tag that forms the seed
    buildJSUrls: function () {
        return this._buildUrls(arguments, 'js', this.JS_FILTERS_MAP);

    Build a list of urls to load a list of css modules.

        var links = app.yui.buildCSSUrls('cssbase', 'cssflickr@hermes');

    As a result, `links` will be an array with the urls that
    you can use in your templates to provision styles.

    Modules as `cssflickr@hermes` denotate a module from a particular group,
    as in `<module-name>@<group-name>`. Modules without the group denotation
    will be assumed as core modules from yui.

    @method buildCSSUrls
    @param {string} modules* One or more module name (and optional @<group-name>)
    @return {Array} the `href` url for each link tag to be inserted in the header of the page
    buildCSSUrls: function () {
        return this._buildUrls(arguments, 'css', this.CSS_FILTERS_MAP);

    Build a list of urls for a list of modules. Modules are described as `<module-name>@<group-name>`.
    Modules without the group denotation will be assumed as core modules from yui. `ext` denotates
    the type of the modules since this routine is able to produce css or js modules alike.

    @method _buildUrls
    @param {array} modules the array of modules to generate the urls.
    @param {string} ext the modules extension, `js` or `css`.
    @param {object} filterMap hash table to translate filter values into suffix for modules.
                              e.g.: `min` -> `-min`
    @param {object} customConfig optional configuration to overrule filter and combine per request when
                    building the urls
        @param {string} customConfig.filter optional filter to overrule any filter
        @param {boolean} customConfig.combine optional flag to overrule combine,
                         when set to `false`, it will avoid creating combo urls.
    @return {Array} the `href` url for each link tag to be inserted in the header of the page
    _buildUrls: function (modules, ext, filterMap, customConfig) {
        // getting static config
        var config = this.config(),
            urls = [],
            groups = config.groups || {},
            stack = [],

        function flush() {
            if (stack.length > 0) {
                urls.push(prevGroup.comboBase + stack.join(prevGroup.comboSep));
            stack = [];

        function isSimilarGroup(newGroup) {
            return newGroup && newGroup.combine && prevGroup && prevGroup.combine &&
                newGroup.comboBase === prevGroup.comboBase &&
                newGroup.comboSep === prevGroup.comboSep;

        customConfig = customConfig || {};

        // producing an array of objects with the urls for the module.
        for (i = 0; i < modules.length; i += 1) {
            moduleName = modules[i];
            if (this._clientModules[moduleName]) {
                groupName   = this._clientModules[moduleName].group;
                groupConfig = groups[groupName]; // group config
            } else {
                groupName   = 'yui';
                groupConfig = config; // core config

            // computing the default filter for yui core modules
            // default is always -min
            filter = customConfig.filter || groupConfig.filter || config.filter; // inheriting from yui config
            filter = filter && filterMap && filterMap.hasOwnProperty(filter) ?
                    filterMap[filter] : this.DEFAULT_FILTER;

            // just build the url as loader will do at the client side.
            path = moduleName + '/' + moduleName + filter + '.' + ext;

            if (groupConfig) {

                if (customConfig.combine === false || !isSimilarGroup(groupConfig)) {
                if (customConfig.combine !== false && groupConfig.combine) {
                    stack.push(groupConfig.root + path);
                } else {
                    urls.push(groupConfig.base + path);
                prevGroup = groupConfig;

            } else {

                debug('Skipping module [%s] ' +
                    'due to invalid group resolution.', modules[i]);



        // flushing any remaining piece in stack

        return urls;
