
Description: 2D Sprite Demo
Programmer: Unknown
Compiler: Smart Mobile Studio 2.2


Isabella sprite texture is 128px X 128px PNG with alpha channel. This paper2D sprite uses TranslucentUnlitMaterial. There is also the simplest 3 verts sprite tringle with OpaqueUnlitMaterial. - All sprites have No-Collision and Generate Overlap events disabled.

I did myself a very similar test using the same 128x128 PNG sprite with Smart Mobile Studio (A cute programming thingy that compile Object Pascal syntax to HTML5) and displays 3,000 individually animated Sprites at 40FPS on my Laptop (see live here) while using this very similar UE4 project when I reach 3,000 sprites I get a painful 9 FPS on same PC.

Technical Features

The program benefits from: