tupled (A ⇒ B ⇒ C) GH

Convert curried function to a tupled one

between Random GH

Generate a random number between two others

Random.between(0, 10)

promote Ordering[A] GH

Promote occurences of the provided values when sorting

List(10, 7, 5, 2, 7).sorted(Ordering.Int.promote(5, 7))
List(5, 7, 7, 2, 10)

demote Ordering[A] GH

Demote occurences of the provided values when sorting

List(10, 7, 5, 2, 7).sorted(Ordering.Int.demote(5, 7))
List(2, 10, 5, 7, 7)

tap Either[L, R] GH

Perform one action or another

    Left(1).tap(l ⇒ print("left: " + l), r ⇒ print("right: " + r))
Prints "left: 1"
Right(true).tap(l ⇒ print("left: " + l), r ⇒ print("right: " + r))
Prints "right: true"

tapLeft Either[L, R] GH

Perform action if Left

    Left(1).tapLeft(l ⇒ print("left: " + l))
Prints "left: 1"
Right(true).tapLeft(l ⇒ print("left: " + l))
Does nothing

tapRight Either[L, R] GH

Perform action if Right

    Left(1).tap(r ⇒ print("right: " + r))
Does nothing
Right(true).tap(r ⇒ print("right: " + r))
Prints "right: true"

addTo Either[L, R] GH

Adds values into growables

     Left(1).addTo(ints, strings)
ints += 1
Right("foo").addTo(ints, strings)
strings += "foo"

removeFrom Either[L, R] GH

Removes values from a shrinkables

     Left(1).removeFrom(ints, strings)
ints -= 1
Right("foo").removeFrom(ints, strings)
strings -= "foo"

getOrThrow Map[K, V] GH

Retrieve value associated with key or throw exception with message

Map(1 → 2).getOrThrow(1, "Alas, no 1")
Map(2 → 3).getOrThrow(1, "Alas, no 1")
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Alas no 1")

getOrThrow Map[K, V] GH

Retrieve value associated with key or throw exception

Map(1 → 2).getOrThrow(1, new Exception("No such element"))
Map(2 → 3).getOrThrow(1, new Exception("No such element"))
throw new Exception("No such element")

mapKeysEagerly Map[K, V] GH

Eagerly applies a function to each key

Map(1 → 2, 2 → 3).mapKeysEagerly(_ * 10)
Map(10 → 2, 20 → 3)

mapValuesEagerly Map[K, V] GH

Eagerly applies a function to each value

Map(1 → 2, 2 → 3).mapValuesEagerly(_ * 10)
Map(1 → 20, 2 → 30)

mapEntries Map[K, V] GH

Applies a function to each entry, result must be a Tuple2

Map(1 → 2, 2 → 3).mapEntries(k ⇒ v ⇒ (k * 10, v + 0.5))
Map(10 → 2.5, 20 → 3.5)

seqMapKeys Map[K, V] GH

Eagerly applies a function to each key, produces a Map if it never equals None

Map(2 → 4, 4 → 6).seqMapKeys(k ⇒ (k % 2 == 0).option(k / 2)))
Some(Map(1 → 4, 2 → 6))
       Map(1 → 3).seqMapKeys(k ⇒ (k % 2 == 0).option(k / 2)))

seqMapValues Map[K, V] GH

Eagerly applies a function to each value, produces a Map if it never equals None

Map(2 → 4, 4 → 6).seqMapValues(v ⇒ (v % 2 == 0).option(v / 2)))
Some(Map(2 → 2, 4 → 3))
       Map(1 → 3).seqMapValues(v ⇒ (v % 2 == 0).option(v / 2)))

seqMapEntries Map[K, V] GH

Applies a function to each entry, produces a Map if it never equals None

Map(2 → 4, 4 → 6).seqMapEntries(k ⇒ v => (k % 2 == 0).option((k / 2) -> (v / 2)))
Some(Map(1 → 2, 2 → 3))
       Map(1 → 3).seqMapEntries(k ⇒ v => (k % 2 == 0).option((k / 2) -> (v / 2)))

collectKeys Map[K, V] GH

Applies a partial function to each key

Map(1 → 2, 2 → 3).collectKeys { case 2 → 20 }
Map(20 → 3)

updateKeys Map[K, V] GH

Applies a partial function to each key

Map(1 → 2, 2 → 3).updateKeys { case 2 → 20 }
Map(20 → 3)

updateKeys Map[K, V] GH

Applies a function to each key, retains only Somes

Map(1 → 2, 2 → 3).updateKeys(k ⇒ if (k == 2) Some(20) else None)
Map(20 → 3)

updateValue Map[K, V] GH

Update or remove a single entry

Map(1 → 2, 2 → 3).updateValue(1, _ ⇒ None)
Map(2 → 3)

collectValues Map[K, V] GH

Applies a partial function to each value

Map(1 → 2, 2 → 3).collectValues { case 2 ⇒ 20 }
Map(1 → 20)

updateValues Map[K, V] GH

Applies a partial function to each value

Map(1 → 2, 2 → 3).updateValues { case 2 ⇒ 20 }
Map(1 → 20)

updateValues Map[K, V] GH

Applies a function to each value, retains only Somes

Map(1 → 2, 2 → 3).updateValues(v ⇒ if (v == 2) Some(20) else None)
Map(1 → 20)

keyExists Map[K, V] GH

Determine if any key matches the predicate

Map(1 → 2).keyExists(_ > 1)
Map(2 → 3).keyExists(_ > 1)

valueExists Map[K, V] GH

Determine if any value matches the predicate

Map(1 → 2).valueExists(_ > 2)
Map(2 → 3).valueExists(_ > 2)

filterValues Map[K, V] GH

Retain those values that match a predicate

Map(1 → 2, 2 → 3).filterValues(_ > 2)
Map(2 → 3)

filterValuesNot Map[K, V] GH

Discard those value that match a predicate

Map(1 → 2, 2 → 3).filterValuesNot(_ > 2)
Map(1 → 2)

filterKeysNot Map[K, V] GH

Discard those keys that match a predicate

Map(1 → 2, 2 → 3).filterKeysNot(_ > 1)
Map(1 → 2)

findValue Map[K, V] GH

Search for a value that matches a predicate

Map(1 → 2).findValue(_ > 2)
Map(2 → 3).findValue(_ > 2)

findKey Map[K, V] GH

Search for a key that matches a predicate

Map(1 → 2).findValue(_ > 1)
Map(2 → 3).findValue(_ > 1)

sorted Map[K, V] GH

Sort map by keys

Map(1 → 2, 2 → 3).sorted(Ordering.Int.reverse)
SortedMap(2 → 3, 1 → 2)

reverse Map[K, V] GH

Reverse the keys & values, using the function to choose between keys

Map(1 → 2, 2 → 3, 3 → 3).reverse(_.min)
Map(2 → 1, 3 → 2)

reverseToMultiMap Map[K, V] GH

Reverse the keys & values, retaining all data

Map(1 → 2, 2 → 3, 3 → 3).reverseToMultiMap
Map(2 → Set(1), 3 → Set(2, 3))

containsAll Map[K, V] GH

Determine if the map contains all the provided keys

Map(1 → 2).containsAll(None)
Map(1 → 2).containsAll(Some(10))
Map(1 → 2).containsAll(Some(1))

containsAll Map[K, V] GH

Determine if the map contains all the provided keys

Map(1 → 2).containsAll(Nil)
Map(1 → 2).containsAll(List(10))
Map(1 → 2).containsAll(List(1))

containsAny Map[K, V] GH

Determine if the map contains any of the provided keys

Map(1 → 2).containsAny(None)
Map(1 → 2).containsAny(Some(10))
Map(1 → 2).containsAny(Some(1))

containsAny Map[K, V] GH

Determine if the map contains any of the provided keys

Map(1 → 2).containsAny(Nil)
Map(1 → 2).containsAny(List(10))
Map(1 → 2).containsAny(List(1))

containsEntry Map[K, V] GH

Determine if the map contains the provided entry

Map(1 → 2).containsEntry(1, 2)
Map(1 → 2).containsEntry(1, 1)

containsEntry Map[K, V] GH

Determine if the map contains the provided entry

Map(1 → 2).containsEntry((1, 2))
Map(1 → 2).containsEntry((1, 1))

get Map[K, V] GH

Lookup the provided key if Some

Map(1 → 2).get(None)
Map(1 → 2).get(Some(2))
Map(1 → 2).get(Some(1))

emptyTo Map[K, V] GH

Converts empty map to provided value, leaves other maps alone

Map(1 → 2).emptyTo(Map(2 → 3))
Map(1 → 2)
Map().emptyTo(Map(2 → 3))
Map(2 → 3)

uncons Map[K, V] GH

Convert to A depending on whether the map is empty or not

     Map().uncons("empty", m ⇒ "non-empty: " + m.size)
Map(1 → 2).uncons("empty", m ⇒ "non-empty: " + m.size)
"non-empty: 1"

entryFor.minKey Map[K, V] GH

The entry with the minimum key

Map(1 → 2, 2 → 3).entryFor.minKey
Some((1, 2))
Map(1 → 2, 2 → 3).entryFor.minKey(Ordering.Int.reverse)
Some((2, 3))

entryFor.maxKey Map[K, V] GH

The entry with the maximum key

Map(1 → 2, 2 → 3).entryFor.maxKey
Some((2, 3))
Map(1 → 2, 2 → 3).entryFor.maxKey(Ordering.Int.reverse)
Some((1, 2))

entryFor.minValue Map[K, V] GH

The entry with the minimum value

Map(1 → 2, 2 → 3).entryFor.minValue
Some((1, 2))
Map(1 → 2, 2 → 3).entryFor.minValue(Ordering.Int.reverse)
Some((2, 3))

entryFor.maxValue Map[K, V] GH

The entry with the maximum value

Map(1 → 2, 2 → 3).entryFor.maxValue
Some((2, 3))
Map(1 → 2, 2 → 3).entryFor.maxValue(Ordering.Int.reverse)
Some((1, 2))

entryFor.matchingKey Map[K, V] GH

The entry whose key matches the predicate

Map(1 → 2, 2 → 3).entryFor.matchingKey(_ > 2)
Some((2, 3))

entryFor.matchingValue Map[K, V] GH

The entry whose value matches the predicate

Map(1 → 2, 2 → 3).entryFor.matchingValue(_ > 3)
Some((2, 3))

keyFor.minValue Map[K, V] GH

The key whose entry has the minimum value

Map(1 → 2, 2 → 3).keyFor.minValue
Map(1 → 2, 2 → 3).keyFor.minValue(Ordering.Int.reverse)

keyFor.maxValue Map[K, V] GH

The key whose entry has the maximum value

Map(1 → 2, 2 → 3).keyFor.maxValue
Map(1 → 2, 2 → 3).keyFor.maxValue(Ordering.Int.reverse)

valueFor.minKey Map[K, V] GH

The value whose entry has the minimum key

Map(1 → 2, 2 → 3).valueFor.minKey
Map(1 → 2, 2 → 3).valueFor.minKey(Ordering.Int.reverse)

valueFor.maxKey Map[K, V] GH

The value whose entry has the maximum key

Map(1 → 2, 2 → 3).valueFor.maxKey
Map(1 → 2, 2 → 3).valueFor.maxKey(Ordering.Int.reverse)

andThenM Map[K, V] GH

Join the values of the map with the keys of another

Map(1 → 2, 2 → 3).andThenM(Map(2 → "two"))
Map(1 → "two")

composeM Map[K, V] GH

Join the keys of the map with the values of another

Map(1 → 2, 2 → 3).composeM(Map("two" → 2))
Map("two" → 3)

partitionKeysBy Map[K, V] GH

Applies a partial function to each key but retain the subset of the input where the function isn't defined

Map(1 → 2, 2 → 3).partitionKeysBy { case 2 ⇒ "two" }
(Map(1 → 2), Map("two" → 3))

partitionValuesBy Map[K, V] GH

Applies a partial function to each value but retain the subset of the input where the function isn't defined

Map(1 → 2, 2 → 3).partitionValuesBy { case 2 ⇒ "two" }
(Map(2 → 3), Map(1 → "two"))

partitionEntriesBy Map[K, V] GH

Applies a partial function to each entry but retain the subset of the input where the function isn't defined

Map(1 → 2, 2 → 3).partitionValuesBy { case (1, 2) ⇒ ("one", "two") }
(Map(2 → 3), Map("one" → "two"))

calcIfNonEmpty Map[K, V] GH

Calculate result if non empty, None otherwise

Map(1 → 2, 2 → 3).calcIfNonEmpty(_.length)

mutable Map[K, V] GH

Convert to mutable Map

toMutable Map[K, V] GH

Convert to mutable Map

contramapKeys EncodeJson[Map[K, V]] GH

Converts map keys before encoding

mapEncoder.contramapKeys(_.reverse).encodeJson(Map("foo" → "bar"))
{ "oof" → "bar" }

contramapValues EncodeJson[Map[K, V]] GH

Converts map values before encoding

mapEncoder.contramapValues(_.reverse).encodeJson(Map("foo" → "bar"))
{ "foo" → "rab" }

xmapKeys CodecJson[Map[K, V]] GH

Converts map keys before encoding & after decoding

xmapValues CodecJson[Map[K, V]] GH

Converts map values before encoding & after decoding

xmap Numeric[A] GH

Converts to operate on a new type

implicitly[Numeric[Int]].xmap[String](_.toString, Integer.parseInt).plus("2", "3")

toFailureNel Option[E] GH

Converts Some to FailureNel & None to Success


getOrThrow Option[A] GH

Return value or throw exception with message

None.getOrThrow("No potatoes!")
throws NoSuchElementException("No potatoes")
Some("Potatoes").getOrThrow("No potatoes")

getOrThrow Option[A] GH

Return value or throw exception

None.getOrThrow(new PotatoException("No potatoes!"))
throws PotatoException("No potatoes")
Some("Potatoes").getOrThrow(new PotatoException("No potatoes"))

invert Option[A] GH

Convert Some to None and vice versa


toTry Option[A] GH

Convert Some to Success and None to Failure

Failure(new NoSuchElementException)

tap Option[A] GH

Perform one action or another

None.tap(println("none"), i ⇒ println(s"some: $i"))
prints "none"
Some(123).tap(println("none"), i ⇒ println(s"some: $i"))
prints "some: 123"

tapNone Option[A] GH

Perform action if None

prints "none"
Does nothing

tapSome Option[A] GH

Perform action if Some

None.tapSome(i ⇒ println(s"some: $i"))
Does nothing
Some(123).tapSome(i ⇒ println(s"some: $i"))
prints "some: 123"

amass Option[A] GH

Applies partial function if Some

     None amass { case 123 ⇒ Some(456) }
Some(321) amass { case 123 ⇒ Some(456) }
Some(123) amass { case 123 ⇒ Some(456) }

toSuccessNel Option[A] GH

Converts Some to Success & None to FailureNel


append NestedMap[K1, K2, V] GH

Append a value

Map(1 → Map(2 → 3)).append(1, 2, 4)
Map(1 → Map(2 → 4))
Map(1 → Map(2 → 3)).append(1, 3, 4)
Map(1 → Map(2 → 3, 3 → 4))
Map(1 → Map(2 → 3)).append(2, 3, 4)
Map(1 → Map(2 → 3), 2 → Map(3 → 4))

+ NestedMap[K1, K2, V] GH

Append a value

Map(1 → Map(2 → 3)) + ((1, 2, 4))
Map(1 → Map(2 → 4))
Map(1 → Map(2 → 3)) + ((1, 3, 4))
Map(1 → Map(2 → 3, 3 → 4))
Map(1 → Map(2 → 3)) + ((2, 3, 4))
Map(1 → Map(2 → 3), 2 → Map(3 → 4))

flipNesting NestedMap[K1, K2, V] GH

Flips the inner & outer keys

Map(1 → Map(2 → 3), 6 → Map(3 → 4, 4 → 5)).flipNesting
Map(2 → Map(1 → 3), 3 → Map(6 → 4), 4 → Map(6 → 5))

getOrEmpty NestedMap[K1, K2, V] GH

Retrive the values associated with a key or an empty collection

Map(1 → Map(2 → 3)).getOrEmpty(1)
Map(2 → 3)
Map(1 → Map(2 → 3)).getOrEmpty(2)

nestedMap.mapValuesEagerly NestedMap[K1, K2, V] GH

Eagerly applies a function to each value

Map(1 → Map(2 → 3)).nestedMap.mapValueEagerly(_ * 10)
Map(1 → Map(2 → 30))

nestedMap.mapKeysEagerly NestedMap[K1, K2, V] GH

Eagerly applies a function to each inner key

Map(1 → Map(2 → 3)).nestedMap.mapKeysEagerly(_ * 10)
Map(1 → Map(20 → 3))

closeAfter OutputStream GH

Close after applying a function

attemptClose OutputStream GH

Close & catch exceptions

closeIf OutputStream GH

Close if boolean is true

closeUnless OutputStream GH

Close if boolean is false

drain OutputStream GH

Drain all bytes from an InputStream, optionally closing each afterwards

<< OutputStream GH

Drain all bytes from an InputStream

buffered OutputStream GH

Wrap in a BufferedOutputStream

gzip OutputStream GH

Wrap in a GZIPOutputStream

writeN OutputStream GH

Write n bytes into an InputStream & throw if unable to

writeUpToN OutputStream GH

Write up to n bytes into an InputStream

asMap... NonEmptyList[V] GH

asMultiMap... NonEmptyList[V] GH

asInt Boolean GH

Converts to int


either.or Boolean GH

Construct a Right if true, Left if false


option Boolean GH

Construct a Some if true, None if false


cond Boolean GH

Returns first value if true, second if false

false.cond(123, 456)
true.cond(123, 456)

implies Boolean GH

Logical implication

false implies false
false implies true
true implies false
true implies true

nor Boolean GH

Logical NOR

false nor false
false nor true
true nor false
true nor true

nand Boolean GH

Logical NAND

false nand false
false nand true
true nand false
true nand true

calc A GH

Applies a function

12.calc(_ + 3)
 2.calc(_ * 3)

|> A GH

Applies a function

12 |> (_ + 3)
 2 |> (_ * 3)

calcIf A GH

Applies a function if a predicate holds

1.calcIf(_ > 1)(_ * 10)
2.calcIf(_ > 1)(_ * 10)

calcUnless A GH

Applies a function if a predicate does not hold

1.calcUnless(_ > 1)(_ * 10)
2.calcUnless(_ > 1)(_ * 10)

calcPF A GH

Applies a partial function

1 calcPF { case 2 ⇒ 20 }
2 calcPF { case 2 ⇒ 20 }

transform A GH

Applies a partial function

1 transform { case 2 ⇒ 20 }
2 transform { case 2 ⇒ 20 }

tapIf A GH

Performs some actions if a predicate holds

1.tapIf(_ > 1)(print)
Does nothing
2.tapIf(_ > 1)(print)
prints "2"

tapUnless A GH

Performs some actions if a predicate does not hold

1.tapUnless(_ > 1)(print)
prints "1"
2.tapUnless(_ > 1)(print)
Does nothing

tapPF A GH

Performs an action

1 tapPF { case 2 ⇒ println("two !") }
Does nothing
2 tapPF { case 2 ⇒ println("two !") }
Prints "two !"

attempt A GH

Applies a function that can fail

1.attempt(_ ⇒ sys.error("boom !"))
Failure(Exception("boom !"))
1.attempt(_ * 2)

partialMatch A GH

Applies a partial function

1 partialMatch { case 2 ⇒ "two" }
2 partialMatch { case 2 ⇒ "two" }

lpair A GH

Applies a function & retain original value

1.lpair(_ * 2)
(2, 1)

rpair A GH

Retain original value & applies a function

1.rpair(_ * 2)
(1, 2)

filterSelf A GH

Retain original value if a predicate holds

1.filterSelf(_ > 1)
2.filterSelf(_ > 1)

ifSelf A GH

Retain original value if a predicate holds

1.ifSelf(_ > 1)
2.ifSelf(_ > 1)

filterNotSelf A GH

Retain original value if a predicate does not hold

1.filterNotSelf(_ > 1)
2.filterNotSelf(_ > 1)

unlessSelf A GH

Retain original value if a predicate does not hold

1.unlessSelf(_ > 1)
2.unlessSelf(_ > 1)

isOneOf A GH

Test if value is contained in a sequence

1.isOneOf(1, 2, 3)
4.isOneOf(1, 2, 3)

isNotOneOf A GH

Test if value is missing from a sequence

1.isNotOneOf(1, 2, 3)
4.isNotOneOf(1, 2, 3)

containedIn A GH

Test if value is contained in a set

1.containedIn(Set(1, 2, 3()
4.containedIn(Set(1, 2, 3))

notContainedIn A GH

Test if value is missing from a set

1.notContainedIn(Set(1, 2, 3))
4.notContainedIn(Set(1, 2, 3))

withFinally A GH

Applies a function and perform a cleanup action

1.withFinally(println)(_ * 2)
2 (and prints 1)

tryFinally A GH

Applies a function and perform a cleanup action

1.tryFinally(_ * 2)(println)
2 (and prints 1)

cond A GH

Applies a choice of functions depending on whether a predicate holds

1.cond(_ > 1)("true: " + _)("false: " + _)
false: 1
2.cond(_ > 1)("true: " + _)("false: " + _)
true: 2

addTo A GH

Adds value into a growable

ints += 1

removeFrom A GH

Removed value from a shrinkable

ints -= 1

unfold A GH

Builds a stream by repeatedly applying a function

64.unfold(i ⇒ if (i > 1) Some((i, i/2)) else None)
Stream(64, 32, 16, 8, 4, 2)

update A GH

Performs some actions

Prints 1

withSideEffect A GH

Performs some actions

Prints 1

tap A GH

Performs some actions

Prints 1

bounded A GH

Constrain value to be between two others

0.bounded(1, 3)
2.bounded(1, 3)
5.bounded(1, 3)

ensure A GH

Validates predicate

1.ensure("<= 1")(_ > 1)
Failure("<= 1")
2.ensure("<= 1")(_ > 1)

ensureNel A GH

1.ensureNel("<= 1")(_ > 1)
Failure(NonEmptyList("<= 1"))
2.ensureNel("<= 1")(_ > 1)

partitionEithers GTL[Either[L, R]] GH

Partition eithers into lefts & rights

List(Right(3.0), Left(1), Right(4.0), Left(1)).partitionEithers
(List(1, 1), List(3.0, 4.0))

retainKeys mutable.Map[K, V] GH

Retain entries whose keys match the predicate

retainValues mutable.Map[K, V] GH

Retain entries whose values match the predicate

copyTo Array[A] GH

Copy subset of an array to another

Array(1, 2, 3, 4, 5).copyTo(2, Array(0, 0, 0, 0, 0), 1, 3)
Array(0, 3, 4, 5, 0)

naming ThreadFactory GH

Adapt threads created by factory to be named

threadFactory.naming(i ⇒ s"Thread: $i").newThread(...).getName
Thread: 0

+++= mutable.Builder[A, B] GH

Adds the elements of several traversables

(new ListBuffer[Int] +++= List(List(1, 2), List(3), List(4))).result()
List(1, 2, 3, 4)

on mutable.Builder[A, B] GH

Change the type of element consumed by the builder

(new ListBuffer[Double].on[Int](_.toDouble)) += 3).result()

reset mutable.Builder[A, B] GH

Return result & clear

run mutable.Builder[A, B] GH

Update the builder & produce a result

new ListBufer[Int].run(_ += 1, _ ++= List(2, 3)
List(1, 2, 3)

collectHistogram GTL[A] GH

Calculate how many occurences of a property of each element

List("foo", "food", "bar", "oo").collectAttributeCounts {
  case word if word.size > 2 ⇒ word.size
// 2 words of length 3, 1 of length 4
Map(3 → 2, 4 → 1)

optHistogram GTL[A] GH

Calculate how many occurences of a property of each element

List("foo", "food", "bar", "oo").optAttributeCounts(
  word ⇒ if (word.size <= 2) None else Some(word.size)
// 2 words of length 3, 1 of length 4
Map(3 → 2, 4 → 1)

histogram GTL[A] GH

Calculate how many occurences of a property of each element

List("foo", "food", "bar", "oo").attributeCounts(
  word ⇒ word.size
// 1 word length 1, 2 of length 3, 1 of length 4
Map(2 → 1, 3 → 2, 4 → 1)

onlyOption GTL[A] GH

Head if gtl has 1 element, None otherwise

Vector(1, 2).onlyOption

onlyOrThrow GTL[A] GH

Head if list gtl 1 element, throws otherwise

Nil.onlyOrThrow(l ⇒ new Throwable("Not singleton: "l.length)
throws "Not singleton: 0"
Set(1).onlyOrThrow(s ⇒ new Throwable("Not singleton: "s.length)
Vector(1, 2).onlyOrThrow(v ⇒ new Throwable("Not singleton: "v.length)
throws "Not singleton: 2"

onlyEither GTL[A] GH

Right if gtl has 1 element, Left otherwise

Vector(1, 2).onlyEither
Left(Vector(1, 2))

asMap.withEntries GTL[A] GH

Build a map by specifying entries

List(2, 4).asMap.withEntries(i ⇒ (i/2, i*2))
Map(1 → 4, 2 → 8)

asMap.withEntries GTL[A] GH

Build a map by specifying keys & values

List(2, 4).asMap.withEntries(i ⇒ i/2, i ⇒ i*2)
Map(1 → 4, 2 → 8)

asMap.withEntries GTL[A] GH

Build a nested map by specifying keys & values

List(2, 4).asMap.withEntries(i ⇒ i/2, i ⇒ i, i ⇒ i*2)
Map(1 → Map(2 → 4), 2 → Map(4 → 8))

asMap.withEntries GTL[A] GH

Build a nested map by specifying keys & values

List(2, 4).asMap.withEntries(
  i ⇒ i/2, i ⇒ i, i ⇒ i*10, i ⇒ i*2
  1 → Map(2 → Map(20 → 4)),
  2 → Map(4 → Map(40 → 8))

asMap.withSomeEntries GTL[A] GH

Build a map by optionally specifying entries

List(2, 4).asMap.withSomeEntries(i ⇒ if (i == 2) Some((i/2, i*2)) else None)
Map(1, 4)

asMap.withSomeEntries GTL[A] GH

Build a map by optionally specifying keys & values

List(3, 5, 15).asMap.withSomeEntries(
  i ⇒ if (i%3 == 0) Some(i/3) else None,
  i ⇒ if (i%5 == 0) Some(i/5) else None
Map(5 → 3)

asMap.withPFEntries GTL[A] GH

Build a map by partially specifying entries

List(2, 4).asMap.withPFEntries { case 2 ⇒ (22, 222) }
Map(22 → 222)

asMap.withPFEntries GTL[A] GH

Build a map by partially specifying keys & values

List(1, 2, 3).asMap.withPFEntries({
  case 1 ⇒ 11
  case 3 ⇒ 33
}, {
  case 2 ⇒ 222
  case 3 ⇒ 333
Map(33 → 333)

asMultiMap.withEntries GTL[A] GH

Build a multi map by specifying entries

List(1, 2, 3).asMultiMap[List].withEntries(i ⇒ (i%2, i))
Map(0 → List(2), 1 → List(1, 3))
 List(1, 2, 3).asMultiMap[Set].withEntries(i ⇒ (i%2, i))
Map(0 → Set(2),  1 → Set(1, 3))

asMultiMap.withEntries GTL[A] GH

Build a multi map by specifying keys & values

List(1, 2, 3).asMultiMap[List].withEntries(i ⇒ i%2, i ⇒ i))
Map(0 → List(2), 1 → List(1, 3))
 List(1, 2, 3).asMultiMap[Set].withEntries(i ⇒ i%2, i ⇒ i))
Map(0 → Set(2),  1 → Set(1, 3))

asMultiMap.withEntries GTL[A] GH

Builds a nested multi map by specifying keys & values

List(1, 2, 3, 4).asMultiMap[List].withEntries(
  i ⇒ i%2, i ⇒ i/2, i ⇒ i
  0 -> Map(1 -> List(2), 2 -> List(4)),
  1 -> Map(0 -> List(1), 1 -> List(3))

asMultiMap.withEntries GTL[A] GH

Builds a nested multi map by specifying keys & values...

List(1, 2, 3, 4).asMultiMap[List].withEntries(
  i ⇒ i%2, i ⇒ i/2, i ⇒ i*10, i ⇒ i
  0 -> Map(2 -> Map(40 -> List(4)), 1 -> Map(20 -> List(2))),
  1 -> Map(1 -> Map(30 -> List(3)), 0 -> Map(10 -> List(1)))
List(1, 2, 3, 4).asMultiMap[Set].withEntries(
  i ⇒ i%2, i ⇒ i/2, i ⇒ i*10, i ⇒ i
  0 -> Map(2 -> Map(40 -> Set(4)), 1 -> Map(20 -> Set(2))),
  1 -> Map(1 -> Map(30 -> Set(3)), 0 -> Map(10 -> Set(1)))

asMultiMap.withSomeEntries GTL[A] GH

asMultiMap.withSomeEntries GTL[A] GH

asMultiMap.withPFEntries GTL[A] GH

asMultiMap.withPFEntries GTL[A] GH

ungroupBy GTL[A] GH

partitionByPF GTL[A] GH

all GTL[A] GH

none GTL[A] GH

seqFold GTL[A] GH

seqMap GTL[A] GH

apoFold GTL[A] GH

ifSome Predicate[A] GH

Lift predicate to apply to Option

((i: Int) ⇒ i == 2).ifSome.apply(None)
((i: Int) ⇒ i == 2).ifSome.apply(Some(1))
((i: Int) ⇒ i == 2).ifSome.apply(Some(2))

and Predicate[A] GH

A predicate that's true only when both input predicates are true

((i: Int) ⇒ i % 3 == 0).and((i: Int) ⇒ i % 5 == 0).apply(1)
((i: Int) ⇒ i % 3 == 0).and((i: Int) ⇒ i % 5 == 0).apply(3)
((i: Int) ⇒ i % 3 == 0).and((i: Int) ⇒ i % 5 == 0).apply(5)
((i: Int) ⇒ i % 3 == 0).and((i: Int) ⇒ i % 5 == 0).apply(15)

or Predicate[A] GH

A predicate that's true when either input predicates are

((i: Int) ⇒ i % 3 == 0).or((i: Int) ⇒ i % 5 == 0).apply(1)
((i: Int) ⇒ i % 3 == 0).or((i: Int) ⇒ i % 5 == 0).apply(3)
((i: Int) ⇒ i % 3 == 0).or((i: Int) ⇒ i % 5 == 0).apply(5)
((i: Int) ⇒ i % 3 == 0).or((i: Int) ⇒ i % 5 == 0).apply(15)

exists Predicate[A] GH

A predicate that's true when there exists an element that passes

((i: Int) ⇒ i == 2).exists.apply(Nil)
((i: Int) ⇒ i == 2).exists.apply(List(1))
((i: Int) ⇒ i == 2).exists.apply(List(2))
((i: Int) ⇒ i == 2).exists.apply(List(1, 2))

guard Predicate[A] GH

Limit a function by a predicate

((i: Int) ⇒ i == 2).guard(_ * 10).lift(1)
((i: Int) ⇒ i == 2).guard(_ * 10).lift(2)

cond Predicate[A] GH

tailOption Stream[A] GH

The tail of the stream if it is not empty, None otherwise


uncons Stream[A] GH

Convert to B depending on whether the stream is empty or not

   Stream.empty.uncons("[]", s ⇒ s"[${s.length} elements]"
Stream(1, 2, 3).uncons("[]", s ⇒ s"[${s.length} elements]"
"[3 elements]"

unconsC Stream[A] GH

Convert to B with head & tail if non empty, default otherwise

   Stream.empty.unconsC("[]", h ⇒ t ⇒ s"[$h .. ${t.length} more]"
Stream(1, 2, 3).unconsC("[]", h ⇒ t ⇒ s"[$h .. ${t.length} more]"
"[1, 2 more]"

lazyScanLeft Stream[A] GH

scanLeft that works on infinite or blocking streams

(1 #:: {synchronized(wait(0)); Stream(2)}).lazyScanLeft(0)(_ + _).take(1).toList

reverseInits Stream[A] GH

inits that works on infinite or blocking streams

Stream.iterate(0)(_ + 1).reverseInits.take(3)
Stream(Stream.empty, Stream(0), Stream(0, 1))

toMultiMap FilterMonadic[(K, V)] GH

Convert to MultiMap

List((1, 11), (2, 22), (1, 111)).toMultiMap[Set]
Map(1 → Set(11, 111), 2 → Set(22))

closeAfter InputStream GH

Close after applying function

new ByteArrayInputStream(Array(123)).closeAfter(_.read())

attemptClose InputStream GH

Close & catch exceptions

closeIf InputStream GH

Close if boolean is true

closeUnless InputStream GH

Close if boolean is false

drain InputStream GH

Drain all bytes into an OutputStream, optionally closing afterwards

>> InputStream GH

Drain all bytes into an OutputStream

buffered InputStream GH

Wrap in a BufferedInputStream

gunzip InputStream GH

Wrap in a GZIPInputStream

readN InputStream GH

Read n bytes into an OutputStream & throw if unable to

readUpToN InputStream GH

Read up to n bytes into an OutputStream

toByteArray InputStream GH

Convert to an array of bytes

isJar File GH

Check if file has '.jar' extension

isClass File GH

Check if file has '.class' extension

isJava File GH

Check if file has '.java' extension

isScala File GH

Check if file has '.scala' extension

missing File GH

Check if file is missing

isChildOf File GH

Check if file is a child of another

new File("/etc/password").isChildOf("/etc")
new File("/etc/password").isChildOf("/")

isParentOf File GH

Check if file is parent of another

new File("/etc").isParentOf("/etc/password")
   new File("/").isParentOf("/etc/password")

isAncestorOf File GH

isContainedIn File GH

contains File GH

hasExtension File GH

/ File GH

named File GH

canon File GH

relativeTo File GH

writeLines File GH

writeBytes File GH

write File GH

deleteRecursively File GH

deleteRecursivelyOnExit File GH

changeToDirectory File GH

create File GH

touch File GH

children File GH

childDirs File GH

tree File GH

ancestors File GH

path File GH

outputStream File GH

source File GH

readString File GH

readBytes File GH

readLines File GH

className File GH

md5 File GH

batchBy List[A] GH

Split into batches whenever result of function changes

List(1, 2, -1, -2, 3, -3, -4).batchBy(_ >= 0)
List(List(1, 2), List(-1, -2), List(3), List(-3, -4))

countBy List[A] GH

Group by number of occurrences of function result

List(1, 2, -1, -2, 3, -3, -4).countBy(_ >= 0)
Map(3 → List(1, 2, 3), 4 → List(-1, -2, -3, -4))

distinctBy List[A] GH

Retain only the first occurrence of an element whose function result is repeated

List("foo", "food", "oof", "foods").distinctBy(_.length))
List("food", "foods")

duplicatesBy List[A] GH

Retain only those elements whose function result is repeated

List("foo", "food", "oof", "foods", "doof").duplicatesBy(_.length))
List("foo", "food", "oof", "doof")

duplicates List[A] GH

Retain only those elements which are repeated

List(1, 2, 3, 1, 4, 3).duplicates
LIst(1, 3)

const List[A] GH

Replace all elements with a constant value

List(1, 2, 3).const("foo")
List("foo", "foo", "foo")

lpair List[A] GH

Pair up each element with the result of f

List(1, 2, 3).lpair(_ * 2)
List((2,1), (4,2), (6,3)))

rpair List[A] GH

Pair up each element with the result of f

List(1, 2, 3).lpair(_ * 2)
List((1,2), (2,4), (3,6)))

countWithSize List[A] GH

Count number of times a predicate passes, along with the list size

Nil.countWithSize(_ >= 0)
List(1, 2, -2, 3, -4, 5).countWithSize(_ >= 0)
Some((4, 6))

sizeGT List[A] GH

Determine if the list size exceeds some value

List(1, 2, 3).sizeGT(2)
List(1, 2, 3).sizeGT(3)

fraction List[A] GH

Determine what fraction of the list passes some predicate

Nil.fraction(_ >= 0)
List(1, 2, -2, 3, -4, 5).fracton(_ >= 0)

emptyTo List[A] GH

Replace empty list with supplied value

List(1, 2).emptyTo(List(3, 4))
List(1, 2)
Nil.emptyTo(List(3, 4))
List(3, 4)

headTail List[A] GH

The head & tail if the list is non empty, throws otherwise

List(1, 2, 3).headTail
(1, List(2, 3))
throws "headTail of empty list"

headTailOption List[A] GH

The head & tail if the list is non empty, None otherwise

List(1, 2, 3).headTailOPtion
Some((1, List(2, 3)))

initOption List[A] GH

The init if the list is non empty, None otherwise

List(1, 2, 3).initOption
Some(List(1, 2))

tailOption List[A] GH

The tail if the list is non empty, None otherwise

List(1, 2, 3).tailOption
Some(List(2, 3))

initLast List[A] GH

The init & last if the list is non empty, throws otherwise

List(1, 2, 3).initLast
(List(1, 2), 3)
throws "initLast of empty list"

initLastOption List[A] GH

The init & last if the list is non empty, None otherwise

List(1, 2, 3).initLastOption
Some((List(1, 2), 3))

prefixPadTo List[A] GH

Prefix lists smaller than provide size with repetitions of the provided element

List(1, 2).prefixPadTo(1, 99)
List(1, 2)
List(1, 2).prefixPadTo(4, 99)
List(99, 99, 1, 2)

sharedPrefix List[A] GH

Split list into parts shared with the beginning of another, along with the remainder of each

List(1, 2, 3, 4).sharedPrefix(List(1, 2, 4, 3))
(List(1, 2), List(3, 4), List(4, 3))

amass List[A] GH

filter andThen flatMap

List(1, 2, 3, 4).amass { case i if i % 2 == 0 ⇒ List(i, -i) }
List(2, -2, 4, -4)

calcIfNonEmpty List[A] GH

Calculate result if non empty, None otherwise

List(1, 2, 3).calcifNonEmpty(_.length)

mapIfNonEmpty List[A] GH

Map if non empty, None otherwise

Nil.mapIfNonEmpty(_ * 10)
List(1, 2, 3).mapIfNonEmpty(_ * 10)
Some(List(10, 20, 30))

onlyDisjunction List[A] GH

\/- if list has 1 element, -\/ otherwise

List(1, 2).onlyDisjunction
-\/(List(1, 2))

uncons List[A] GH

Convert to B depending on whether the list is empty or not

          Nil.uncons("[]", l ⇒ s"[${l.length} elements]"
List(1, 2, 3).uncons("[]", l ⇒ s"[${l.length} elements]"
"[3 elements]"

unconsC List[A] GH

Convert to B with head & tail if non empty, default otherwise

          Nil.unconsC("[]", h ⇒ t ⇒ s"[$h .. ${t.length} more]"
List(1, 2, 3).unconsC("[]", h ⇒ t ⇒ s"[$h .. ${t.length} more]"
"[1, 2 more]"

unsnocC List[A] GH

Convert to B with init & last if non empty, default otherwise

          Nil.unsnocC("[]", i ⇒ l ⇒ s"[${i.length} previous, $l]"
List(1, 2, 3).unsnocC("[]", i ⇒ l ⇒ s"[${i.length} previous, $l]"
"[2 previous, 3]"

tapNonEmpty List[A] GH

Perform an action if the list is non empty

    Nil.tapNonEmpty(l ⇒ print("non-empty: " + l))
Does nothing
List(1).tapNonEmpty(l ⇒ print("non-empty: " + l))
Prints "non-empty: List(1)"

tapEmpty List[A] GH

Perform an action if the list is empty

Prints "empty"
Does nothing

tap List[A] GH

Perform an action depending on whether the list is empty or not

    Nil.tap(print("empty"), l ⇒ print("non-empty: " + l))
Prints "empty"
List(1).tap(print("empty"), l ⇒ print("non-empty: " + l))
Prints "non-empty: List(1)"

zipWith List[A] GH

Combine with another list element-wise

List(1, 2).zipWith(List('z', 'x')) { case (i, c) ⇒ s"i: $i, c: $c"}
List("i: 1, c: z", "i: 2, c: x")
   List(1).zipWith(List('z', 'x')) { case (i, c) ⇒ s"i: $i, c: $c"}
List("i: 1, c: z")
List(1, 2).zipWith(List('z'))      { case (i, c) ⇒ s"i: $i, c: $c"}
List("i: 1, c: z")

zipToMap List[A] GH

Combine with another list element-wise to form a Map

List(1, 2).zipToMap(List('z', 'x'))
Map(1 → 'z', 2 → 'x')
   List(1).zipToMap(List('z', 'x'))
Map(1 → 'z')
List(1, 2).zipToMap(List('z'))     
Map(1 → 'z')

zipExact List[A] GH

Losslessly combine with another list element-wise

List(1, 2).zipExact(List('z', 'x'))
(List((1, 'z'), (2, 'x')), None)
   List(1).zipExact(List('z', 'x'))
(List((1, 'z')), Some(Right('x')))
List(1, 2).zipExact(List('z'))     
(List((1, 'z')), Some(Left(1)))

zipExactWith List[A] GH

Losslessly combine with another list element-wise

List(1, 2).zipExactWith(List(10.0, 20.0))(_ + _)
(List(11.0, 22.0), None)
   List(1).zipExactWith(List(10.0, 20.0))(_ + _)
(List(11.0), Some(Right(20.0))
List(1, 2).zipExactWith(List(10.0      ))(_ + _)
(List(11.0), Some(Left(2)))

sortPromoting List[A] GH

When sorting promote specified elements, otherwise use existing ordering

List("red", "green", "blue", "cyan").sortPromoting("cyan", "green")
List("cyan", "green", "blue", "red")

sortDemoting List[A] GH

When sorting demote specified elements, otherwise use existing ordering

List("blue", "red", "cyan", "green").sortDemoting("green", "blue")
List("cyan", "red", "green", "blue")

toNel List[A] GH

Convert to non-empty list, if possible

List(1, 2).toNel
Some(NonEmptyList(1, 2))

max NonEmptyList[A: Order] GH

Maximum value

NonEmptyList(3, 1, 4).max

min NonEmptyList[A: Order] GH

Minimum value

NonEmptyList(3, 1, 4).min

toLeft PartialFunction[A, B] GH

toRight PartialFunction[A, B] GH

either PartialFunction[A, B] GH

partition PartialFunction[A, B] GH

isUndefinedAt PartialFunction[A, B] GH

first PartialFunction[A, B] GH

second PartialFunction[A, B] GH

unify PartialFunction[A, B] GH

map PartialFunction[A, B] GH

contramap PartialFunction[A, B] GH

PartialFunction[C, B]

