Using HTML 5.2 autocomplete attributes




When to Use

Describe the situations in which to use the technique, such as types of pages, features in use that might use the technique, etc.


Describe how the technique works. This begins with a description of the problem the technique solves, then describes how to apply the technique. The description should be detailed enough to provide all the information a reader needs to be able to apply the technique, without recourse to following example code.

The objective of this technique is to ...


Copy the following section for each example. Examples must have a title and a description, and usually have a code sample. Code samples should be elided if necessary to show the core of the technique without necessarily providing all the surrounding code that would also be involved. A working example link references a location where the technique can be shown working live.

Example Title


Code sample

Working example: link



  1. Step 1

Expected Results