class: center, middle, inverse, title-slide # Discrete-time Models ## Macroeconomics ### Kenji Sato ### Day 13 --- $$\let\oldhat\hat \renewcommand{\hat}[1]{\oldhat{\hspace{0pt} #1}}$$ <div style="margin-top: -2.5em"></div> ## Continuous-time v. Discrete-time We have studied continuous-time macroeconomic models. Here is a summary of our modelling strategy: We 1. model economic activities in a very short period of time `\([t, t + \Delta t)\)` 1. derive a system of differential equation(s) by taking `\(\Delta t \to 0\)` 1. describe the behavior of the economy diagramatically 1. observe what the economy looks like in transition and in the limit --- ## Continuous-time v. Discrete-time (cont'd) Continuous-time models are convenient because solutions are often simpler than discrete-time models. For instance, see growth rate formulas: `$$\begin{aligned} e^{a} e^{b} &= e^{a + b} \\ (1 + a)(1 + b) &= 1 + a + b + ab \end{aligned}$$` Also, phase-diagramatic analysis may not work in the discrete-time models. --- ## Continuous-time v. Discrete-time (cont'd) In spite of the downsides of discrete-time models, many papers use them probably because * its interpretation is straightforward; * time series analysis works better (note that all available data are in discrete time). Since analysts can choose whichever is convenient, you also need to understand both schemes. --- class: center, middle # Discrete-time Models --- background-image: url("discrete-time/discrete-time.001.jpeg") --- background-image: url("discrete-time/discrete-time.002.jpeg") --- background-image: url("discrete-time/discrete-time.003.jpeg") --- ## Notation and goal Today, let's pick the third choice. * Time is discrete and extends from `\(0\)` to `\(\infty\)`. * Period between time points `\(t - 1\)` and `\(t\)` is called "Period `\(t\)`". * For stock variables, notation like `\(K_t\)` denotes the end-of-period balance. We need to find a rule that governs the development of `$$K_0, K_1, \dots, \quad Y_1, Y_2, \dots$$` etc. Let's first study the discrete-time Solow model. --- class: center, middle # Disrete-time Ramsey Model --- ## Exogenous growth Let's suppose that knowledge `\(A\)` and labor `\(L\)` grow exogenously. In discrete-time models, this assumption is expressed as `$$\begin{aligned} A_t &= (1 + g) A_{t-1}\\ L_t &= (1 + n) L_{t-1}, \qquad t = 1, 2, \dots \end{aligned}$$` --- ## Production and investment The firms produce output, employing what is available at the beginning of the period, or equivalently, what was available at the end of the previous period. `$$Y_t = F(K_{t-1}, A_{t-1} L_{t-1})$$` `\(F\)` is a CRS production function and `\(Y\)` denotes aggregate production. We assume a closed free economy with a constant saving rate `$$S_t = I_t = sY_t$$` --- ## Capital Accumulation Net investment `\(K_{t} - K_{t-1}\)` is by definition `$$\begin{aligned} K_t - K_{t-1} &= I_t - \delta K_{t-1}\\ &= sY_t - \delta K_{t-1}\\ &= sF(K_{t-1}, A_{t-1} L_{t-1}) - \delta K_{t-1} \end{aligned}$$` where `\(\delta\)` is the depreciation rate. By rearranging, `$$K_t = sF(K_{t-1}, A_{t-1} L_{t-1}) + (1 - \delta) K_{t-1}$$` --- ## Effective labor Define `$$\hat k_t = \frac{K_t}{A_t L_t}$$` and `$$\hat{y}_t = f\left( \hat k_t \right) = F\left(\hat{k}_t, 1 \right)$$` --- ## Capital accumulation Divide by `\(A_{t-1} L_{t-1}\)` both sides of `$$K_t = sF(K_{t-1}, A_{t-1} L_{t-1}) + (1 - \delta) K_{t-1}$$` The left-hand side `$$\frac{K_t}{A_{t-1} L_{t-1}} = \frac{K_t}{A_{t} L_{t}} \frac{A_{t} L_{t}}{A_{t-1} L_{t-1}} = \hat{k}_t (1 + g)(1 + n)$$` The right hand side `$$\frac{sF(K_{t-1}, A_{t-1} L_{t-1}) + (1 - \delta) K_{t-1}}{A_{t-1} L_{t-1}} = sf\left(\hat{k}_{t-1}\right) + (1 - \delta) \hat{k}_{t-1}$$` --- ## Capital accumulation We obtain `$$\hat{k}_t = \frac{sf\left(\hat{k}_{t-1}\right) + (1 - \delta) \hat{k}_{t-1}}{(1+g)(1+n)}$$` Or `$$\hat{k}_t - \hat{k}_{t-1} = \frac{sf\left(\hat{k}_{t-1}\right) - (\delta + g + n + gn) \hat{k}_{t-1}}{(1+g)(1+n)}$$` --- ## Break-even investment `$$\hat{k}_t > \hat{k}_{t-1} \Leftrightarrow sf\left(\hat{k}_{t-1}\right) > (\delta + g + n + gn) \hat{k}_{t-1}$$` `$$\hat{k}_t < \hat{k}_{t-1} \Leftrightarrow sf\left(\hat{k}_{t-1}\right) < (\delta + g + n + gn) \hat{k}_{t-1}$$` Break-even investment in discrete-time model is `\((\delta + g + n + gn)\hat{k}\)`, which is slightly larger than the continuous-time counterpart. This difference comes from the difference between nominal and effective rates. When `\(g\)` and `\(n\)` are very small, then we can ignore the difference: `$$\delta + g + n + gn \simeq \delta + g + n$$` --- ## Dynamics Analysis analogous to continuous-time Solow model may not work since we haven't ruled out a scenario that the sign conditions alternate `$$k_{t-1} - k_t < 0, \quad k_t - k_{t+1} >0 , \quad k_{t+1} - k_{t+2} < 0, \dots$$` This doesn't happen in continuous-time models in which stock variables develop continuously. In discrete-time models, the following "staircase" diagram might work better. --- ## Policy function <img src="discrete-time/discrete-time.004.jpeg" width="1365" style="display: block; margin: auto;" /> --- ## Policy function <img src="discrete-time/discrete-time.005.jpeg" width="1365" style="display: block; margin: auto;" /> --- ## 45 degree line <img src="discrete-time/discrete-time.006.jpeg" width="1365" style="display: block; margin: auto;" /> --- ## `\(t = 1 \to 2\)` <img src="discrete-time/discrete-time.007.jpeg" width="1365" style="display: block; margin: auto;" /> --- ## 45 degree line <img src="discrete-time/discrete-time.008.jpeg" width="1365" style="display: block; margin: auto;" /> --- ## Continue this argument to get convergence <img src="discrete-time/discrete-time.009.jpeg" width="1365" style="display: block; margin: auto;" /> --- ## Steady state We get convergence to the steady state value `$$\hat{k}_t \to \hat{k}^*$$` In the steady state, balanced growth is achieved: `$$K_t = A_t L_t \hat{k}^*$$` `$$Y_t = A_t L_t f\left( \hat{k}^* \right)$$` Exercise: Verify the same convergence from `\(\hat{k}_0 > \hat k^*\)`. --- class: center, middle # Discrete-time Ramsey Model --- ## Discrete-time Ramsey Model We assume that there is no population growth, i.e., `\(n = 0\)`. Let - `\(b_t =\)` Savings at the end of period `\(t\)` - `\(c_t =\)` Consumption in period `\(t\)`, - `\(r_t =\)` Interest rate in period `\(t\)` - `\(w_t =\)` Wage rate in period `\(t\)` The representative consumer supplies one unit of labor. He is subject to the following budget contraint: `$$\begin{aligned} \underbrace{b_{t} - b_{t-1}}_{\text{Increment of bank balance}} + \underbrace{c_t}_{\text{Consumption}} \le \underbrace{w_t}_{\text{Labor Income}} + \underbrace{r_t b_{t-1}}_{\text{Interest Income}} \end{aligned}$$` --- ## Life-time budget constraint