Corpus Analysis and Visualization

Wouter van Atteveldt
Glasgow Text Analysis, 2016-11-17

Course Overview

10:30 - 12:00

  • Recap: Frequency Based Analysis and the DTM
  • Dictionary Analysis with AmCAT and R

13:30 - 15:00

  • Simple Natural Language Processing
  • Corpus Analysis and Visualization
  • Topic Modeling and Visualization

15:15 - 17:00

  • Sentiment Analysis with dictionaries
  • Sentiment Analysis with proximity

Simple NLP

  • Preprocess documents to get more information
  • Relatively fast and accurate
    • Lemmatizing
    • Part-of-Speech (POS) tagging
    • Named Entity Recognition
  • Unfortunately, not within R

NLPipe + nlpiper

  • nlpipe: simple NLP processing based on stanford corenlp, others
docker run --name corenlp -dp 9000:9000 chilland/corenlp-docker

docker run --name nlpipe --link corenlp:corenlp -e "CORENLP_HOST=http://corenlp:9000" -dp 5001:5001 vanatteveldt/nlpipe
process("test_upper", "test")
[1] "TEST"

Corenlp POS+lemma+NER

text = "Donald trump was elected president of the United States"
process("corenlp_lemmatize", text, format="csv")

NLPiper and US elections

  • Nlpipe and especially the r library is very much work in progress
  • Can only do one document at a time from R
  • Download tokens for US elections:
# choose one:
download.file("", "tokens.rds")
download.file("", "tokens.rds")
download.file("", "tokens.rds")
tokens = readRDS("tokens.rds")
id sentence offset word lemma POS POS1 ner
78757 162317736 1 0 New New NNP R O
78758 162317736 1 4 Technologies Technologies NNP R O
78759 162317736 1 17 Give give VB V O
78760 162317736 1 22 Government Government NNP R O
78761 162317736 1 33 Ample Ample NNP R O
78762 162317736 1 39 Means Means NNP R O

Corpus Analysis

Corpus Analysis

  • Exploratory Analysis
  • Term statistics
  • Corpus comparison

The corpustools package

  • Useful functions for corpus analysis
  • Not fully integrated with quanteda
    • (we're working on it :) )

Dtm vs Dfm

  • quanteda uses 'dfm' objects
    • document-feature matrix
  • tm uses 'dtm' objects
    • document-term matrix
  • Both are sparse matrices

Dtm vs dfm

dfm = dfm(c("a text", "and another text"))
dtm = convert(dfm, "tm")
[1] "DocumentTermMatrix"    "simple_triplet_matrix"
dfm =
[1] "dfmSparse"
[1] "quanteda"

Create DTM from tokens

dtm = dtm.create(tokens$id, tokens$lemma)
dtm.names = with(subset(tokens, POS1=="R"), 
                 dtm.create(id, lemma))
dtm.adj = with(subset(tokens, POS1=="G"), 
               dtm.create(id, lemma))
dtm.persons = with(subset(tokens, ner=="PERSON"), 
                   dtm.create(id, lemma))

Term statistics

stats = term.statistics(dtm.persons)
stats = plyr::arrange(stats, -termfreq)
term characters number nonalpha termfreq docfreq reldocfreq tfidf
Trump 5 FALSE FALSE 5237 674 0.6884576 0.12922905
Clinton 7 FALSE FALSE 3357 582 0.5944842 0.12456663
Donald 6 FALSE FALSE 1087 643 0.6567926 0.04239862
Obama 5 FALSE FALSE 1082 318 0.3248212 0.17415394
Sanders 7 FALSE FALSE 1040 190 0.1940756 0.36697430
Hillary 7 FALSE FALSE 892 496 0.5066394 0.06503282

Corpus Comparison

meta = readRDS("meta.rds")
nyt = meta$medium == "The New York Times"
nyt1 = meta$id[nyt & meta$date < "2016-08-01"]
nyt2 = meta$id[nyt & meta$date >= "2016-08-01"]
dtm1 = with(subset(tokens, id %in% nyt1 & POS1=="G"), 
            dtm.create(id, lemma))
dtm2 = with(subset(tokens, id %in% nyt2 & POS1=="G"), 
            dtm.create(id, lemma))
cmp =, dtm2)
cmp = plyr::arrange(cmp, -chi)
term termfreq.x termfreq.y termfreq relfreq.x relfreq.y over chi
presumptive 63 0 63 0.0023287 0.0000606 38.4190954 37.69604
russian 33 66 99 0.0012371 0.0040611 0.3046290 36.30182
hispanic 27 57 84 0.0010188 0.0035156 0.2897992 33.34656
brazilian 0 17 17 0.0000364 0.0010910 0.0333499 28.46516
racist 0 16 16 0.0000364 0.0010304 0.0353117 26.79011
incumbent 0 15 15 0.0000364 0.0009698 0.0375186 25.11513



dtm.wordcloud(dtm.persons, = sqrt)