*** PartialFunction[A, B] GH

&&& PartialFunction[A, B] GH

||| PartialFunction[A, B] GH

\/ PartialFunction[A, B] GH

toMultiMap GTL[(K, V)] GH

beforeDecode DecodeJson[A] GH

Pre-processes json before decoding

compose DecodeJson[A] GH

Pre-processes json before decoding

upcast DecodeJson[A] GH

Upcasts results after decoding

asMap.withValues GTL[K] GH

asMap.withSomeValues GTL[K] GH

asMap.withPFValues GTL[K] GH

asMap.withConstValue GTL[K] GH

asMultiMap.withValues GTL[K] GH

asMultiMap.withSomeValues GTL[K] GH

asMultiMap.withPFValues GTL[K] GH

asMultiMap.withConstValue GTL[K] GH

afterEncode EncodeJson[A] GH

Post-processes json after encoding

andThen EncodeJson[A] GH

Post-processes json after encoding

downcast EncodeJson[A] GH

Downcasts values before encoding

toHex Array[Byte] GH

Convert to hex string

Array[Byte](126, 87, -85, 30).toHex

toHex Array[Byte] GH

Convert to hex & prefix up to a certain length

Array[Byte](126, 87, -85, 30).toHex(10)

copyUpToN Array[Byte] GH

Use array as buffer to copy up to n bytes from an InputStream to an OutputStream

readUpToN Array[Byte] GH

Read up to n bytes from an InputStream

unlift (A ⇒ Option[B]) GH

Create partial function

addTo (A, B) GH

Adds values into growables

(1, "foo").addTo(ints, strings)
ints += 1; strings += "foo"

removeFrom (A, B) GH

Removes values from a shrinkables

(1, "foo").removeFrom(ints, strings)
ints -= 1; strings -= "foo"

tap (A, B) GH

Performs an action

(1, "foo").tap(i ⇒ s ⇒ println(s"int: $i, string: $s")
Prints "int: 1, string: foo"

calc (A, B) GH

Applies a function

(1, "foo").calc { case (i, s) ⇒ s"int: $i, string: $s" }
"int: 1, string: foo"

calcC (A, B) GH

Applies a curried function

(1, "foo").calc(i ⇒ s ⇒ s"int: $i, string: $s")
"int: 1, string: foo"

to (A, B) GH

Converts all elements to a common type

(123, 456.0).to[String]
("123", "456.0")

tmap (A, B) GH

Applies functions to each element

(1, "foo").tmap(_ * 2, _.reverse)
(2, "oof")

notContains Set[A] GH

Tests if some element is absent in this set

Set(1, 2).notContains(1)
Set(1, 2).notContains(3)

mutable Set[A] GH

Convert to mutable set

toMutable Set[A] GH

Convert to mutable set

powerSet Set[A] GH

All possble subsets of the set

Set(1, 2, 3).powerSet
Set(1, 2, 3), Set(1, 2), Set(1, 3), Set(2, 3), Set(1), Set(2), Set(3), Set())

partitionDisjunctions GTL[L \/ R] GH

Partition disjunctions into lefts & rights

List(\/-(3.0), -\/(1), \/-(4.0), -\/(1)).partitionDisjunctions
(List(1, 1), List(3.0, 4.0))

flatten (L \/ (L \/ R)) GH

Flattens two level disjunction into one


addDay Date GH

Adds n days to date


mapC List[(A, B) GH

Curried map method

List((1, 2), (2, 3)).mapC(a ⇒ b ⇒ a * b)
List(2, 6)

mapKeys DecodeJson[Map[K, V]] GH

Converts map keys after decoding

mapDecoder.mapKeys(_.reverse).decodeJson({ "foo" → "bar" })
Map("oof" → "bar")

mapValues DecodeJson[Map[K, V]] GH

Converts map values after decoding

mapDecoder.mapValues(_.reverse).decodeJson({ "foo" → "bar" })
Map("foo" → "rab")

attempt Callable[A] GH

Wrap result in Try

cartesianProduct List[List[A]] GH

Every permutation of elements choosen from each list

List(List(1,2,3), List(8,9)).cartesianProduct
List(List(1,8), List(1,9), List(2,8), List(2,9), List(3,8), List(3,9))

flatten ((L \/ R) \/ R) GH

Flattens two level disjunction into one


asMap.withKeys GTL[V] GH

asMap.withSomeKeys GTL[V] GH

asMap.withManyKeys GTL[V] GH

asMap.withUniqueKeys GTL[V] GH

asMap.withPFKeys GTL[V] GH

asMultiMap.withKeys GTL[V] GH

asMultiMap.withSomeKeys GTL[V] GH

asMultiMap.withManyKeys GTL[V] GH

asMultiMap.withUniqueKeys GTL[V] GH

asMultiMap.withPFKeys GTL[V] GH

select MultiMap[F, K, V] GH

Choose a slice of the multimap, equivalent to Map[K, F[V]].mapValuesEagerly

Map(1 → List(1, 11), 2 → List(2, 22)).select(_.last)
Map(1 → 11, 2 → 22)

merge MultiMap[F, K, V] GH

Combines two multimaps by concatenating their values

Map(1 → List(1), 3 → List(3)).merge(Map(2 → List(2), 3 → List(33))
Map(1 → List(1), 2 → List(2), 3 → List(3, 33))

append MultiMap[F, K, V] GH

Appends a single entry, concatenating if already present

Map(1 → List(11)).append(2, List(22))
Map(1 → List(11), 2 → List(22))
Map(1 → List(11)).append(1, List(111))
Map(1 → List(11, 111))

multiMap.head MultiMap[F, K, V] GH

Selects the head element of each value

Map(1 → List(11), 2 → List(22, 222)).multiMap.head
Map(1 → 11, 2 → 22)

multiMap.tail MultiMap[F, K, V] GH

Selects the tail of each value, only retains non-empty values

Map(1 → List(1, 11), 2 → List(22), 3 → Nil).multiMap.tail
Map(1 → List(11))

multiMap.reverse MultiMap[F, K, V] GH

Reverses the multimap

Map('a' → List(1, 2), 'b' → List(2, 3)).reverse
Map(1 → List('a'), 2 → List('a', 'b'), 3 → List('b'))

multiMap.mapEntries MultiMap[F, K, V] GH

Map over each entry to produce another multimap

Map(2 → List(2, 22)).mapEntries(key ⇒ values ⇒ (key * 10, List(values.sum)))
Map(20 → List(24))

multiMap.mapEntriesU MultiMap[F, K, V] GH

Map over each entry to produce another type of multimap

Map(2 → List(2, 22)).mapEntriesU(key ⇒ values ⇒ (key * 10, Set(values.sum)))
Map(20 → Set(24))

multiMap.values MultiMap[F, K, V] GH

Concatenate values

Map(1 → List(1), 2 → List(2, 22)).multiMap.values
List(1, 2, 22)

multiMap.sliding MultiMap[F, K, V] GH

Produce a sequence of multimaps that slide across the original

Map(1 → List(11, 12, 13), 2 → List(21, 22, 23)).multiMap.sliding(2)
List(Map(1 → List(11, 12), 2 → List(21, 22)), Map(1 → List(12, 13), 2 → List(22, 23)))

