The Web Annotation Working Group has defined a foundational Web Annotation Data Model [[annotation-model]] and Web Annotation Vocabulary [[annotation-vocab]] for annotating resources found on the Web. The Data Model includes the description of a JSON-LD [[json-ld]] based serialization.
This document describes and illustrates potential approaches for including Web Annotation documents and content within HTML documents.
The approaches described are incomplete and preliminary. They are speculative and representative only and by no means exhaust the full range of feasible options. The approaches discussed in this note have emerged from Working Group discussions [reference issue #147?] and should be considered no more than early starting points for further experimentation and development.
According the Web Annotation Data Model [[annotation-model]]:
"An annotation is considered to be a set of connected resources, typically including a body and target, and conveys that the body is related to the target.... This perspective results in a basic model with three parts, depicted below."
The Web Annotation Data Model defines an extensible, interoperable framework for expressing annotations in RDF-based vocabularies and additional provides definition of a JSON-LD [[json-ld]] based serialization. However, it does not prescribe a means for expressing a Web Annotation within a Web page--whether that annotation targets the page itself or some external Web resource.
For example, the quotation above is simply an HTML blockquote and contains no encoded reference to the quotation as it exists within the Web Annotation Data Model [[annotation-model]] document.
This document considers how a conformant expression of a Web annotation that targets a fragment of an HTML document might usefully be embedded within the same or another HTML document. In addition to text embedded within the DOM, HTML documents often reference external resources such as images that are meant to be considered integral parts of an HTML Document when viewed on the Web, e.g., through the use of the HTML <img> element's src attribute. The approaches discussed in this Note also would facilitate embedding in HTML an annotation targeting (in the context or scope of a Web page) an image or other similar Web page component resource external to an HTML document.
Pending further experimentation, use-case development, incubation and broader collaborative efforts, this document stops short of proposing any new, annotation-specific extensions to HTML 5 [[html]]. nor does it propose any new, annotation-specific HTML elements or attributes. To address specific use cases, possible extensions have been discussed within the Web Annotation Working Group and elsewhere, e.g., a proposal for new note, notegroup, and noteref HTML elements to better handle footnote-style references within HTML documents [[html-notes]]. But for now this document only considers approaches that can work out of the box today, without the need for an extension of HTML or the Web Annotation Vocabulary [[annotation-vocab]]. These approaches rely on existing mechanisms, e.g., RDFa, CSS, JavaScript and JSON-LD, etc. to embed annotations within HTML documents.
This document also neither addresses in detail nor proposes user interface implementations. Where available demonstration or developmental implementations are referenced to illustrate the approaches described, but defining the optimum interface(s) for creating or editing annotations embedded in HTML is not the focus of this document.
The interest in embedding Web Annotations within HTML is motivated by several generic use cases that have arisen over the course of the Web Annotation Working Group's existence, a few of which are listed here:
The Web Annotation Data Model and Vocabuarly Recommendations constrain any approach for embedding annotations in HTML:
TODO: add / subtract additional terminology as needed.
JSON-LD [[json-ld]] is the serialization format specified in the Web Annotation Data Model [[annotation-model]].
HTML can accommodate this serialization format directly via the use of the HTML <script>
element with its
attribute assigned the media type for a Web Annotation: application/ld+json;profile=""
<script id='anno-588a322026bbcc00203fd0fb' class='motto' type='application/ld+json;profile=""'> { "@context": "", "id": "", "type": "Annotation", "motivation": "describing", "target": { "source": "", "selector": { "type": "FragmentSelector", "conformsTo": "", "value": "mottoTranscription" } }, "body": { "type": "TextualBody", "value": "Fiunt, quae posse negabas.", "format": "text/plain", "language": "la" }, "created": "2017-01-26T17:30:04.639Z", "creator": { "type": "Person", "email": "", "name": "Tim Cole" } } </script>
<script id='anno-588a3d0a26bbcc00203fd0fc' class='iconclass' type='application/ld+json;profile=""'> { "@context": "", "id": "", "type": "Annotation", "motivation": "tagging", "target": { "source": "", "scope": "" }, "body": "", "created": "2017-01-26T18:16:42.26Z", "creator": { "type": "Person", "email": "", "name": "Tim Cole" } } </script>
<script id='anno-588a42e726bbcc00203fd0fd' class='related' type='application/ld+json;profile=""'> { "@context": "", "id": "", "type": "Annotation", "motivation": "linking", "target": "", "body": "", "created": "2017-01-26T18:41:43.218Z", "creator": { "type": "Person", "email": "", "name": "Tim Cole" } } </script>
TODO: Summarize comparitive advantages of this approach, e.g., facilitates overlapping targets, easy export/import without tranformation back in to json-ld, etc.
TODO: Describe how dokieli embeds Web Annotations in HTML using RDFa. Include examples of annotations in RDFa. Otherwise keep relatively succint and focused on the annotation in RDFa, with less about the complete application Instead point to the application...
TODO: Summarize comparitive advantages of this approach, e.g., markup of the target with attributes, etc. ...
GET /annotation/ HTTP/1.1 Host: Accept: text/html Accept-Language: en-GB,en;q=0.8, en-US;q=0.6 HTTP/1.1 200 OK Content-Type: text/html;charset=utf-8 Content-Language: en <!DOCTYPE html> <html xmlns="" xml:lang="en" lang="en"> <head> <meta charset="utf-8" /> <title></title> </head> <body> <main> <article id="decentralisation" about="i:" typeof="oa:Annotation" prefix="rdf: schema: dcterms: oa: i:"> <h1 property="schema:name">Sarven Capadisli <span rel="oa:motivatedBy" resource="oa:comments">comments</span></h1> <dl class="author-name"><dt>Authors</dt><dd><span rel="schema:creator"><span about="" typeof="schema:Person"><img alt="" height="48" rel="schema:image" src="" width="48" /> <a href="" rel="schema:url"><span about="" property="schema:name">Sarven Capadisli</span></a></span></span></dd></dl> <dl class="published"><dt>Published</dt><dd><a href=""><time datetime="2016-12-15T11:31:40.622Z" datatype="xsd:dateTime" property="schema:datePublished" content="2016-12-15T11:31:40.622Z">2016-12-15 11:31:40</time></a></dd></dl> <dl class="rights"><dt>Rights</dt><dd><a href="" rel="dcterms:rights">CC BY 4.0</a></dd></dl> <dl class="canonical"><dt>Canonical</dt><dd about="i:" rel="oa:canonical" resource="urn:uuid:5fdc8f8d-5930-4a81-8534-cad81af7d9c1">5fdc8f8d-5930-4a81-8534-cad81af7d9c1</dd></dl> <dl class="target"><dt><a href="" rel="oa:hasTarget">In reply to</a> (<a about="" href="" rel="oa:hasSource" typeof="oa:SpecificResource">part of</a>)</dt><dd><blockquote about="" cite=""><span rel="oa:hasSelector" resource="i:#fragment-selector" typeof="oa:FragmentSelector"><meta property="rdf:value" content="#abstract" xml:lang="" lang="" rel="dcterms:conformsTo" resource="" /><span rel="oa:refinedBy" resource="i:#text-quote-selector" typeof="oa:TextQuoteSelector"><span property="oa:prefix" xml:lang="en" lang="en">N provides a building block for </span><mark property="oa:exact" xml:lang="en" lang="en">decentralised</mark><span property="oa:suffix" xml:lang="en" lang="en"> Web applications. This permits e</span></span></span></blockquote></dd></dl><dl class="renderedvia"><dt>Rendered via</dt><dd><a about="" href="" rel="oa:renderedVia">dokieli</a></dd></dl> <section id="note-decentralisation" rel="oa:hasBody" resource="i:#note-decentralisation"><h2 property="schema:name">Note</h2><div datatype="rdf:HTML" property="rdf:value schema:description" resource="i:#note-decentralisation" typeof="oa:TextualBody">Communities have various semantics for the term <em>decentralisation</em>.</div><dl class="rights"><dt>Rights</dt><dd><a href="" rel="dcterms:rights">CC BY 4.0</a></dd></dl></section> </article> </main> </body> </html>
The Selectors and States Note [[selectors-states]] published by the Web Annotation Working Group includes information on encoding Web Annotation Selectors and State classes as IRI Fragmenet Identifiers. The following examples show how these URLs could be used to reference portions of a Specific Resource on the Web via IRIs:
<blockquote cite=""> <q cite=",start=8424,end=8270)"> An annotation is considered to be a set of connected resources, typically including a body and target, and conveys that the body is related to the target.</q> <q cite=",start=8651,end=8576)"> This perspective results in a basic model with three parts, depicted below.</q> <!-- TODO: how do we make this an annotation? --> <img src="images/intro_model.png" alt="Basic Model: Annotation, Body and Target" width="400"/> </blockquote>
The Selectors and States Note [[selectors-states]] explains that fragment identifiers are technically defined when the media type is specified. However in practice the utilization of fragment identifiers by publishers and developers ranges from browser state handling to anchoring highlights of quotations (as seen here).
Using these fragement identifiers as values of the cite
attribute on <blockquote>
and <q>
tags provides a means for both specificity and future extensibility. Site authors as well as
browser, server, and JavaScript developers may take advantage of these citations identifiers for re-anchoring selection
or extracting (and verifying) quotions made within an HTML document which uses this method.
Using the same methods described above, <a>
tags may also be used to express a desired highlight or reference. However,
as mentioned above, the use of that fragement within the retrieved resource may vary.
<p>According to the Web Annotation Data Model spec <a href=",start=8424,end=8270)"> an annotation is considered to be a set of what things?</a> (click the link to find out!)</p>
TODO: Describe how Web Annotations can be embedded in HTML using an additional approach?
TODO: Summarize comparitive advantages of this approach, e.g., ...
TODO: If this method overlaps with either of 2 previous sections, title it so as to make it distinctive (and adjust title of earlier section as necessary ...)
TODO: some HTML with ???...
Do we want to say something about selectors that apply for HTML. This is important especially for json-ld approach(es).
The Web Annotation Working Group gratefully acknowledges the contributions of the Open Annotation Community Group. The output of the Community Group was fundamental to the current data model. In particular the editors would like to thank Herbert Van de Sompel of Los Alamos National Laboratory for his editorial contributions throughout the Community Group process.
The following people have been instrumental in providing thoughts, feedback, reviews, content, criticism and input in the creation of this specification: