Basic Filters



Start Date
Last Update

Advanced Filter


Saved Filters

Select a saved filter to clear existing filters and apply saved ones.

Key: Value
Key: Value
Key: Value
Key: Value
Key: Value
Key: Value
Key: Value
Key: Value
Key01234567890: Value012345678901234567890
Key with a few separate words to wrap: Value that contains separate words that will wrap also
Key: Value
Key: Value

Display Preferences

Customize Columns
Customize the table presentation by selecting which columns to show in the results list.

Set Per View Limits
Select the number of results to display, per view.

  • State: Active
  • Errors: With errors
This table pulled from the Process Instance table in the Workbench. It has been restyled with some CSS and some inline styles, where they already existed. The action button was replaced with a kebab menu. Look in the HTML for comments containing "SRAMBACH" to mark changes made.
Name Version Project Actions
Order for IT hardware
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