
From: "Sebastian Haase" <seb.haase AT (nospam) gmail . com> [use @ for AT, remove spaces and the (nospam) part]
Date: 2007-03-10


  1. Introduction
  2. Python Tutorial
  3. Tutorial: Numerical Python
  4. Priithon Tutorial
  5. Design
  6. Reference

  1. Introduction
    1. Motivation
    2. Design
    3. Start
    4. Demo 1: synthetic "star/bead images"
    5. Demo 2: image file analysis
  2. Python Tutorial
    1. Python
    2. Things to memorize
    3. Now let's start
    4. loops and functions
    5. we don't need this (yet)
    6. last Python notes
    7. debugger
  3. Tutorial: Numerical Python
    1. some history
    2. Quick start
    3. more exercising
  4. Priithon Tutorial
    1. images
    2. Coordinate System
    3. "Useful" stuff
      1. "This is really part of numpy"
        1. wrong: was true when Priithon was using numarray
    4. Priithon: F-module
    5. Scripts
  5. Design
    1. PyShell
    2. Swig
    3. OpenGL
    4. SciPy: plot
    5. ScientifiPython
    6. MatplotLib (pylab)
    7. MayaVi / VTK / UCSF-Chimera
  6. Reference
    1. N: numerical python modules
    2. Priithon
      1. U: "useful" module
      2. Y: wxPython/OpenGL based display module [[FN(),DIR()]]
      3. F: "think (physical) fields" and fft module
      4. Mrc: MRC/Priism file module
      5. gone: P: obsolete C++ based MRC/Priism file I/O
      6. S: C++ (fortran) based functions (make array from known memory address, think e.g. hardware driver lib for CCD cam)
      7. Wvl: see wavelet paper

1. Introduction

1.1. Motivation

  1. The entire collection of all the provided modules

  2. The PyShell graphical text interface (including drag-and-drop functionality)

  3. A package of many Useful modules that I wrote; including the OpenGL based image viewer and many computation shortcuts that allow quick interactive development

1.2. Design

  1. a fast OpenGL based image viewer that ...

  2. a very fast (because it uses STScI's memory mapping module) MRC/Priism file handling module 8

  3. a module for using fftw (using short function names I like)

  4. collection of "ND test images" ("hard" disk or square, gaussian bell shape, gaussian noise, poisson noise, ...)

  5. collection of "useful" (one-liner type) functions (min-max-mean-stddev, phase(of complex valued images)

  6. framework for easy C/C++/fortran extensions writing (uses SWIG with my typemaps)

1.3. Start

  1. Get Python version 2.4:

    • Linux will probably have it

    • Mac or Windows: go to [] and follow the link

  2. Get Priithon as a zipped-archive:

    • Linux: PrLinN_2007......tbz or PrLinN64_2007......tbz for i386 or 64-bit-Linux/-Python

    • Mac OSX: PrMacNPPC_2007.....tbz or PrMacNInt_2007.....tbz for PowerPC or Intel

    • Windows:

  3. Extract it - All is contained inside one directory:

    • Linux: PrLinN (or PrLinN64) - put this directory were ever you want - e.g. your home directoy

    • Mac: PrMacNPPC or PrMacNInt - put this directory were ever you want - e.g. your home directoy

    • Windows: PrWinN must be put into C:\ (i.e. C:\PrWinN)

  4. The master-script is called priithon_script or priithonN.bat on Windows

    1. create a link to the script to a convenient place:

      • Windows: drag and drop e.g. to Desktop

      • Mac and Linux: use symbolic links (e.g. ln -s priithon_script ~/bin/priithon)

  5. start priithon by typing priithon or double-click on the priithon-script file

1.4. Demo 1: synthetic "star/bead images"

Simulation of 2d images of resolution limited point sources with two types of noise sources:

   1 >>> a = F.gaussianArr((256,256), sigma=3, peakVal=100, orig=0, wrap=1) # shape of a perfect bead
   2 >>> b = F.poissonArr((256,256), mean=.001)        # random bead positions
   3 >>> c = 100 + F.convolve(a,b)
   4 >>> d = c + F.noiseArr((256,256), stddev=1)
   5 >>> e = F.poissonize(d)
   6 >>> Y.view(c) # noise free
   7 >>> Y.view(e) # with "readout" noise and quantum shot noise

