class: center, middle, inverse, title-slide # Ramsey Model (continued) ## Macroeconomics ### Kenji Sato ### day 11 --- $$\let\oldhat\hat \renewcommand{\hat}[1]{\oldhat{\hspace{0pt} #1}}$$ <div style="margin-top: -2em"></div> ## Exogenous variables Population growth `$$\dot{L} = n L$$` Technical growth `$$\dot{A} = g A$$` --- class: center, middle # consumers --- ## Consumer Behavior: Objective Consumers act altruistically. They care not only about their own consumption but also about offspring's. Each individual maximizes the total utility: `$$\max \int_0^\infty e^{-\rho t} u(c(t)) e^{nt} dt$$` Since there are `\(L(0)\)` consumers at `\(t = 0\)`, the economy as a whole miximizes the following objective. `$$\max \int_0^\infty e^{-\rho t} u(c(t)) L(t) dt$$` --- ## Consumer Behavior: Budget constraint Each consumer is subject to the following flow budget constraint: `$$c(t) + \dot{s}(t) = \left(r(t) - n\right) s(t) + w(t)$$` We have `\(-n s(t)\)` in the interest term because of the population growth. Per-person share of the interest income is reduced by the factor of growth rate. --- ## Consumer Behavior: First-order condition The representative consumer solves the following maximization problem: `$$\max \int_0^\infty e^{-(\rho - n) t} u(c(t)) dt$$` subject to `$$c(t) + \dot{s}(t) = \left(r(t) - n\right) s(t) + w(t)$$` **Problem: Set up the Hamiltonian. (3min)** --- ## Consumer Behavior: Canonical Equations `$$\mathcal H = e^{-(\rho - n) t} u(c) + \lambda [(r - n) s + w - c]$$` **Problem: Compute the canonical equations. (5min)** 1. `\(\partial \mathcal H / \partial c = 0\)` 2. `\(\dot{\lambda} = - \partial \mathcal H / \partial s\)` 3. `\(\dot{s} = \partial \mathcal H / \partial \lambda\)` --- ## Consumer Behavior: Euler equation **Problem: Derive the Euler equation. (5min)** `$$\begin{aligned} \frac{\dot{c}(t)}{c(t)} = \frac{r(t) - \rho}{\Theta(c)} \end{aligned}$$` Under the assumption of CRRA utility `$$u(c) = \frac{c^{1 - \theta} - 1}{1 - \theta},\quad \theta > 0$$` the Euler equation is expressed as `$$\begin{aligned} \frac{\dot{c}(t)}{c(t)} = \frac{r(t) - \rho}{\theta} \end{aligned}$$` --- ## Euler equation for `\(C/(AL)\)` Define the consumption per unit of effective labor: `$$\hat{c} = \frac{c}{A} = \frac{C}{AL}$$` Since `\(A\)` grows exogenously with a constant growth rate `\(g\)`, `$$\frac{\dot{\hat{c}}}{\hat{c}} = \frac{\dot{c}(t)}{c(t)} - g$$` We therefore have `$$\frac{\dot{\hat{c}}}{\hat{c}} = \frac{r(t) - \rho - \theta g}{\theta}$$` --- class: center, middle # firms --- ## Firm behavior: Production function Let's describe the behavior of the firms. This is mostly equivalent to the setup of the Solow model. The firms have access to the CRS production technology `$$Y(t) = F(K(t), A(t) L(t)).$$` In per-`\(AL\)` term, `$$\hat{y}(t) = f\left(\hat{k} (t)\right) = \frac{F(K, AL)}{AL}$$` --- ## Firm behavior: Profit maximization Rent `$$r(t) + \delta = f'\left( \hat{k}(t) \right)$$` Wage `$$w(t) = A(t) \left[ f\left( \hat{k}(t) \right) - \hat{k}(t) f'\left( \hat{k}(t) \right) \right]$$` Wage per effective labor `$$\hat{w}(t) = f\left( \hat{k}(t) \right) - \hat{k}(t) f'\left( \hat{k}(t) \right)$$` --- ## Equilibrium: Capital Accumulation The capital market clearing condition: `$$s(t) L(t) = K(t)$$` The flow budget constraint `$$c(t) + \dot{s}(t) = \left(r(t) - n\right) s(t) + w(t)$$` is transformed into `$$\frac{\dot{\hat{k}}}{\hat{k}} = \frac{\dot s}{s} - g = \frac{f\left(\hat{k}\right) - \hat{c} - (\delta + g + n) \hat{k}}{\hat{k}}$$` --- ## Equilibrium: First-order Dynamics We have the following capital accumulation equation: `$$\dot{\hat{k}} = f\left(\hat{k}\right) - \hat{c} - (\delta + g + n) \hat{k}$$` The dynamics of the Ramsey model is determined by this capital accumulation equation together with the Euler equation: `$$\frac{\dot{\hat{c}}}{\hat{c}} = \frac{f'\left(\hat{k}\right) - \delta - \rho - \theta g}{\theta}$$` --- ## Locus for `\(\dot{\hat{k}} = 0\)` Let's derive the condition under which `\(\dot{\hat{k}} = 0\)`. From the capital accumulation equation, `$$\dot{\hat{k}} = f\left(\hat{k}\right) - \hat{c} - (\delta + g + n) \hat{k},$$` we obtain `$$\begin{aligned} \dot{\hat{k}} = 0 \Leftrightarrow \hat{c} = f\left(\hat{k}\right) - (\delta + g + n) \hat{k} \end{aligned}$$` --- ## Regions for `\(\dot{\hat{k}} > 0\)` and `\(\dot{\hat{k}} < 0\)` Moreover, `$$\begin{aligned} \dot{\hat{k}} > 0 \Leftrightarrow \hat{c} < f\left(\hat{k}\right) - (\delta + g + n) \hat{k} \end{aligned}$$` and `$$\begin{aligned} \dot{\hat{k}} < 0 \Leftrightarrow \hat{c} > f\left(\hat{k}\right) - (\delta + g + n) \hat{k} \end{aligned}$$` `\(\dot{\hat{k}}\)` is increasing below the `\(\dot{\hat{k}} = 0\)` locus and decreasing above the locus. --- ## Regions for `\(\dot{\hat{k}} > 0\)` and `\(\dot{\hat{k}} < 0\)` (cont'd) You can rewrite these conditions as below: `$$\begin{aligned} \dot{\hat{k}} \gtreqless 0 \Longleftrightarrow f\left(\hat{k}\right) - \hat{c} \gtreqless (\delta + g + n) \hat{k} \end{aligned}$$` Capital increases if and only if the investment, `\(f(\hat{k}) - \hat{c}\)`, is greater than the break-even level, `\((\delta + g + n)\hat{k}\)`. This condition is exactly what you have already encountered in the analysis of the Solow model. --- ## Locus for `\(\dot{\hat{c}} = 0\)` From `$$\frac{\dot{\hat{c}}}{\hat{c}} = \frac{f'\left(\hat{k}\right) - \delta - \rho - \theta g}{\theta}$$` we can derive the locus on which `\(\dot{\hat{c}} = 0\)`. `$$\dot{\hat{c}} = 0 \Longleftrightarrow f'\left( \hat{k} \right) = \delta + \rho + \theta g$$` --- ## Regions for `\(\dot{\hat{c}} > 0\)` and `\(\dot{\hat{c}} < 0\)` Obviously, `$$\dot{\hat{c}} \gtreqless 0 \Longleftrightarrow f'\left( \hat{k} \right) \gtreqless \delta + \rho + \theta g$$` Since `\(f'\)` is a decreasing function of `\(\hat{k}\)`, `$$\dot{\hat{c}} \gtreqless 0 \Longleftrightarrow \hat{k} \lesseqgtr (f')^{-1}\left(\delta + \rho + \theta g\right)$$` Let's define `$$\hat{k}^* = (f')^{-1}\left(\delta + \rho + \theta g\right)$$` --- ## Regions for `\(\dot{\hat{c}} > 0\)` and `\(\dot{\hat{c}} < 0\)` (cont'd) Recall `\(f'(\hat{k}) - \delta = r\)`. The first-order condition for the consumption is easy to grasp when `\(g = 0\)`. `$$\dot{\hat{c}} \gtreqless 0 \Longleftrightarrow r \gtreqless \rho + \theta\cdot 0$$` When benefit from waiting `\(r\)` is greater than utility cost of waiting `\(\rho\)`, it's best to defer consuming. Thus, increasing consumption (`\(\dot{\hat c} > 0\)`) When `\(g \neq 0\)`, an additional term is needed to adjust for technology change. --- class: center, middle # Optimal Dynamics --- ## Additional assumption Recall the objective function: `$$\max \int_0^\infty e^{-(\rho - n) t} u(c(t)) dt,$$` where `$$u(c) = \frac{c^{1 - \theta} - 1}{1 - \theta}.