How different does a given symbol pair look?

0 (no difference)
5 (very different)
  • DONE! You have rated all the pairs.
  • Now, take a moment and look at all your ratings together. ADJUST them so that the most similar, but not identical, symbol pair(s) gets the value of 1 and the most dissimilar pair(s) gets the highest value 5.
  • You can change a given rating by clicking on the corresponding cell.
  • When you are satisfied with the results, continue to the final step of the study.

How visually different does the symbol pair look to you?

Enter your rating as a number between 0 and 5 by clicking the corresponding radio button or by typing the number directly on the keyboard.
  • A rating of 0 means there is NO DIFFERENCE between the two symbols (THE SAME).
  • 1 means the two symbols look VERY SIMILAR.
  • 5 means that the two symbols look VERY DIFFERENT (for example, 5 times as diffekent as a very similar symbol pair).
  • Any rating between 1 and 5 should reflect the degree of visual difference between the symbols.

training session

    Shortcut Keys:
  • n:[0-5] - set rating to n
  • up - move up in the radio buttons
  • down - move down in the radio buttons
  • enter or space bar - advance to next task

DONE! Please tell us about any strategy you have used for scoring differences of symbols with additional comments you might have in the text box.