1.5. Demo 2: image file analysis

Image analysis of data saved in any file format

   1   Drag image-file into PyShell window (jpg,bmp,tiff, ... or fits or MRC/Priism format)
   2   Select: 'view'
   3 >>> a = Y.vd(-1) # get data from latest viewer
   4 >>> U.mmms(a) # show min,max,mean,stddev of whole (nd)data-set
   6  # set viewer into mode so that each left-mouse-click shows a line profile
   7  #   (averaged over deltaY=15 pixel) in graph-plot window
   8 >>> Y.vLeftClickHorizProfile(-1, 15, '-+')
   9  # click into the image viewer window !

2. Python Tutorial

2.1. Python

2.2. Things to memorize

2.3. Now let's start

   1 >>> def f():
   2 ...     a = 4/0
   3 ...
   4 >>> f() # "uncaught" error
   5   Traceback (most recent call last):
   6   File "<input>", line 1, in #
   7   File "<input>", line 2, in f ZeroDivisionError: integer division or modulo by zero

The following shows how one would have a "controlled" response to an (anticipated) error situation. Most people will get by without ever using this !

   1 >>> try: # now we catch it and handle it in a "controlled" way
   2 ...     f()
   3 ... except Exception, e:
   4 ...     print "*** there is a problem:", e
   5 ... *** there is a problem: integer division or modulo by zero
   6 >>>

Important note: indices are used differntly then you might expect:

   1 >>> a = [1,3.1, 4j, "hello"] # list
   2 >>> a[0] # get first element - index 0 !!
   3 1
   4 >>> a[1:3] # get '''slice''' of elements 1 and 2
   5            # when slicing, the last one (3) is NOT included
   6 [3.1, 4j]
   7 >>> a[-1]  # negative indices count from the end
   8 'hello'
   9 >>> len(a)
  10 4
  11 >>> a + ['qqqq'] # appends to list
  12 [1, 3.1, 4j, 'hello', 'qqqq']
  13 >>> a += [1,2,3] # appends to list
  14 >>> # a += 4     # error: you meant: a += [4]
   1 >>> range(5) # returns a list, start at 0, up to (not including !) 5, increment 1
   2 [0,1,2,3,4]
   3 >>> range(4,8)  # start at 4, up to < 8, in steps of 1
   4 [4,5,6,7]
   5 >>> range(4,13,3)
   6 >>> range(12,6,-3)  # return list: start with 12, go in steps of -3, stay larger than 6
   7 [12, 9]
   8 >>> range(12,5,-3)
   9 [12, 9, 6]
   1 >>> [i**2 for i in range(3)] # list comprehension: [/any-expression/ for VAR in LIST]
   2 [0, 1, 4]
   3 >>> [i**2 for i in range(1,5) if i**3!=27] #list comprehension with if-clause
   4 [1, 4, 16]

2.4. loops and functions

   1 >>> for i in range(10):
   2 ...     print i,i**2
   3 ...
   4 >>> a = 10
   5 >>> while a>5:
   6 ...     print a
   7 ...     a -= 1
   8 ...
   9       < prints result here >
  10 >>> def f(a=10): # argument with default value
  11 ...    if a==0:
  12 ...        return 1
  13 ...    return a*f(a-1)
  14 ...
  15 >>> del a # delete variable name a; if no one else has a reference to a, a get garbage collected
  17 >>> import string # if you want to use other modules/packages

2.5. we don't need this (yet)

   1 >>> a = {} # empty dictionary
   2 >>> a['boss'] = 1000000
   3 >>> a[1234] = "string"
   4 >>> a
   5 {1234: -1, 'boss': 1000000}
   6 >>> len(a) 3
   7 >>> a.keys()
   8 [1234, 'boss']
   9 >>> a.values()
  10 [-1, 1000000]
  11 >>> a.items() # returns a list of tuples: (key,value) pairs
  12 [(1234, -1), ('boss', 1000000)]

Tuples are very similar to lists: the one big difference is that they are unchangeable (immutable). This allows using them as keys in dictinaries. Together lists and tuple are referred to as sequences.

   1 >>> b = (1,3.1, 4j, "hello") # tuple
   2 >>> len(b)
   3 4
   4 >>> b + [3,4]
   5 Traceback (most recent call last):
   6   File "<input>", line 1, in #
   7 TypeError: can only concatenate tuple (not "list") to tuple
   8 >>> a = {} # empty dictionary
   9 >>> a[(4,5)] = [6,7]
  10 >>> a['boss'] = 1000000
  11 >>> a[1234] = "string"
  12 >>> a.items() # returns a list of tuples: (key,value) pairs
  13 [((4, 5), (6, 7)), (1234, -1), ('boss', 1000000)]
  15 >>> b += (3,4)  # works - NO error: BUT new b get's created

Generic file I/O is supported (if you realy need it ! But see the Priithon-"useful" sections first !)

   1   f = open("c:/lines.txt")
   2   for line in f.readlines():
   3       print "%4d " % len(line), line, # line already contains a 'newline'
   4   f.close()

Python is a real object-orieted language - so here are your classes. (But you might never need to create a class in your life.)

   1   class myClass:
   2     def __init__(self, a=0):
   3        self.a = a
   4     def getVal(self):
   5        return self.a
   6     def setVal(self, a):
   7        self.a = a
   8     def __str__(self):   # define "string"-representation
   9        return "<myClass with val = %s" % self.a

2.6. last Python notes

2.7. debugger

If something goes wrong and you get a traceback, you might be interested in the python debugger. He allows you (among other things) to go in ("post mortem" !) and check on variables and their values right before the exception occurs

   2 >>> U.debug()    # short for:
   3 (pdb) l   # 'l' lists some lines before and after where the error occured
   4 (pdb) up  # 'up' goes one level up into the calling function
   5 (pdb) l   # 'l' lists some lines before and after - now in the calling function
   6 (pdb) p varname  # print value of a variable
   7 (pdb) help
   8 ...
   9 ...
  10 ...
  11 (pdb) quit
  13 >>>

(SEB TODO more excercise!)

3. Tutorial: Numerical Python

When I started with Priithon in 2001/2002 the (supposed to be) current version of numerical python was numarray. But it was never accepted by everyone in the cummunity (mostly because small array/matrix handling was not optimized enough). Now (2007, starting in 2005) the two camps are reunited into numpy. Numpy is now the official name (of the project and of the actual python module). Before it was used for the original Numeric package as a nickname (keep this is mind when you google old web pages)

3.1. some history

3.2. Quick start

(we use numpy; priithon imports numpy as N)

Numpy provides a efficient data type for multi-dimensional numerical data array; we will call them always arrays even though vector would sometimes sound nicer (especially for the mathematically trained ear).

Arrays are not extensible in size. 23 In Numerical Python the convention for n>1 dimensional arrays is to use the axis order as z,y,x. That is for 2d arrays (matrices) the first index references to the row and the second to the column.

Indices start at \0\ and end "one early" (like in C/C++: a[5] has elements from a[0] to a[4]; a[5] gives an error message (no segmentation fault :-) )

   1  # create an single precision float array with 256 by 256 elements
   2 >>> a = N.zeros((256,256), N.float32)
   3  # 3 by 256 by 256 elements unsigned short (16bit) integer, all elements set to one.
   4 >>> b = N.ones((3,256,256), N.uint16)
   5  # create 1d-array: start with 1 increment .1, up to (not including!) 10  
   6 >>> c = N.arange(1,10,.1)
   7  # N.arange: type defaults to double precision or int32(if that's enough)
   8 >>> c.dtype
   9 float64
  10 >>> c.shape
  11 (90)

