Automatic diffing for immutable types using Aardvark.Compiler.DomainTypes

In order to extract incremental changes from arbitrary operations performed on a purely functional data structure, we use automatically generated types which provide:

  • Computing the change set of two different states of a immutable object (e.g. the old state and the new state after applying some operations)
  • Supplying those changes to a mutable target object.

For each (possible nested) immutable type t, we create a new type mt which has one operation:

  • update(newImmutableValue : 't) : unit

In our implementation, we call immutable types which have an associated mutable type domain type. Our F# plugin Aardvark.Compiler.DomainTypes automatically rewrites the original types (annotated with `dommain type attribute) and creates the mutable types under the hood.

while for each field, the new type provides a field containing the mutable representation of the original field. Let us consider a simple example:

type Object = { position : V3d }

type Scene = 
        name   : string
        object : Object

The Generated mutable types would be:

type MObject = { postion : IMod<V3d> } // field replaced by mutable variant (V3d is no domain type, make it a mod)

type MScene = 
        name : IMod<string> // field replaced by mutable variant (V3d is no domain type, make it a mod)
        object : MObject // there is a mutable representation of Objects, so use this one instead of the less efficient version IMod<Object>.
    } with member x.Update(n : Scene) = failwith "update mutable state with new immutable value"

This translation allows you to work with purely functional immutable data and feed the updated values to a mutable representation, which can be updated automatically and provides modifiables which can be used to build dependency graphs.

For some types such as lists we provide special implementations which make use of efficient adaptive implementations of those datastructures. Next we show the complete translation sheme for domain types.


Mutable Type

Record type t marked with domain type attribute

mutable type mt

persistent hash set: hset<'a>


persistent list hlist<'a>


persistent hash map: hmap<'k,'v>


F# option type: option<'a>

MOption<'a> with active patterns: MSome(v) and MNone

Union type: type U = A1 | .. | An

Mutable types, active patterns: MA1 .. MAn

all other types 't


There are currently two possibilities to adjust this translation process to your needs:

  • Sometimes, it is useful to make exceptions of this sheme for some fields. For example, for implementing undo we often use a single field past : 'model which contains the complete model of the previous state. Here we would like to break finegrained diffing and use a changeable value past : IMod<'model> instead. This can be achieved by marking the past field in the type definition with the [<TreatAsValue>] attribute.
  • For custom types, contained in hash containers (e.g. hset<'k>,hmap<'k,_>) is necessary to provide the diff generator with a mechanism to extract a hash value from the type 'k. This can be achieved, by adding a hashable field (which has a type with identity, i.e. a reference type) and marking this field with the [<PrimaryKey>] attribute.
namespace Aardvark
namespace Aardvark.Base
namespace Aardvark.Base.Incremental
type Object =
  {position: obj;}

Full name: DomainTypeGeneration.Object
Object.position: obj
type Scene =
  {name: string;
   object: Object;}

Full name: DomainTypeGeneration.Scene string
Multiple items
val string : value:'T -> string

Full name: Microsoft.FSharp.Core.Operators.string

type string = System.String

Full name: Microsoft.FSharp.Core.string
Scene.object: Object
type MObject =
  {postion: obj;}

Full name: DomainTypeGeneration.MObject
MObject.postion: obj
type MScene =
  {name: obj;
   object: MObject;}
  member Update : n:Scene -> 'a

Full name: DomainTypeGeneration.MScene obj
MScene.object: MObject
val x : MScene
member MScene.Update : n:Scene -> 'a

Full name: DomainTypeGeneration.MScene.Update
val n : Scene
val failwith : message:string -> 'T

Full name: Microsoft.FSharp.Core.Operators.failwith