var path = require('path')
var spawn = require('child_process').spawn
var through = require('through2')
module.exports = exports = SRA
A Node.js wrapper for SRA Toolkit.
doi: ? author: Bruno Vieira email: license: MIT
This module can be used in Node.js as described further below, or as a command line tool. Examples:
$ npm install -g bionode-sra
# bionode-sra [command] [arguments...]
$ bionode-sra fastq-dump SRR1509835.sra
$ bionode-sra fastq-dump SRR1509835.sra fastqOutputDirectory
var path = require('path')
var spawn = require('child_process').spawn
var through = require('through2')
module.exports = exports = SRA
Takes a SRA toolkit command and returns a Stream that accepts arguments for it.
For example, for fastq-dump
, arguments can be an array with [srcSRA, destDir]
a string like 'srcSRA destDir'
. If destDir
is omitted, the current directory will be used.
var sra = require('bionode-sra')
var fastqDump = sra('fastq-dump')()
fastqDump.on('data', console.log)
fastqDump.write(['SRR1509835.sra', 'fastqOutDir'])
=> { srcFile: 'SRR1509835.sra',
command: 'fastq-dump',
destDir: 'fastqOutDir' }
A callback style can also be used:
var fastqDump = sra('fastq-dump')
fastqDump('SRR1509835.sra fastqOutDir', function(err, data) {
Or pipes, for example, from a file with just a list of SRA file names:
var split = require('split')
var fastqDump = sra('fastq-dump')()
function SRA(command) {
var command = command || 'fastq-dump'
return sraStream
function sraStream(srcFileDestDir, callback) {
var stream = through.obj(transform)
if (srcFileDestDir) { stream.write(srcFileDestDir); stream.end() }
if (callback) {
stream.on('data', function(data) {
callback(null, data)
stream.on('error', callback)
return stream
function transform(obj, enc, next) {
var self = this
if (typeof obj === 'string') { obj = obj.split(' ') }
if (obj.length > 2) { self.emit('error', new Error('Too many arguments')); next() }
if (obj.length === 1) { obj.push('.') }
var sraPath = path.join(__dirname, '../sra/bin/'+command)
var srcFile = obj[0]
var destDir = obj[1]
var options
if (destDir === '.') {
options = [srcFile]
else {
var options = [srcFile, '-O', destDir]
var sra = spawn(sraPath, options)
sra.stderr.on('data', function(data) {
self.emit('error', new Error(data.toString()))
sra.on('close', function(code) {
if (code) {
self.emit('error', new Error('Unknown error, check that "'+obj[0]+'" exists'))
else {
self.push({srcFile: obj[0], command: command, destDir: obj[1]})