3.3. more exercising

   1 >>> a = N.array([[1,2], [3,4], [5,6]]) # create array from sequence (list or tuple)
   2 >>> a
   3 [[1 2]
   4  [3 4]
   5  [5 6]]
   6 >>> b = N.arange(1,7); b.shape=(3,2); b
   7 [[1 2]
   8  [3 4]
   9  [5 6]]
  10 >>> a[0]  # values for row(y) 0
  11 [1 2]
  12 >>> a[0,:] # all following (non specified) indices default to ':' anyway !!
  13 [1 2]
  14 >>> a[:,1] # values column(x) 1
  15 [2 4 6]
  16 >>> a.shape
  17 (3, 2)
  18 >>> a.rank # number of dimensions of a ( equals len(a.shape) ) 2
  19 >>> a.dtype
  20 int32
  21 >>> b.shape= (2,3)  # you can assign a new shape IF the total number of elements matches
  22 >>> b
  23 [[1 2 3]
  24  [4 5 6]]
  25 >>> a.sum()
  26 21
  27 >>> a.stddev()
  28 1.87082869339
  30 >>> a.diagonal()
  31 [1 4]
  32 >>> a.trace()
  33 5
  34 >>> N.where(a>2,1,4)
  35 [[4 4]
  36  [1 1]
  37  [1 1]]
  38 >>> a.flat   # python uses C order (not Fortran)
  39 [1 2 3 4 5 6]
  40 >>> a.dtype
  41 int32
  42 >>> N.average(a.flat)
  43 3.5
  44 >>> a.transpose()
  45 >>> a
  46 [[1 3 5]
  47  [2 4 6]]
  48 >>> a[:,0] = 77
  49 >>> a
  50 [[77  3  5]
  51  [77  4  6]]
  52 >>> a[1] = 0
  53 >>> a
  54 [[77  3  5]
  55  [ 0  0  0]]
  56 >>> N.arange(10)[::3] # strides !
  57 [0 3 6 9]
  58 >>> N.arange(0,10,3)
  59 [0 3 6 9]
  62 >>> N.identity(3)
  63 [[1 0 0]
  64  [0 1 0]
  65  [0 0 1]]
  67 >>> N.pi
  68 3.14159265359
  69 >>> N.e
  70 2.71828182846

4. Priithon Tutorial

Now the tutorial for my image analysis package (a collection of several module that I wrote)

4.1. images

4.2. Coordinate System

this paragraph is from PIL: ( we do it differently !!!! todo fixme)

The Python Imaging Library uses a Cartesian pixel coordinate system, with (0,0) in the upper left corner. 
Note that the coordinates refer to the implied pixel corners; 
the centre of a pixel addressed as (0, 0) actually lies at (0.5, 0.5).

Coordinates are usually passed to the library as 2-tuples (x, y). 
Rectangles are represented as 4-tuples, with the upper left corner given first. 
For example, a rectangle covering all of an 800x600 pixel image is written as (0, 0, 800, 600).

4.3. "Useful" stuff

The purpose of the U-module is to provide "useful" "one-liner kind-of" functions.

First, if you have a dataset and want to see all of it's min,max,mean and standard-deviation values, call U.mmms( array ).

If your eyes start hurting because you look at many arrays (their element value) and don't care at all about all those decimals and e-numbers try calling U.naSetArrayPrintMode(precision=4, suppress_small=1) 31

For (1D?) curve fitting we have:

To calculate a histogram of any (real values) data array you can use either U.histogram() or U.histogramYX().32 Please notice that if you specify too many bins then some might stay at zero count.

4.3.1. "This is really part of numpy"

U.nd is a "module shortcut" to scipy.nd_image

This module is written by Peter J. Verveer; it contains various functions for multi-dimension image processing. Those include operations for smoothing filter, first and second derivative filter, image segmentation, segmented image measuring functions and much more. wrong: was true when Priithon was using numarray is a "module shortcut" to numarray.linear_algebra

This module provides some commonly used linear algebra routines; it uses (if properly installed) very machine optimized implementation provided by system libraries (lapack/blas/atlas). 34 35

This function returns the least-squares solution of an overdetermined system of linear equations. An optional third argument indicates the cutoff for the range of singular values (defaults to ). There are four return values: the least-squares solution itself, the sum of the squared residuals (i.e. the quantity minimized by the solution), the rank of the matrix a, and the singular values of a in descending order. a, b)

This function solves a system of linear equations with a square non-singular matrix a and a right-hand-side vector b. Several right-hand-side vectors can be treated simultaneously by making b a two-dimensional array (i.e. a sequence of vectors). The function inverse(a) calculates the inverse of the square non-singular matrix a by calling solve_linear_equations(a, b) with a suitable b. a, full_matrices=0)

This function returns three arrays V, S, and WT whose matrix product is the original matrix a. V and WT are unitary matrices (rank-2 arrays), whereas S is the vector (rank-1 array) of diagonal elements of the singular-value matrix. This function is mainly used to check whether (and in what way) a matrix is ill-conditioned.

U.ra is a "module shortcut" to numarray.random_array

This provides a multitude of different random number generators/distributions: like uniform, normal(or gaussian), poisson and more. They are implemented using "ranlib", which is a good quality C implementation of a random-number generator. All functions in U.ra return float64 numbers (randint() returns int32)

U.mlab is a "module shortcut" to numarray.mlab

This provides some functions you might know from matlab which are still missing in the normal na module.

(seb: check: "Masked arrays" are arrays that may have missing or invalid entries)

(seb: check if "numarray.convolve" is useful besides nd_image)

4.4. Priithon: F-module

First there is a set of fft (fast fourier transform) functions

these function use the fftw library (version 2)

Each such function takes a shape argument. If not specified it defaults to F.defshape ( = (256,256) ).

All other arguments all have reasonable default values so that calling any of the above functions give you something nice to look at.

Many functions have arguments for a radius (disc, cone, cosSqDisc, gaussian, maxhat) or two radii (ring) or parameters like mean and/or standard deviation (noise, poisson).

Most of the functions take an orig (origin) argument (a coordinate tuple); it defaults to None which is to mean "center" of the total volume (or area in 2d; or length in 1d); use a scalar as orig and it gets expanded to the full rank, so that 0 means e.g. (0,0) for a 2d array.

F.zzernikeArr() returns a zernike base-function (2d) of given zernike order. 37 The crop argument is either 1 ( yes, do crop at radius ) or 0 (no cropping, extend the polynomials to fill the full (squared) array; this might not be useful!(still one might be curious to take a look))

The functions F.maxNormRadialArr(), F.radialArr(), F.radialPhiArr() are generic work horse functions used to implement the functions above.

These function are meant to be (slightly) easier to type than N.zeros(): The capital letter at the end specifies the array type: U - uint16 F - float32 D - float64 S - int16 I - int32 C - complex64

(The choice of types comes from image analysis of large data sets acquired by CCD cameras as 16 unsigned integer pixel values)

And the shape can be given by the sequence of arguments: E.g. use

   1 >>> a = F.zeroArrF(256,256) # instead of:  N.zeros((256,256), N.float32)
   2 >>> b = F.zeroArrC( a.shape ) # a shape-tuple argument also works!

Additionally the F modules contains other functions:

seb TODO:

4.5. Scripts

To do this you start your favorite editor and create a file with it's name ending on ".py". If you then start the file with the first line being

   1 from Priithon.all import *

you can from then on use all the familiar module names like in the interactive mode: e.g. N.arange or F.zeroArrF(512,512). To use those new functions you type (assuming you file is called "" and is in the current directory)

   1 import my1
   2 my1.myFunction()

You can see that your new file acts just like any other module in Python !

Instead of having to be in the directory where you files are you can set a enviroment variable in your system. I have for example on my Linux system this line in my .bashrc file:

export PYTHONPATH=/home/haase/myPy

Then I put all my little script files in to the myPy folder in my home-directory and Priithon always finds them. (If you have more then one such directory separate them by colons (like: PYTHONPATH=dir1:dir2:dir3)

Now, when you edit a file you need to type

   1 reload(my1)

This is NOT a prefect way to do this, because:

  1. It doesn't reload modules that are imported for my1

  2. If you were to (accentially) delete a global name (like a function or a variale) from you file the old definition still "sticks" around

    1. reload only overwrites and adds - it does NOT delete things inside the module

  3. IF you reload multiple modules that also import each other the ORDER MATTERS in which you call the reloads

5. Design

5.1. PyShell

5.2. Swig

5.3. OpenGL

5.4. SciPy: plot

5.5. ScientifiPython

5.6. MatplotLib (pylab)

5.7. MayaVi / VTK / UCSF-Chimera

6. Reference

6.1. N: numerical python modules


6.2. Priithon

6.2.1. U: "useful" module

6.2.2. Y: wxPython/OpenGL based display module [[FN(),DIR()]]

6.2.3. F: "think (physical) fields" and fft module

6.2.4. Mrc: MRC/Priism file module

The Mrc module provides file I/O functions to read and write Mrc/Priism files. These are used in the Biology and Microscopy community.

The module uses a technology called memory mapping: so after opening a file you get a (special) numpy that is still "connected" to that file; any changes to the array will eventually get written to the file if it was opened as writable (NOT the default!!). To remind you of this "connected-ness" instead of "load" the function is called Mrc.bindFile().

The numpy object returned by those functions all have a special attribute named Mrc; you can access Mrc-specific parts of your data through this attribute: Example:

   1 >>> a = Mrc.bindFile("myData.mrc")
   2 >>>
   3  <some summary of the Mrc-header is printed here>
   4 >>> a.Mrc.hdr.title[0]
   5  <returns the first (of the 10 possible) titles stored in the Mrc-header>

6.2.5. gone: P: obsolete C++ based MRC/Priism file I/O

6.2.6. S: C++ (fortran) based functions (make array from known memory address, think e.g. hardware driver lib for CCD cam)

Therefore the S module is nort even loaded into the top-level (__main__) module, but is loaded into U (i.e. U.S)

The (maybe!?) only exceptions to the don't use S rule is creating a buffer object from a memory pointer, to be used as buffer in N.ndarray(buffer=...) are

I dno't remember the status / usefulness of

6.2.7. Wvl: see wavelet paper


This is being given out on special request to UCSF for academic use only

J Microsc. 2005 Aug;219(Pt 2):43-9.

A novel 3D wavelet-based filter for visualizing features in noisy biological data

Moss WC, Haase S, Lyle JM, Agard DA, Sedat JW.

Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, CA 94550, USA. [MAILTO]

Summary We have developed a three-dimensional (3D) wavelet-based filter for visualizing structural features in volumetric data. The only variable parameter is a characteristic linear size of the feature of interest. The filtered output contains only those regions that are correlated with the characteristic size, thus de-noising the image. We demonstrate the use of the filter by applying it to 3D data from a variety of electron microscopy samples, including low-contrast vitreous ice cryogenic preparations, as well as 3D optical microscopy specimens.


   1 >>> import Wvl
   2 >>> b1 = F.discArr((512, 512), radius=10, orig=0, valIn=1, valOut=0, wrap=1)
   3 >>> b2 = F.discArr((512, 512), radius=20, orig=0, valIn=1, valOut=0, wrap=1)
   4 >>> bp1 = N.where(F.poissonArr((512,512), 10)>25, 1,0)
   5 >>> c0 =F.convolve(bp1, b1)
   6 >>> bp2 = N.where(F.poissonArr((512,512), 10)>25, 1,0)
   7 >>> c0+=F.convolve(bp2, b2)
   8 >>> c0+=100
   9 >>> c = c0 + F.noiseArr((512,512), 2)    ## SNR: 1/2=(peak-bgk)/noiseStdDev 
  11 >>> s=512
  12 >>> s*2**.5
  13 724.077343935
  14 >>> s*2**.5 + 3*30   # size * sqrt(2)  + 3*wvlOrder
  15 814.077343935
  16 >>> cc = F.zeroArrF(800,800)   # little less ;-)
  17 >>> F.copyPadded(c,cc,  100) # bkg is 100
  18 >>> ww = F.zeroArrF(800,800)
  20 >>> Wvl.twoD(cc, ww, 40, nAngles=6, verboseLvl=1)
  21 begin angle 0
  22 begin angle  15.0
  23 begin angle  30.0
  24 begin angle  45.0
  25 begin angle  60.0
  26 begin angle  75.0
  28 >>> w40 = F.zeroArrF(512,512)
  29 >>> F.copyPadded(ww,w40)
  30 >>> Y.view(w40)
  32 >>> Wvl.twoD(cc, ww, 20, nAngles=6, verboseLvl=1)
  33 begin angle 0
  34 begin angle  15.0
  35 begin angle  30.0
  36 begin angle  45.0
  37 begin angle  60.0
  38 begin angle  75.0
  39 >>> w20 = F.zeroArrF(512,512)
  40 >>> F.copyPadded(ww,w20)
  41 >>> Y.view(w20)
  • 1

    • the automatically compiled code runs e.g. loops much faster than Matlab

  • 2
    • of course you can write non interactive scripts also

  • 3
    • One can add new functions written in C/C++ easily (see later)

  • 4
    • because it's interactive

  • 5
    • this might be the big difference where scripting languages like Perl and Ruby cannot compete

  • 6
    • They tend to provide easy access to a relively small set of functions while blocking any access to more complex operations which were not anticipated.

