Data analysis for single-cell genomics
This is not an advanced R-programming course
What do you need to analyse [single-cell omics] data?
You need
Domain specific knowledege
(biological field) +
Data analysis mindset
(abstraction, working with numbers) +
Knowledge of tools
(process data files, visualise, conclude)
You need to understand the concepts to ask the right questions.
Focus of the course
- Learn concepts of high-throughput data analysis, instead of coding syntax.
- Develop abstract thinking to find the common core in various problems.
- Analyse publicly available single-cell transcriptomic datasets to practice some of the skills.
Concepts of high-throughput data analysis
- Learn concepts of high-throughput data analysis, instead of coding syntax
- While syntax of base-R is stable, the syntax of R-packages or, BioInfo software is not
- Consequence:
- We gonna learn a lot of machine learning concepts.
- There is gonna be limited amount of coding.
- Exceptions:
- Basic coding in bash, using the linux terminal.
Develop abstract thinking to solve various problems
- Throughout the entire course we transform biological problems into numeric problems.
- With this, we can find concepts how to generally solve them
- Although we essentially do math, we can explain these in plain words, so you won’t be burdened with a lot of equations.
- This will allow you take one step back, and think on a higher level in whatever domain you will be.
Single-cell transcriptomics is booming, and its going to reach you
What is so special about single-cell mRNA-sequencing, that it worth your time?
- This is the most widespread method to date
- Consequence:
- You have access to a lot of data, that you can use it for yourself.
- The method will become available to you soon.
- We will have an outlook to other x-omics fields
Field is booming and it reaches the parasitology field
![Screen Shot 2018-08-05 at 20.18.49]()
You can now mearure host-pathogen interaction in the same cell!
- Parasite - host-cell / virus - host-cell
- How do transcriptional changes in the parasite affect the host cell?
![Screen Shot 2018-08-05 at 20.18.26]()
Heterogeneity of individual parasites may be a key feature
How does heterogeneity:
- Help to overcome the immune system (arms race)?
- How does it arise, and
How is it controlled?
![Screen Shot 2018-08-05 at 20.26.55]()
Access to publicly available single-cell transcriptomics dataset
They are typically required to share the data. If lucky, they provide: - a gene expression matrix (.xlsx
), or you have to download the - raw data (.fastq
files )
![Screen Shot 2018-08-05 at 20.24.49]()
We are standing on the shoulders of anonym giants
A Disclaimer
This course material is based on hundreds of sources published on the web. Referencing each half sentence and graph was a task beyond my capacities, hereby I thank all authors making their work publicly available, and apologise to unnamed authors. Consequently, I would not like take credit for this course is “my achievement” or “my original work”. I only hope that it will be useful for learning.
Overview - Approximate schedule
- Next generation sequencing
- History & Concepts in sc-seq
- scRNA-seq Experiments
- Analysis of scRNA-seq data
- Data
- Unix intro (P)
- Analysis pipeline
- File formats
- Tools & software
- Example dataset analysis with Seurat (P)
- (Novel & experimental data analysis)
Data analysis is part of the experiment - it’s not something for later
To consult the statistician after an experiment is finished is often merely to ask him to conduct a post mortem examination. He can perhaps say what the experiment died of.”
R.A. Fisher, 1938
Your first take home message.