
Description: User jumps and falls to reach door to next level
Programmer: George Wright
Compiler: Smart Mobile Studio 2.2


If you obtain an error message from your current browser, please try another such as Chrome. The game, although unfinished, is a great example of what can be achieved by a highly talented lower-school student with free access to professional editions of software both at home and at school. This is our most collaborative contribution. Alex Karet supervised (and wrote some of the levels as indicated in comments) and Steven Binns provided valuable input. Major new features in Version 2 include buttons that allow you to play the game on a mobile device, climbable platforms and turrets that shoot at you when you are not blocked from the path of their bullets. This version received nothing but encouraging feedback at a recent exhibition. For those of you who are unable to progress through the levels but would still like to have a look at later features such as turrets, we added a line of code to unlock the doors in the level selector.


When playing RandomPlatformScroller:

A brief description of the levels follows:
  1. training for moving left and right;
  2. training for jumping;
  3. training for double jumping;
  4. training for falling through a platform;
  5. training for wall jump;
  6. training with the 7 types of platform;
  7. training with crumbling platforms;
  8. training with moving platforms;
  9. training with scrolling;
  10. training to find a door;
  11. a game with lots of jump through platforms;
  12. a game with lots of crumbling platforms;
  13. a game with lots of moving platforms;
  14. a game with lots of vertical platforms;
  15. a game with no wall jumps;
  16. training with a turret;
  17. a game with turrets;
  18. another game with turrets.

You could experiment with the parameters in a level to suit your preferences. Please let us know if you design a level that you think will be popular.

Technical Features

The program benefits from:
