Failure due to accessible name not containing the visible label text




When to Use

This Failure applies to all web technologies that include interactive controls (such as links or form inputs)


The objective of this Failure is to capture situations where speech input users cannot operate web content reliably.

When speech input users interact with a web page, they usually speak a command followed by the reference to some visible label (like the text in a button or a link, or the text labelling some input). If the visible label does not match the accessible name (or the beginning of the accessible name) of the control, speech users may be unable to directly activate that control.

When techniques such as the use of accessibly hidden text, aria-label, or aria-labelledby attributes are used to add to the visible label text in order to provide more context, and this addition is placed before the visible label text, speech users may equally be unable to directly activate that control. (Refer to the Accessible Name and Description Computation algorithm to work out the order of precendence in computing the accessible name of a control.)




For all controls with a visible label (e.g. link text, button text, programmatically linked label, value of input), check that

  1. The visible label differs the accessible name of the control, or
  2. The visible label string is included in the accessible name of the control, but not at the beginning

Expected Results