API Docs for: 0.2.0

client Class

Defined in: lib/client.js:20
Module: express-yui/lib/client

Provides a set of methods to be serialized and sent to the client side to boot the application in the browser.

Item Index



  • method
  • args

Defined in lib/client.js:220

The internal bootstraping implementation.


  • method String

    The method to call on Y, either "use" or "require".

  • args Any

    Array of arguments to apply to the Y method.


  • callback

Defined in lib/client.js:193

Boots the application, rehydrate the app state and calls back to notify the ready state of the app.

app.yui.ready(function (err) {
    if (err) {
        throw err;
    app.yui.use('foo', 'bar', function (Y) {
        // do something!


  • callback Function

    when the app is ready. If an error occurr, the error object will be passed as the first argument of the callback function.


() public

Defined in lib/client.js:172

Like app.yui.use() but instead delegates to YUI().require() after getting the seed ready. The callback passed to require() receives two arguments, the Y object like use(), but also imports which holds all of the exports from the required modules.

app.yui.require('foo', 'bar', function (Y, imports) {
    var Foo         = imports['foo'],
        namedExport = imports['bar'].baz;


() public chainable

Defined in lib/client.js:148

Attaches the seed into the head, then creates a YUI Instance and attaches modules into it. This is equivalent to YUI().use() after getting the seed ready. This method is a bootstrap implementation for the library, and the way you use this in your templates, is by doing this:

app.yui.use('foo', 'bar', function (Y) {
    // do something!

Where state defines the state of the express app, and app.yui defines the helpers that express-yui brings into the client side.