plot of chunk unnamed-chunk-13

Beyond (stupid) word clouds

Visualizing comparisons

h = rescale(log(cmp$over), c(1, .6666))
s = rescale(sqrt(cmp$chi), c(.25,1))
cmp$col = hsv(h, s, .33 + .67*s)
cmp = arrange(cmp, -chi)
with(head(cmp, 75), plotWords(x=log(over), words=term, wordfreq=chi, random.y = T, col=col, scale=2))

plot of chunk unnamed-chunk-14

Visualizing over time

terms = term.statistics(dtm.persons)

wordfreqs =
wordfreqs = merge(meta, wordfreqs, by.x="id", by.y="doc")
dates = aggregate(wordfreqs["date"], by=wordfreqs["term"], FUN=mean)
terms = merge(terms, dates)
terms = plyr::arrange(terms, -docfreq)
with(head(terms, 50), plotWords(words=term, x=date, wordfreq = termfreq))

plot of chunk unnamed-chunk-15

Topic Modeling

Topic Models

dtm = with(subset(tokens, POS1 %in% c("G", "N", "V")), 
                 dtm.create(id, lemma, minfreq = 10))
dtm = dtm[, !colnames(dtm) %in% tm::stopwords()]
m =, K = 10, num.iterations = 50, alpha=0.5)
Head(terms(m, 10))
Topic 1 Topic 2 Topic 3 Topic 4 Topic 5 Topic 6 Topic 7 Topic 8 Topic 9 Topic 10
make say year debate country tax show say voter say
city people first media will say art campaign win email
work get show political people year include presidential vote official
can woman play question american will exhibition republican state case
take think write use police company work convention candidate report
come can family time gun job artist know republican year

Visualizing Topic Models: LDAvis

install.packages(c("LDAvis", "servr"))
dtm = dtm[row_sums(dtm) > 0,]
json = ldavis_json(m, dtm)

Visualizing Topic Models: heat map

topics = c("city", "woman", "play", "debate", "country", "tax", "art", "campaign", "votes", "email")
cm = cor(t(m@beta))
colnames(cm) = rownames(cm) = topics
diag(cm) = 0
heatmap(cm, symm = T)

plot of chunk unnamed-chunk-18

Visualizing Topic Models: word clouds

compare.topics <- function(m, cmp_topics) {
  docs = factor(m@wordassignments$i, labels=m@documents)
  terms = factor(m@wordassignments$j, labels=m@terms)
  assignments = data.frame(doc=docs, term=terms, freq=m@wordassignments$v)
  terms = dcast(assignments, term ~ freq, value.var = "doc", fun.aggregate = length)
  terms = terms[, c(1, cmp_topics+1)]
  terms$freq = rowSums(terms[-1])
  terms = terms[terms$freq > 0,]
  terms$prop = terms[[2]] / terms$freq
  terms$col = hsv(rescale(terms$prop, c(1, .6666)), .5, .5)
  terms[order(-terms$freq), ]

Visualizing Topic Models: word clouds

terms = compare.topics(m, match(c("tax", "email"), topics))
with(head(terms, 100), plotWords(x=prop, wordfreq = freq, words = term, col=col, xaxt="none", random.y = T, scale=2))

plot of chunk unnamed-chunk-20

Analysing Topic Models

tpd = topics.per.document(m)
colnames(tpd)[-1] = topics
tpd = merge(meta, tpd)
id date medium year month week city woman play debate country tax art campaign votes email
162317736 2016-02-01 The New York Times 2016-01-01 2016-02-01 2016-02-01 0.2146172 0.0916473 0.0313225 0.1125290 0.0336427 0.0452436 0.0290023 0.0243619 0.0243619 0.3932715
162317809 2016-01-25 The New York Times 2016-01-01 2016-01-01 2016-01-25 0.1926752 0.0843949 0.0684713 0.1066879 0.0302548 0.1385350 0.0270701 0.0175159 0.0143312 0.3200637
171932192 2016-07-04 The New York Times 2016-01-01 2016-07-01 2016-07-04 0.1936416 0.0028902 0.0838150 0.1011561 0.0722543 0.2341040 0.0202312 0.0028902 0.0260116 0.2630058
171932219 2016-07-03 The New York Times 2016-01-01 2016-07-01 2016-06-27 0.0538793 0.5107759 0.0969828 0.1099138 0.1185345 0.0323276 0.0237069 0.0280172 0.0193966 0.0064655
171932226 2016-07-03 The New York Times 2016-01-01 2016-07-01 2016-06-27 0.0454545 0.1363636 0.0454545 0.2272727 0.2272727 0.0454545 0.0454545 0.0454545 0.0454545 0.1363636
171932227 2016-07-03 The New York Times 2016-01-01 2016-07-01 2016-06-27 0.1089385 0.2597765 0.2877095 0.0418994 0.0083799 0.0027933 0.0586592 0.1480447 0.0363128 0.0474860

Hands-on session II

  • Corpus analysis of Election campaign
    • (or your own data…)
  • Which words, adjectives, verbs, etc are frequent?
  • How do they differ over time, by medium, subcorpus
  • What topics can we find?
  • Can we visualize topics, contrasts, etc.