Rearraging, `$$\begin{aligned} b_1 + c_1 &\le w_1 + (1 + r_1) b_0 \\ b_2 + c_2 &\le w_2 + (1 + r_2) b_1 \\ &\vdots \\ b_{t} + c_t &\le w_t + (1 + r_t) b_{t-1} \\ &\vdots \end{aligned}$$` Multiply both sides of each inequality by $$ R_t = (1 + r_1) \times \cdots \times (1 + r_t) $$ to get representations in present value. --- ## Lifetime budget constraint Assuming No-Ponzi Game condition, we obtain `$$\begin{aligned} \sum_{t = 1}^\infty R_t^{-1} c_t \le b_0 + \sum_{t = 1}^\infty R_t^{-1} w_t \end{aligned}$$` * Exercise 1. Write down the NPZ condition. * Exercise 2. Derive the lifetime budget constraint given above. --- ## Consumer's Optimization The consumer chooses his consumption plan by maximizing the utility from consumption `$$\begin{aligned} U = \sum_{t = 1}^\infty \left( \frac{1}{1 + \rho} \right)^{t - 1} u(c_t) \end{aligned}$$` subject to `$$\begin{aligned} \sum_{t = 1}^\infty R_t^{-1} c_t = b_0 + \sum_{t = 1}^\infty R_t^{-1} w_t \end{aligned}$$` --- ## Optimal Consumption In optimum, marginal rate of substitution between any pair of periods must be equal to the relative price. In particular, `$$\begin{aligned} MRS = - \frac{ \partial U / \partial c_t }{ \partial U / \partial c_{t+1} } = -\frac{R_t^{-1}}{R_{t+1}^{-1}} \end{aligned}$$` We obtain the Euler equation for the discrete-time Ramsey problem: `$$\begin{aligned} \frac{u'(c_t)}{u'(c_{t+1})} = \frac{1 + r_{t+1}}{1 + \rho} \end{aligned}$$` --- ## CRRA assumption, Nominal rate representation When period-wise utility has CRRA, we obtain `$$\begin{aligned} \frac{c_{t+1}}{c_t} = \left( \frac{1 + r_{t+1}}{1 + \rho} \right)^{1 / \theta} \end{aligned}$$` By taking log, we get representation similar to the Euler condition in continuous time. `$$\begin{aligned} \underbrace{\ln c_{t+1} - \ln c_t}_{\text{Nominal growth rate}} = \frac{\ln (1+r_{t+1}) - \ln(1+\rho)}{\theta} \end{aligned}$$` Again, continuous-time models are built with nominal rates, while discrete-time models are built with effective rates. --- ## Market Clearing Using the market clearing condition, `$$\begin{aligned} b_{t-1} = k_{t-1}, \end{aligned}$$` we can transform the flow budge constraint `$$\begin{aligned} b_t + c_t = w_t + (1 + r_t) b_{t-1} \end{aligned}$$` into `$$\begin{aligned} k_t + c_t = w_t + (1 + r_t) k_{t-1} \end{aligned}$$` --- ## Profit maximization In competitive factor markets, firms maximize `$$\begin{aligned} F(K_{t-1}, A_{t-1} L_{t-1}) - (r_t + \delta) K_{t-1} - w_t L_{t-1}, \end{aligned}$$` The first-order conditions for profit maximization are given by `$$\begin{aligned} r_t &= f'\left( \hat{k}_{t-1} \right) - \delta\\ w_t &= A_{t-1} \left[ f\left( \hat{k}_{t-1} \right) - \hat{k}_{t-1} f'\left( \hat{k}_{t-1} \right) \right] \end{aligned}$$` --- ## Capital Accumulation From `$$\begin{aligned} r_t &= f'\left( \hat{k}_{t-1} \right) - \delta\\ w_t &= A_{t-1} \left[ f\left( \hat{k}_{t-1} \right) - \hat{k}_{t-1} f'\left( \hat{k}_{t-1} \right) \right] \end{aligned}$$` and `$$\begin{aligned} &k_t + c_t = w_t + (1 + r_t) k_{t-1} \\ &\Rightarrow (1 + g) \hat{k}_t + \hat{c}_t = \hat{w}_t + (1 + r_t)\hat{k}_{t-1} \end{aligned}$$` where `\(\hat{c}_t = c_t / A_{t-1}\)`, `\(\hat{w}_t = w_t / A_{t-1}\)`, `\(\hat{k}_t = k_t / A_t\)` --- ## Dynamic Sytem We have capital accumulation equation `$$\begin{aligned} \left(1+g\right)\hat{k}_{t} = f\left(\hat{k}_{t-1}\right)-\hat{c}_{t}+ \left(1-\delta\right)\hat{k}_{t-1} \end{aligned}$$` and