NI Tech Talks

Return Type Covariance

// Stefan Gränitz, Reaktor Dev Team, Berlin 2014 06 17

Return Type Covariance

annotated fn sig 0 annotated fn sig 1 annotated fn sig 2

Return Type Covariance

  • if something varies, it changes in nuances
  • co-prefix expresses relation: when two things vary, they vary the same way
cov A cov B contrav C

regarding A..

  • B' is covariant from B
  • C' is contravariant from C
cov A cov B

A = factory     B = product

A' = special factory     B' = special product

Return Type Covariance in C++

class IHardware { };
class MaschineController : public IHardware { };
class TraktorKontrol : public IHardware { };
class IFactory {
  virtual IHardware *createHardware() const = 0;

class MaschineFactory : public IFactory {
  MaschineController *createHardware() const override;

class TraktorFactory : public IFactory {
  TraktorKontrol *createHardware() const override;

§ 10.3.7 Virtual functions The return type of an overriding function shall be either identical to the return type of the overridden function or covariant with the classes of the functions. If a function D::f overrides a function B::f, the return types of the functions are covariant if they satisfy the following criteria:

  • both are pointers to classes, both are lvalue references to classes, or both are rvalue references to classes
  • the class in the return type of B::f is the same class as the class in the return type of D::f, or is an unambiguous and accessible direct or indirect base class of the class in the return type of D::f
  • both pointers or references have the same cv-qualification and the class type in the return type of D::f has the same cv-qualification as or less cv-qualification than the class type in the return type of B::f

Note: having a stricter cv-qualification in the
base class declaration's return type is ok!

class IFactory {
  virtual const IHardware *createHardware() const = 0;

class MaschineFactory : public IFactory {
  MaschineController *createHardware() const override;

class TraktorFactory : public IFactory {
  TraktorKontrol *createHardware() const override;
Note: this does not apply to primitive types!

class IHardware {
  virtual const char *getBrand() const = 0;

class MaschineController : public IHardware { 
  char *getBrand() const override;

class TraktorKontrol : public IHardware { 
  char *getBrand() const override;

Literature & further reading

Comprehensive Wikipedia article
What's New in Standard C++[98]?
Good answer for cv-qualifiers on covariant return types