$$` Obviously, we have to assume `\(\rho - n > 0\)`. In the following analysis we assume a slightly stronger condition: `$$\rho - n > \max \{ 0, (1-\theta)g\}$$` --- ## Equilibrium: First-order Dynamics The dynamics of the Ramsey model is determined by the following two differential equations. Capital accumulation equation: `$$\dot{\hat{k}} = f\left(\hat{k}\right) - \hat{c} - (\delta + g + n) \hat{k}$$` Euler equation: `$$\frac{\dot{\hat{c}}}{\hat{c}} = \frac{f'\left(\hat{k}\right) - \delta - \rho - \theta g}{\theta}$$` --- ## Locus of `\(\dot{\hat{k}} = 0\)` Let's derive the condition under which `\(\dot{\hat{k}} = 0\)`. From the capital accumulation equation, `$$\dot{\hat{k}} = f\left(\hat{k}\right) - \hat{c} - (\delta + g + n) \hat{k},$$` we obtain `$$\begin{aligned} \dot{\hat{k}} = 0 \Leftrightarrow \hat{c} = f\left(\hat{k}\right) - (\delta + g + n) \hat{k} \end{aligned}$$` --- ## Regions for `\(\dot{\hat{k}} > 0\)` and `\(\dot{\hat{k}} < 0\)` Moreover, `$$\begin{aligned} \dot{\hat{k}} > 0 \Leftrightarrow \hat{c} < f\left(\hat{k}\right) - (\delta + g + n) \hat{k} \end{aligned}$$` and `$$\begin{aligned} \dot{\hat{k}} < 0 \Leftrightarrow \hat{c} > f\left(\hat{k}\right) - (\delta + g + n) \hat{k} \end{aligned}$$` `\(\dot{\hat{k}}\)` is increasing below the `\(\dot{\hat{k}} = 0\)` locus and decreasing above the locus. --- ## Regions for `\(\dot{\hat{k}} > 0\)` and `\(\dot{\hat{k}} < 0\)` (cont'd) You can rewrite these conditions as below: `$$\begin{aligned} \dot{\hat{k}} \gtreqless 0 \Longleftrightarrow f\left(\hat{k}\right) - \hat{c} \gtreqless (\delta + g + n) \hat{k} \end{aligned}$$` Capital increases if and only if the investment, `\(f(\hat{k}) - \hat{c}\)`, is greater than the break-even level, `\((\delta + g + n)\hat{k}\)`. This condition is exactly what you have already encountered in the analysis of the Solow model. --- ## Phase diagram <img src="ramsey/ramsey.001.jpeg" width="800px" style="display: block; margin: auto;" /> --- ## Golden Rule Notice that the curve has a unique maximum, `\(\hat{k}_G\)`, where `$$f'\left(\hat{k}_G \right) = \delta + g + n$$` must hold. In the Solow model, the steady state that satisfies this condition is called the Golden Rule steady state, at which the consumption level is maximized over all steady states. --- ## Golden Rule (cont'd) <img src="ramsey/ramsey.002.jpeg" width="800px" style="display: block; margin: auto;" /> --- ## Locus of `\(\dot{\hat{c}} = 0\)` From `$$\frac{\dot{\hat{c}}}{\hat{c}} = \frac{f'\left(\hat{k}\right) - \delta - \rho - \theta g}{\theta}$$` we can derive the locus on which `\(\dot{\hat{c}} = 0\)`. `$$\dot{\hat{c}} = 0 \Longleftrightarrow f'\left( \hat{k} \right) = \delta + \rho + \theta g$$` --- ## Regions for `\(\dot{\hat{c}} > 0\)` and `\(\dot{\hat{c}} < 0\)` Obviously, `$$\dot{\hat{c}} \gtreqless 0 \Longleftrightarrow f'\left( \hat{k} \right) \gtreqless \delta + \rho + \theta g$$` Since `\(f'\)` is a decreasing function of `\(\hat{k}\)`, `$$\dot{\hat{c}} \gtreqless 0 \Longleftrightarrow \hat{k} \lesseqgtr (f')^{-1}\left(\delta + \rho + \theta g\right)$$` Let's define `$$\hat{k}^* = (f')^{-1}\left(\delta + \rho + \theta g\right)$$` --- ## Regions for `\(\dot{\hat{c}} > 0\)` and `\(\dot{\hat{c}} < 0\)` (cont'd) Recall `\(f'(\hat{k}) - \delta = r\)`. The first-order condition for the consumption is easy to grasp when `\(g = 0\)`. `$$\dot{\hat{c}} \gtreqless 0 \Longleftrightarrow r \gtreqless \rho + \theta\cdot 0$$` Consumption is growing when benefit from waiting `\(\rho\)` is greater than utility cost of waiting `\(\rho\)`. When `\(g \neq 0\)`, an additional term is needed to adjust for technology change. --- ## Regions for `\(\dot{\hat{c}} > 0\)` and `\(\dot{\hat{c}} < 0\)` (cont'd) <img src="ramsey/ramsey.003.jpeg" width="800px" style="display: block; margin: auto;" /> --- ## `\(\hat{k}^*\)` and `\(\hat{k}_G\)` Notice how I arranged the locus, `\(\hat{k} = \hat{k}^*\)`, and the Golden Rule level, `\(\hat{k} = \hat{k}_G\)`. By the assumption that `\(\rho - n > \max \{ 0, (1-\theta)g\}\)`, `$$f'\left(\hat{k}^* \right) = \delta + \rho + \theta g > \delta + n + g = f'\left(\hat{k}_G\right)$$` which implies $$\hat{k}^* < \hat{k}_G $$ --- ## `\(\hat{k}^*\)` and `\(\hat{k}_G\)` The intersection, `\(\left(\hat{k}^*, \hat{c}^*\right)\)`, of the loci for `\(\dot{\hat{k}} = 0\)` and `\(\dot{\hat{c}} = 0\)` corresponds to the steady state level of `\(\left(\hat{k}, \hat{c}\right)\)`. In the steady state, the level of capital stock per unit of effective labor is necessarily smaller than the golden rule level. `\(\hat{k}^*\)` is sometimes called, modified golden rule. --- ## Phase Diagram <img src="ramsey/ramsey.004.jpeg" width="800px" style="display: block; margin: auto;" /> --- ## A trajectory from `\(\hat{k}(0) < k^*\)`: 1 <img src="ramsey/ramsey.005.jpeg" width="800px" style="display: block; margin: auto;" /> --- ## A trajectory from `\(\hat{k}(0) < k^*\)`: 2 <img src="ramsey/ramsey.006.jpeg" width="800px" style="display: block; margin: auto;" /> --- ## A trajectory from `\(\hat{k}(0) < k^*\)`: 3 <img src="ramsey/ramsey.007.jpeg" width="800px" style="display: block; margin: auto;" /> --- ## Optimal trajectory The problem yet to be solved is the determination of `\(\hat{c}(0)\)`. Given `\(\hat{k}(0)\)`, depending on the level of candidates for `\(\hat{c}(0)\)`, the trajectories for the differential equations exibit either of the following. 1. `\(\hat{c}(t) \to 0\)` 2. `\(\hat{k}(t) \to 0\)` 3. `\(\hat{k}(t) \to \hat{k}^*\)` and `\(\hat{c}(t) \to \hat{c}^*\)` --- ## Optimal trajectory (cont'd) 1. `\(\hat{c}(t) \to 0\)` 2. `\(\hat{k}(t) \to 0\)` The first trajectory doesn't solve the maximization problem because by raising `\(\hat{c}(0)\)` by a small amount we can make `\(\hat{c}(t)\)` larger for any `\(t\)`. The second trajectory will eventually violate the feasibility condition. --- ## Optimal trajectory (cont'd) 3. `\(\hat{k}(t) \to \hat{k}^*\)` and `\(\hat{c}(t) \to \hat{c}^*\)` The third trajectory (which lies in the middlle of 1 and 2) converges to the steady state, `\(\left(\hat{k}^*, \hat{c}^*\right)\)`, where `\(\dot{\hat{k}} = 0\)` and `\(\dot{\hat{c}} = 0\)` hold simultaneously. This trajectory is the optimal path. To obtain the convergence, the trajectory must start from an appropriate `\(\hat{c}(0)\)`. The steady state is said to be **saddle-point stable**. --- ## Optimal Consumption You have different (optimal) `\(\hat{c}(0)\)`'s for different `\(\hat{k}(0)\)`'s. This mapping gives the optimal consumption function. (The Solow model's consumption function was `\(\hat{c} = (1 - s) f\left( \hat{k} \right)\)`) <img src="ramsey/ramsey.008.jpeg" width="400px" style="display: block; margin: auto;" /> --- ## Balanced Growth In the long-run, the Ramsey model converges to the balanced growth path, in which all variables grow at constat rates. Growth rates for `$$y, k, c, Y, K, C$$` are identical to those in the Solow model. --- ## In the long run (comparative statics) What will happen to the steady state and the steady state growth rates, when one of the above parameters changes? Sample questions * Will the steady-state _growth rate_ of aggregate consumption, `\(C\)`, be increased, decreased, or unchanged by an increase in `\(\delta\)`? * What policy measure might be effective when you (as a policy maker) try to increase the _level_ of output per capita, `\(y = Y / L\)`, in the steady state? --- ## On transition (comparative dynamics) As in the Solow model, the adjustment to the new steady state is not (necessarily) immediate. You can analyze the transition to the new steady state by the phase diagram. --- ## Example: Increase in `\(n\)` `\(\dot{\hat{c}} = 0\)` locus is unchanged because the Euler equation does not have `\(n\)`. An increase in `\(n\)` brings `\(\dot{\hat{k}} = 0\)` locus down: `$$\hat{c} = f\left(\hat{k}\right) - (\delta + g + n) \hat{k}$$` The economy jumps down to the new steady state immediately. Since `\(\hat{c}\)` is a variable that the consumer can choose, discontinuity is allowed. --- ## Example: Increase in `\(n\)` <img src="ramsey/ramsey.010.jpeg" width="800px" style="display: block; margin: auto;" /> --- ## Example: Increase in `\(\rho\)` `\(\dot{\hat{k}} = 0\)` locus is unchanged because the capital accumulation equation does not have `\(\rho\)`. An increase in `\(\rho\)` shifts `\(\dot{\hat{c}} = 0\)` locus to the left. Recall that * `\(\hat{c}\)` can be discontinuous * `\(\hat{k}\)` must be continuous Describe the transition to the new steady state using the following diagram. --- ## Example: Increase in `\(\rho\)` <img src="ramsey/ramsey.011.jpeg" width="800px" style="display: block; margin: auto;" /> --- ## Comparative statics/dynamics You need to understand: * How steady states move; * How the economy adjusts to the new steady state. As we discussed earlier in this course, anticipation for future is an important component of the Ramsey model. You can analyze implications of such a policy change as * Permanent increase in `\(n\)` due to an improvement of adoption policy or immigration policy, which will be enforced at a known point in future. --- ## Example: Anticipated increase in `\(n\)` <img src="ramsey/ramsey.012.jpeg" width="800px" style="display: block; margin: auto;" /> --- ## Example: Anticipated increase in `\(n\)` <img src="ramsey/ramsey.013.jpeg" width="800px" style="display: block; margin: auto;" /> --- ## Example: Anticipated increase in `\(n\)` <img src="ramsey/ramsey.014.jpeg" width="800px" style="display: block; margin: auto;" /> --- ## Example: Anticipated increase in `\(n\)` <img src="ramsey/ramsey.015.jpeg" width="800px" style="display: block; margin: auto;" /> --- ## Anticipated increase in `\(n\)` <img src="ramsey/ramsey.016.jpeg" width="800px" style="display: block; margin: auto;" /> --- ## Why this path is optimal Mathematical proof is based on Kemp and Long (1977, Economic Record): The costate variable `\(\lambda(t) = e^{- \rho t} u'(c(t))\)` cannot jump at the time of policy change. If there is anticipated discontinuous drop of `\(c(t)\)` at `\(t = t_0\)`, the agents anticipate a hike in `\(\lambda(t) = e^{- \rho t} u'(c(t))\)`. If the price of asset, `\(\lambda\)`, is known to jump in the future, economic agents all try to buy the asset and the _present price_ would rise. What you observe thus is an immediate drop of `\(c\)`. --- ## Summary When you solve a problem of comparative dynamics, keep in mind the following points: * There is no discontinuity in `\(k\)` * There is no anticipated discontinuity in `\(u'(c)\)` or `\(c\)` * The path must converge to the steady state at `\(t = \infty\)`. That is, in the Ramsey model, consumers change their behavior at the time of arrival of new information.