This draft is out of date, there may be new research and new technologies that are relevant to this topic.
THIS ISSUE PAPER IS A WORK IN PROGRESSCan be critical (Should this be added to the list below?)
Different potential types of symbols and language support for help text and key content
As a first step I am trying to determine different use cases and potential settings (this seems like a note. Can I change tone or delete)
Language may be restricted to a given vocabulary, or a subset of that vocabulary. When words are outside the known language, an explanation should be provided using known words.
Further, specific jargons can be added if they are known to the user
For example: options - one of the following:(can the word "options" be removed from this phrase as it is clear that the following are options)
Any or all of (add "the following:" for consistency)
Options (can the word "options" be removed from this phrase as it is clear that the following are options) - one of the following:
Options - one of the following: (can the word "options" be removed from this phrase as it is clear that the following are options)
How many symbols does the user prefer (use judiciously depending on context and appropriateness for content).
Options - one of the following: (can the word "options" be removed from this phrase as it is clear that the following are options)
Any or all of the following:
(Can "I want" be change to "Usage of")