5.4.1 Linear dimensionality reduction

High dimensional data

  • Each measurement is a distance (think of distance in 1D)
  • Now think of each gene as a distance in each dimension
    • Dimension, by definition are independent: i.e. their values are not correlated
    • Think of X,Y, Z in a 3D plot
  • But expression of genes is often not independent: Co-regulation is infact very frequent.

You can think of your data as vectors

  • Euclidean vector is a geometric object that has a length and direction.
  • Each measurement is a dimension
  • Each cell is point in n-dim space - can be represented by a vector

2D Vector 2D_Vector

3D Vector 3D_Vector

High dimensional data

  • You can have vectors in more than 3D.
  • Imagine every gene expression values on each axis

Dimensionality reduction

When working with large datasets, you need to reduce dimensionality to be able to analyse and interpret.

You “project” the data onto a lower-dimensional “sub-space”.

  • This reduces the amount of noise
  • Much easier to visualize

Linear and non-linear dimensionality reduction methods

Linear method assume the independent dimensions are a linear combination of the original dimensions. - PCA

Non-linear methods: - tSNE (more resource hungry)

Introduction to Principal Component Analysis (PCA)

Principal Component Analysis (PCA)

Principal Component Analysis (PCA) is a dimensionality-reduction technique that is often used to transform a high-dimensional dataset into a smaller-dimensional subspace prior to running a machine learning algorithm on the data.


Principal component analysis (PCA) is a statistical procedure that uses an orthogonal transformation to convert a set of observations of possibly correlated variables into a set of values of linearly uncorrelated variables called principal components.

When should you use PCA?

Reducing the dimensions is useful:

  • to simplify the dataset: “get rid of” uninformative dimensions.
  • to show a “summary” of variation of your data
  • find out what combination of original variables explain the differences
  • prior to performing machine learning, to gain speed (reduce calculations).
  • to reduce the degrees of freedom → reduces the risk of overfitting statistical models.

What does PCA do?

  • Finds the principal components, thereby
  • transforms the data into a new coordinate system
  • In this coordinate system, the first axis [PC1] is a component, that
    • explains the greatest amount of the variance in the data.
    • is a (linear) combination of the original axes
  • You can select the most informative PCs (dimensions after transformation) to arrive to lower dimensionsal subspace

Let’s PCA!

Original data

Let’s say your original dataset has two variables, x1 and x2:


Find the axis with the largest variation!

… by rotating the axes.


Calculate the 2nd principal component?

For our two-dimensional dataset, there can be only two principal components, therefore 2nd one is given:


The second principal component

The second principal component must be orthogonal to the first principal component. In otherwords, it does its best to capture the variance in the data that is not captured by the first principal component.

  • For a 3D dataset, after finding PC1, you can rotate in 2 more dimension, while 1 is fixed.
  • After finding each dimension you have one less degrees of freedom

PCA projection of the data

… is just a linear transformation (rotation) of the original dimensions.


Steps of PCA

  • Create a new axis (PC) that explains the highest amount of variance.
  • The original x1 and x2 are a somewhat correlated, so..
  • Let’s rotate them: a 45’ line in this case is the direction of the largest variation
  • Since we simply rotated the original axis, we rotated all axes
    • A condition of PCA that axes have to be independent.

OK, but…

  • Anything weird?
  • What was our original goal?
    • Simplify
  • We did not reduce the number of dimensions
    • 2D → 2D
    • ???
  • If you keep all PC’s you don’t reduce dimensions, but you don’t loose any data either.
    • So that is the compromise.

Let’s see what happens if we reduce the dimensions 2D → 1D

We can calculate the variance in PC1 direction, if we collapse the datapoint on to the axis.


1D data after PCA

  • We lost ~25% of the variation, but we
  • halved the number of dimensions,
  • which incorporates most of the information from the original x1 and x2.


How many principal components do you need?

  • Rule of thumb: Stop when you can explain 90% of the variance (much depending on the goal),
  • Typical “80/20 rule”: 80% explained by 20%
    • Most of the variance (interesting part of data) will be explained by a very small number of principal components.

Normalise your data before PCA!

  • PCA seeks to identify the principal components with the highest variance,
    • If the data are not normalized, large values will have large variances (in absolute terms)
    • It will dominate the first PC’s

In mathematical terms…


Mathematically, the principal components are the eigenvectors of the covariance matrix of the original dataset.

The principal components (eigenvectors) correspond to the direction (in the original n-dimensional space) with the greatest variance in the data.


  • Covariance
    • Calculated pairwise between each variable,
    • to summarise how much the change in X, predicts the change in Y
    • is the mathematical way to find the eigenvectors.
  • The covariance matrix is just a matrix of pairwise covariances (think of the correlation matrix from the heatmap exercise).

Covariance formula

Square expanded in variance:


… is very similar to covariance:



  • Each eigenvector has a corresponding eigenvalue.
  • An eigenvalue is a number that indicates how much variance there is in the data along that eigenvector (or principal component).
    • A principal component with a small eigenvalue does not do a good job…
    • If a principal component had an eigenvalue of zero, then it would mean that it explained none of the variance in the data.
    • For dimensionality reduction: discard any principal components withnear-zero eigenvalues.

You can use the “PCA” idea for classificaiton

Linear Discriminant Analysis (LDA) aims to find the directions that maximize the separation (or discrimination) between different classes, which can be useful in pattern classification problem (PCA “ignores” class labels).

In other words,

  • PCA projects the entire dataset onto a different feature (sub)space explain the highest variance, while

  • LDA tries to determine a suitable feature (sub)space in order to distinguish between patterns that belong to different classes.

Comparison of PCA and LDA


Independent Component Analysis (ICA) to decompose signals that map to the same dimension


  • Does not components are not orthogonal.
  • Used for “demixing”: Find the 2 original signals that resulted in the observed variable.
  • In layman terms PCA helps to compress data and ICA helps to separate data.

Multidimensional Scaling is a broader term with overlap to PCA

  • Multidimensional Scaling (MDS) is a dimension-reduction technique designed to project high dimensional data down to 2 dimensions while preserving relative distances between observations.
  • It is most useful when the observations are significant and relatively small (basically to the limits of scatter plots).


You can define the distance metric however you want, and MDS with euclidean distance is equivalent to extracting two principal components from a PCA analysis. In general, other distance metrics can be used.

Edited from: umich.edu/~jerrick


  1. Tutorial from umontreal
  2. towardsdatascience.com