  • 7
    • The very popular shell IPython should also work

  • 8
    • many in optical and electron microscopy use this format

  • 9
    • This is done by a garbage collector

  • 10
    • especially annoying if your editor messes with those "white spaces" ...

  • 11
    • I use tabs so that everyone can set their tab-width to what they like best to look at

  • 12
    • all names: variables,functions,classes,other modules

  • 13
    • To force a reload of a module call the reload(''modulename'') - but there are some issues with reloading ... seb: more

  • 14
    • Multiple instructions can be put in one line with a semicolon (and any number of spaces) in between them - don't use this too much !

  • 15
    • or the function that called the function that called the "faulty" function and so on

  • 16
    • boolean is now also a data type (since python2.2) and file objects and sets(since Python2.3) and ??

  • 17
    • all scalars are always double precision; single precision is provided by Numerical Python for arrays (note: it supports rank-0 arrays which are almost practically scalars)

  • 18
    • the complete list includes: ==, !=, <,>,<>,<=,>=,<=> (returns -1,0,1 for less,equal or greater relationship between the two of operands

  • 19
    • finally! this has always been a so ugly since the old days of BASIC when you had to take those constructs apart and write things like 0<=a and a<1

  • 20
    • don't use ==, since this raises an exception if the two types are not comparable

  • 21
    • Numarray was written by Perry Greenfield, Rick White, Todd Miller, JC Hsu, Paul Barrett, and Phil Hodge at the Space Telescope Science Institute. Numarray is made available under a BSD-style License. See LICENSE.txt in the source distribution for details.

  • 22
    • Conversion/Mixing Numeric and numarray might actually be quite efficient now, as of 2005

  • 23
    • The resize function actually creates a new array and throws the old one away

  • 24
    • The formats that are supported are those supported by PIL

  • 25
    • Very large files here means smaller than about 1GB on 32bit computers

  • 26
    • Internally one of the three described functions is called

  • 27
    • U.saveImg8() forces 8 bit, e.g. in case of tiff which could save 16bit values which isn't supported by many viewers

  • 28
    • it calls a dialog function, that open a window and returns the filename as string

  • 29
    • Both FN() and DIR() are part of the Y-module (because it has to do with graphic user interface), but they are the only two functions in Priithon available "outside" any module

  • 30
    • don't worry about the r in front the string, it means it's a raw-string (see python tutorial section) to allow backslashes (mostly under windows) to be part of the file path name

  • 31
    • It's closely related to numarray/numpy's little appraised "pretty-print" arrayprint module

  • 32
    • U.histogramYX() returns a tuple of two array: the bin-counts and their corresponding x-values.

  • 33
    • that is the array's standard deviation times 2.35482004503

  • 34
    • seb: On some platforms, precompiled optimized versions of the LAPACK and BLAS libraries are preinstalled on the operating system, and the setup procedure needs to be modified to force the lapack_lite module to be linked against those rather than the builtin replacement functions.

  • 35
    • Edit Packages/LinearAlgebra2/ and edit the variables sourcelist, lapack_dirs, and lapack_libs. In sourcelist you should remove all sourcefiles besides lapack_litemodule.c. In lapack_libs you have to specified all libraries needed on your system to successfully link against LAPACK. Often this includes 'lapack' and 'blas'. If you need to specify any non-standard directories to find these libraries, you can specify them in lapack_dirs. Note: A frequent request is that somehow the maintainers of Numerical Python invent a procedure which will automatically find and use the best available versions of these libraries. We welcome any patches that provide the functionality in a simple, platform independent, and reliable way. The scipy project has done some work to provide such functionality, but is probably not mature enough for use by numarray yet.

  • 36
    • Also the fact that array in German is "Feld" might help to remember this letter.

  • 37
    • the extra z is just to ensure that the much more often used zeroArr functions come first in the PyShell popup menu

last edited 2007-03-09 17:34:09 by SebastianHaase