Euler equation `$$\begin{aligned} \frac{\hat{c}_{t+1}}{\hat{c}_t} = \frac{1}{1 + g} \left( \frac{1 + f'\left( \hat{k}_t \right) - \delta}{1 + \rho} \right)^{1 / \theta} \end{aligned},$$` which jointly determine the dynamics of the economy. Initial `\(c_1\)` is determined by the terminal condition `\(\hat{k}_t \to \hat{k}^*\)`. --- ## Simplifying Assumption Assume `\(\delta = 1\)`, `\(g = 0\)`, `\(\theta = 1\)`. The conditions simplify to `$$\begin{aligned} \hat{k}_t = f\left( \hat{k}_{t-1} \right) - \hat{c}_t \quad \text{and} \quad \frac{\hat{c}_{t+1}}{\hat{c}_{t}} = \frac{f'\left( \hat{k}_t \right)}{ 1 + \rho} \end{aligned}$$` The system is of second order `$$\begin{aligned} \hat{k}_{t+1} = f\left( \hat{k}_t \right) - \frac{f'\left( \hat{k}_t \right)}{ 1 + \rho} \left[ f\left( \hat{k}_{t-1} \right) - \hat{k}_{t} \right] \end{aligned}$$` but we only have one initial condition `\(\hat{k}_0\)`, which is why we need terminal condition to determine the full dynamics. --- ## Dynamic Programming For discrete-time models, the Euler equation is not too useful. Dynamic programming approach is often more powerful. Define the value function (assume `\(g = 0\)` for simplicity) `$$\begin{aligned} V(k_0) &= \max \sum_{t = 1}^\infty \beta^{t - 1} u(c_t)\\ &\text{s.t.}\quad c_t = \phi \left( k_{t-1} \right) - k_{t} \end{aligned},$$` where `\(\phi\left( k_{t-1} \right) = f\left(k_{t-1}\right) + \left(1-\delta\right)k_{t-1}\)` and `\(\beta = \left( \frac{1}{1 + \rho} \right)\)` --- ## Dynamic Programming (cont'd) Namely, `$$\begin{aligned} V(k_0) = \max \sum_{t = 1}^\infty \beta^{t - 1} u\left( \phi \left( k_{t-1} \right) - k_{t} \right) \end{aligned},$$` It is known that the value function satisfies the following functional equation, known as Bellman equation: `$$V(k_{t-1}) = \max_{k_t} \left[ u\left( \phi \left( k_{t-1} \right) - k_{t} \right) + \beta V(k_t) \right].$$` Optimal path `\(k_t^*\)` satisfies `$$V(k_{t-1}^*) = u\left( \phi \left( k_{t-1}^* \right) - k_{t}^* \right) + \beta V(k_t^*)$$` --- ## Dynamic Programming (cont'd) If you can find the value function `\(V\)`, you can find the policy function `\(k_{t} = h(k_{t-1})\)` by solving the following maximization problem: Given `\(k_{t-1}\)`, find `\(k_t\)` that maximizes `$$u\left( \phi \left( k_{t-1} \right) - k_{t} \right) + \beta V(k_t)$$` --- ## Guess and verify One way to find `\(V\)` is the so-called "guess and verify" approach. First, we make a guess about the function form of `\(V\)`, for example, `\(V(x) = a + b\ln x\)` and then compute the candidate for the optimal policy `\(h\)`. If there is parameters for which the policy satisfies the Bellman equation `$$V(x) = u\left( \phi \left( x \right) - h(x) \right) + \beta V(h(x))$$` and a certain terminal condition (convergence to steady state would suffice), then you know you made a correct guess. --- ## Value function iteration Obviously, guess-and-verify approach does not always work. The following procedure is known to converge to the value function: Start from a good guess of `\(V\)`, `\(V_0\)`, then compute `\(V_1, V_2, \dots\)`, by `$$\begin{aligned} V_1(x) &= \max_{y} \left[u(\phi (x) - y) + \beta V_0(y)\right]\\ V_2(x) &= \max_{y} \left[u(\phi (x) - y) + \beta V_1(y)\right]\\ &\vdots \end{aligned}$$` It is known that `\(V_n\)` converges to the true `\(V\)`. See, for example, Stokey and Lucas (1989).