5.4.6.Clustering for single-cell genomics

About clustering

  • Identify groups of similar cells (measurement objects)
  • What clustering methods did we learn about?
  • Could you explain the main ideas please?

Hierarchical and K-means clustering

See the clustering slides from the course materials / lectures of the EDA course.

Clustering in Seurat is a bit more complicated

Seurat clusters cells:

  • Instead of genes, based on principal components:
    • each PC represents a ‘metagene’,
      • which combines information from multiple correlated genes.
  • Seurat clustering is based on a community detection approach similar to SNN-Cliq
    • Algorithm: graph-based clustering

Graph-based clustering is based on K-nearest neighbours (KNN) classification

KNN classification

  • Supervised approach (we have labels: red, blue)
  • Is X red or blue?



Graph-based clustering

Think of finding groups of friends among the people in UG!

Community detection

Steps of graph-based clustering

  • Embed cells in a graph structure
    • This graph is derived from KNN graph
      • calculated on the euclidean distance of cells in PCA space
      • refine the edge weights between any two cells based on the overlap in their local neighborhoods
  • Find “cliques” or “communities” link in the graph