Igalia SVG Logo Tests Without BackgroundImage

PNG reference

PNG reference logo

Original Igalia logo in PNG format.

Without BackgroundImage - defaults

Logo without BackgroundImage - defaults

Igalia logo using the feBlend SVG filter with the in2 attribute holding the result from a feImage SVG filter linking to another embedded SVG document and with default primitive subregion (x, y, width, height; 0%, 0%, 100%, 100%), and the enable-background property NOT set.

Without BackgroundImage - defaults - viewBox

Without BackgroundImage - defaults - viewBox

Igalia logo using the feBlend SVG filter with the in2 attribute holding the result from a feImage SVG filter linking to another embedded SVG document with an explicit identity viewBox attribute and with default primitive subregion (x, y, width, height; 0%, 0%, 100%, 100%), and the enable-background property NOT set.

Without BackgroundImage - explicit

Without BackgroundImage - explicit

Igalia logo using the feBlend SVG filter with the in2 attribute holding the result from a feImage SVG filter linking to another embedded SVG document and with the primitive subregion attributes x, y, width, height explicitely set to 0%, 0%, 100%, 100%, and the enable-background property NOT set.

Without BackgroundImage - explicit - viewBox

Without BackgroundImage - explicit - viewBox

Igalia logo using the feBlend SVG filter with the in2 attribute holding the result from a feImage SVG filter linking to another embedded SVG document with an explicit identity viewBox attribute and with the primitive subregion attributes x, y, width, height explicitely set to 0%, 0%, 100%, 100%, and the enable-background property NOT set.

Without BackgroundImage - defaults - PNG

Logo without BackgroundImage - defaults

Igalia logo using the feBlend SVG filter with the in2 attribute holding the result from a feImage SVG filter linking to a PNG document and with default primitive subregion (x, y, width, height; 0%, 0%, 100%, 100%), and the enable-background property NOT set.

Without BackgroundImage - explicit - PNG

Without BackgroundImage - explicit

Igalia logo using the feBlend SVG filter with the in2 attribute holding the result from a feImage SVG filter linking to a PNG document and with the primitive subregion attributes x, y, width, height explicitely set to 0%, 0%, 100%, 100%, and the enable-background property NOT set.

Without BackgroundImage - Niko

Without BackgroundImage - Niko

Niko's version.

Without BackgroundImage - most-compatible Niko

Without BackgroundImage - most-compatible Niko

Igalia's most compatible version using Niko's small tweaks.

Using CSS styles

CSS styled

CSS styled version.