pop MultiMap[F, K, V] GH

Removes head value associated with key, discarding empty values entirely

Map(1 → List(2, 3), 2 → List(3)).pop(1)
Map(1 → List(3), 2 → List(3))
Map(1 → List(2, 3), 2 → List(3)).pop(2)
Map(1 → List(2, 3))
Map(1 → List(2, 3), 2 → List(3)).pop(3)
Map(1 → List(2, 3), 2 → List(3)))

sequence MultiMap[F, K, V] GH

Convert a multimap to a sequence of maps

Map(1 → List(10, 11), 2 → List(20, 21)).sequence
List(Map(1 → 10, 2 → 20), Map(1 → 11, 2 → 21))

headTailOption MultiMap[F, K, V] GH

The head & tail if the multimap is non empty, None otherwise

Map(1 → List(10, 11), 2 → List(20)).headTailOption
Some(Map(1 → 10, 2 → 20), Map(1 → List(11)))
Map(1 → Nil, 2 → List(20)).headTailOption
Some(Map(2 → 20), Map())
Map(1 → (Nil: List[Int])).headTailOption
MultiMap.empty[List, Int, Int]

flatMapValues MultiMap[F, K, V] GH

Expand each value to a collection of values

Map(0 → List(1, 2)).flatMapValues(v ⇒ List(v, -v))
Map(0 → List(1, -1, 2, -2))

flatMapValuesU MultiMap[F, K, V] GH

Expand each value to a different type of collection of values

Map(0 → List(1, 2)).flatMapValuesU(v ⇒ Set(v, -v))
Map(0 → Set(1, -1, 2, -2))

getOrEmpty MultiMap[F, K, V] GH

Retrive the values associated with a key or an empty collection

Map(1 → List(2)).getOrEmpty(1)
Map(1 → List(2)).getOrEmpty(2)

onlyOption MultiMap[F, K, V] GH

Returns Some map if the multimap only contains empty or singleton containers, None otherwise

Map(1 → Nil, 2 → List(22)).onlyOption
Some(Map(2 → 22))
Map(1 → List(1, 11)).onlyOption

string Traversal[Json, Json] GH

compose with string prism


int Traversal[Json, Json] GH

compose with int prism


filterNulls Json GH

Recursively removes null values

{ "a": null, "b": 3 }
{ "b": 3 }
[ "a", null, "b" ]
[ "a", "b" ]
{ "o": [ "a", null, "b" ] }
{ "o": [ "a", "b" ] }
[ { "a": null, "b": 3 } ]
[ { "b": 3 } ]

as[F] NonEmptyList[K] GH

unique NonEmptyList[A] GH

Remove duplicates

NonEmptyList(3, 1, 4, 3, 4).unique
NonEmptyList(3, 1, 4)

uniqueBy NonEmptyList[A] GH

Remove items with duplicate properties

NonEmptyList("foo", "bar", "bare", "food").uniqueBy(_.length)
NonEmptyList("foo", "bare")

filter NonEmptyList[A] GH

filters the NonEmptyList

   NonEmptyList(1).filter(_ % 2 == 0)
NonEmptyList(1, 2).filter(_ % 2 == 0)

filterNot NonEmptyList[A] GH

filters the NonEmptyList

   NonEmptyList(2).filterNot(_ % 2 == 0)
NonEmptyList(1, 2).filterNot(_ % 2 == 0)

onlyOption NonEmptyList[A] GH

Head if non-empty list has 1 element, None otherwise

NonEmptyList(1, 2).onlyOption

onlyEither NonEmptyList[A] GH

Right if non-empty list has 1 element, Left otherwise

NonEmptyList(1, 2).onlyEither
Left(NonEmptyList(1, 2))

onlyDisjunction NonEmptyList[A] GH

\/- if list has 1 element, -\/ otherwise

NonEmptyList(1, 2).onlyDisjunction
-\/(NonEmptyList(1, 2))

attempt (A ⇒ B) GH

guardWith (A ⇒ B) GH

beforeDecode CodecJson[A] GH

Pre-processes json before decoding

afterDecode CodecJson[A] GH

Converts after decoding

beforeEncode CodecJson[A] GH

Converts before encoding

afterEncode CodecJson[A] GH

Post-processes json after encoding

andThen CodecJson[A] GH

Post-processes json after encoding

compose CodecJson[A] GH

Pre-processes json before decoding

emptyTo String GH

Convert empty strings to another


prefixPadTo String GH

suffixWith String GH

Add suffix to string if absent


prefixWith String GH

Add prefix to string if absent


affixWith String GH

Add prefix & suffix to string if absent

"file".affixWith("dir/", ".txt")
"file.txt".affixWith("dir/", ".txt")
"dir/file".affixWith("dir/", ".txt")
"dir/file.txt".affixWith("dir/", ".txt")

stripAffixes String GH

Remove prefix & suffix from string

"file".stripAffixes("dir/", ".txt")
"file.txt".stripAffixes("dir/", ".txt")
"dir/file".stripAffixes("dir/", ".txt")
"dir/file.txt".stripAffixes("dir/", ".txt")

sharedPrefix String GH

Split string into parts shared with the beginning of another, along with the remainder of each

("12", "34", "43")

md5 String GH

toByteArray String GH

toByteArray String GH

tap (L \/ R) GH

Perform one action or another

   -\/(1).tap(l ⇒ print("left: " + l), r ⇒ print("right: " + r))
Prints "left: 1"
\/-(true).tap(l ⇒ print("left: " + l), r ⇒ print("right: " + r))
Prints "right: true"

tapLeft (L \/ R) GH

Perform action if Left

   -\/(1).tapLeft(l ⇒ print("left: " + l))
Prints "left: 1"
\/-(true).tapLeft(l ⇒ print("left: " + l))
Does nothing

tapRight (L \/ R) GH

Perform action if Right

   -\/(1).tap(r ⇒ print("right: " + r))
Does nothing
\/-(true).tap(r ⇒ print("right: " + r))
Prints "right: true"

addTo (L \/ R) GH

Adds values into growables

      -\/(1).addTo(ints, strings)
ints += 1
\/-("foo").addTo(ints, strings)
strings += "foo"

removeFrom (L \/ R) GH

Removes values from a shrinkables

      -\/(1).removeFrom(ints, strings)
ints -= 1
\/-("foo").removeFrom(ints, strings)
strings -= "foo"

leftFlatMap (L \/ R) GH

flatMap over the left, equivalent to swap.flatMap.swap

   \/-(123).leftFlatMap(in => in match { case "left" => \/-(100); case _ => -\/(in) }
-\/("left").leftFlatMap(in => in match { case "left" => \/-(100); case _ => -\/(in) }
 -\/("101").leftFlatMap(in => in match { case "left" => \/-(100); case _ => -\/(in) }

fold Try[A] GH

Convert to B

Failure(Throwable("boom")).fold(_.getMessage, "message: " + _)
Success(123).fold(_.getMessage, "message: " + _)
"message: 123"

getMessage Try[A] GH

None if Success, Some if Failure


toEither Try[A] GH

Convert to Either


toDisjunction Try[A] GH

Convert to Disjunction
