Microfluidics & sequencing prices
Abel Vertesy
Concept of microfluidics
- Carve hair-thick channels into a plastic (PBMS = Polydimethylsiloxane).
- Your samples travel through a labyrinth of channels with chambers.
- In each chamber (or section of channel) you can perform a reaction.
Adavantages of microfluidics
- Small volume
- less reagent
- less dilution of small samples
- Small space required
- Small thermal mass / fast heat transfer
- Fast mixing by diffusion
- Precise flow control (laminar flow)
- Protected from contamination
- Automation is easy
- … but its complicated…
Fabrication of microfluidics chips
Sequencing prices
Source: Ziegenhain 2017
- Drop-seq (690$) is the most cost-effective method when sequencing 254 cells at adepth of 250,000 reads, and
- SCRB-seq (810$),
- Mars-Seq (820$), and
- Smart-seq2 (1,090$, with in-house-produced Tn5 transposase)
Cost comparison of key methods
- A new (2016) commercial chip+kit to sequence 10K’s of cells using microfluidics.
- Around 1,000 to 10,000 cells are captured in just 10 minutes.
- Workflow similar to DropSeq: capture cells with beads, release RNA, oligo-dT primed cDNA to get a 3’ mRNA-seq library.
“Economy of scales” for preparation but not for sequencing
Prices @ Cambridge facility https://genomics.cruk.cam.ac.uk/services/Single-cell
Costs: £1500ish per sample:
- £1200 per sample for the single-cell 3’mRNA-Seq library prep.
- for 1000 cells 1.2£
- for 10000 cells 0.12£
- £200 for 1000 cells at 50,000 reads each (assuming multiplexing samples in a HiSeq 4000 lane)
- for 1000 cells @ 250K: 1000£
- for 10000 cells @ 250K: 10000£
Slashing prices
- Multiplexing on the sequencing lane: There are different illumina index primers
- There is always a lot of trouble shooting: choose a method that can do a 100 cells for the first couple of pilot rounds.
- Use of in-house enzymes instead of commercial kits
- Gene specific primers: instead of the polyA primer, you can make a set of 100 gene specific primers to subset to genes
- Pull-down of ready libraries: You can try to remove genes from the ready library by pulldown (biotin labeled DNA primer complementary to say, Hemoglobin)