
entropy-based feature selection algorithms
with sparse matrix support

Krzysztof Slomczynski

September 28, 2017

What is FSelectorRcpp package?

Rcpp implementation of FSelector package


  • free of Java/Weka
  • additional sparse matrix support
  • equipped with parallel backend (doParallel – R, OpenMP – C++)
  • unified output from called functions


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# windows users should have Rtools for devtools installation
# https://cran.r-project.org/bin/windows/Rtools/


Feature selecting purpose

Feature selection algortihms are necessary for handling two problems related with too big data sets:

  • training time
  • model interpretation

Feature selection methods

  • Principal Component Analysis or Singular Value Decomposition
    • hard to interpret in the final model
  • Boruta, genetic algorithms or simulated annealing techniques
    • computations can take days
  • Decision Trees, LASSO or Regularized Support Vector Machines
    • still quite time consuming and sometimes used without understanding

Entropy Based Feature Selection

Every feature can be checked independently so that computations can be performed in parallel.

Hence entropy based feature selection is

  • fast
  • easy to understand


The measure of uncertainty

Entropy equation

\[H_{\alpha}(X) = -\sum_{x}P(x)log_{\alpha}(P(x))\]
\[H_{\alpha}(X, Y) = -\sum_{x, y}P(x, y)log_{\alpha}(P(x, y))\]

Units for different \(\alpha\) parameter:

\[bit: \alpha = 2\]
\[nat: \alpha = e\]
\[ban, dit, hartley: \alpha = 10\]

Three methods

\[infogain: H(Class) + H(Attribute) - H(Class, Attribute)\]
\[gainratio: \frac{H(Class) + H(Attribute) - H(Class, Attribute)}{H(Attribute)}\]
\[symuncert: 2 \frac{H(Class) + H(Attribute) - H(Class, Attribute)}{H(Attribute) + H(Class)}\]

First one is simply mutual information

\[I(X; Y) = H(X) + H(Y) - H(X, Y)\]

Quick Workflow

Information gain

  • easy, linear algorithm
  • computes the entropy of a dependent and explanatory variables
  • computes conditional entropy of dependent variable with respect to each explanatory variable separately

Information gain – code

info_gain <-
  information_gain(             # Calculate the score for each attribute
    formula = Species ~ .,      # that is on the right side of the formula.
    data = iris,                # Attributes must exist in the passed data.
    type  = "infogain",         # Choose the type of a score to be calculated.
    threads = 2                 # Set number of threads in a parallel backend.

    attributes importance
1 Sepal.Length  0.4521286
2  Sepal.Width  0.2672750
3 Petal.Length  0.9402853
4  Petal.Width  0.9554360

Information gain – code

cutted_attrs <-
  cut_attrs(                    # Then take attributes with the highest rank.
    attrs = info_gain,
    k = 2                       # For example: 2 attrs with the higehst rank.

[1] "Petal.Width"  "Petal.Length"

new_formula <-
  to_formula(                   # Create a new formula object with 
    attrs = cutted_attrs,       # the most influencial attrs.
    class = "Species"           

Species ~ Petal.Width + Petal.Length
<environment: 0x29e3080>

Information gain – code

model <-
    formula = new_formula,      # Use that formula in any classification algorithm.
    data = iris,                
    family = "binomial"         


Call:  glm(formula = new_formula, family = "binomial", data = iris)

 (Intercept)   Petal.Width  Petal.Length  
      -69.45         33.89         17.60  

Degrees of Freedom: 149 Total (i.e. Null);  147 Residual
Null Deviance:      191 
Residual Deviance: 5.17e-09     AIC: 6

Information gain – piping

    formula = Species ~ .,
    data = iris,
    type  = "infogain",
    threads = 2
  ) %>%
    k = 2
  ) %>%
    attrs = .,
    class = "Species"
  ) %>%
    formula = .,
    data = iris,
    family = "binomial"

Feature search - code

eval_adjR2_lm <-      # Create a scorer function.
    attributes,       # That takes the currently considered subset of attributes
    data,             # from a specified dataset.
    dependent = 
      names(data)[1]  # To find features that best describe the dependent variable.
  ) {
    summary(          # In this situation we take the adj.r.squared statistic
      lm(             # from the summary of a linear model object.
        to_formula(   # This is the score to use to choose between considered 
          attributes, # subsets of attributes.
        data = data)

Feature search - code

random <- sample(x = letters, size = 150, replace = TRUE)
ran_iris <- cbind(iris, random)
  Sepal.Length Sepal.Width Petal.Length Petal.Width Species random
1          5.1         3.5          1.4         0.2  setosa      x
2          4.9         3.0          1.4         0.2  setosa      y
3          4.7         3.2          1.3         0.2  setosa      h
4          4.6         3.1          1.5         0.2  setosa      v
5          5.0         3.6          1.4         0.2  setosa      q
6          5.4         3.9          1.7         0.4  setosa      n

fs <- feature_search(    # works in 2 modes – 'exhaustive' and 'greedy'
  attributes =
    names(ran_iris)[-1], # takes attribues and creates combinations of it's subsets
  fun = eval_adjR2_lm,   # calculates the score of a subset that depends on the
  data = ran_iris,       # evaluator function passed in the 'fun' parameter
  mode = "exhaustive",   # 'exhaustive' means to check all possible 
  sizes =                # attributes' subset combinations 
    3:5                  # of sizes passed in 'sizes'.

Feature search - code

   Sepal.Width Petal.Length Petal.Width Species random   values
11           1            1           1       1      0 0.862705

   Sepal.Width Petal.Length Petal.Width Species random    values
1            1            1           1       0      0 0.8557065
2            1            1           0       1      0  0.859538
3            1            1           0       0      1 0.8376647
4            1            0           1       1      0  0.725002
5            1            0           1       0      1 0.7061277
6            1            0           0       1      1 0.7144209
7            0            1           1       1      0 0.8322213
8            0            1           1       0      1 0.7662291
9            0            1           0       1      1 0.8326902
10           0            0           1       1      1 0.6701464
11           1            1           1       1      0  0.862705
12           1            1           1       0      1 0.8529765
13           1            1           0       1      1 0.8619427
14           1            0           1       1      1 0.7223287
15           0            1           1       1      1 0.8319703
16           1            1           1       1      1 0.8624321

Feature search - code

    attributes,       # That takes the currently considered subset of attributes
    data,             # from a specified dataset.
    dependent = 
      names(data)[1]  # To find features that best describe the dependent variable.
  ) {
    summary(          # In this situation we take the adj.r.squared statistic
      lm(             # from the summary of a linear model object.
        to_formula(   # This is the score to use to choose between considered 
          attributes, # subsets of attributes.
        data = data)
<bytecode: 0x39d3a10>

feature_search(attributes = names(ran_iris)[-1], fun = eval_adjR2_lm, 
    data = ran_iris, mode = "exhaustive", sizes = 3:5)


Venn Diagram Comparison

Features selected from BRCA data with 20.000 variables.

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What’s next?


  • binding FSelectorRcpp with its Java/Weka based predecessor
  • thus supplying it for the popular mlr package