Checkbox Example (Two State)

This example implements the Checkbox Design Pattern for a two state checkbox using div elements.

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  • Lettuce
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Keyboard Support

Key Function
Tab Moves keyboard focus to the checkbox.
Space Toggles checkbox between checked and unchecked states.

Role, Property, State, and Tabindex Attributes

Role Attribute Element Usage
  • Provides a grouping label for the group of checkboxes.
group div
  • Identifies the div element as a group container for the checkboxes.
aria-labelledby div
  • The aria-labelledby attribute references the id attribute of the h3 element to define the accessible name for the group of checkboxes.
checkbox div
  • Identifies the div element as a checkbox.
  • The child text content of this div provides the accessible name of the checkbox.
tabindex="0" div Includes the checkbox in the page tab sequence.
aria-checked="false" div
  • Indicates the checkbox is not checked.
  • CSS attribute selectors (e.g. [aria-checked="false"]) are used to synchronize the visual states with the value of the aria-checked attribute.
  • To support operating system and browser high contrast settings, the CSS ::before pseudo element and content property are used to generate the visual indicators of the checkbox state.
aria-checked="true" div
  • Indicates the checkbox is checked.
  • CSS attribute selectors (e.g. [aria-checked="true"]) are used to synchronize the visual states with the value of the aria-checked attribute.
  • To support operating system and browser high contrast settings, the CSS ::before pseudo element and content property are used to generate the visual indicators of the checkbox state.

Javascript and CSS Source Code

HTML Source Code

Simple Two-State Checkbox Example