BitShares is the flagship Bank & Exchange DAC. It serves to establish a new financial platform on which tomorrow's apps will be built.
BitShares is an open-source project community with members around the world.
An open call for
adopters and visionary investors.
Decentralized Autonomous Community
DACs are autonomous organizations running under an incorruptible set of business rules. The first pilot project launched June 2014. DAC features, by design:
Counterparty-free bank & exchange featuring market-pegged and user-issued assets.
Auditable, verifiable and hack-proof voting.
We believe open-source is the only way.
Record Label, Discovery & Streaming Service. Fans pay (and even invest in) artists directly!
Decentralized and unstoppable gaming for all.
The sky is the limit. Any business model can be modelled as a DAC—and one day, it will be.
Delegated Proof of Stake
DPOS is the open-source protocol used to create self-governing apps (i.e., DACs).
The blockchain is a DAC's internal database. Every ten seconds, all pending transactions are packaged into a block and added to the chain.
Asset tokens are freely exchangeable on the blockchain. They can represent currencies, commodities, shares, loyalty points, coupons, credits, receipts, vouchers, and more.
Elected by shareholders to validate and sign transactions and produce them into blocks.
Developers, marketers, and others are paid by the DAC itself via dilution.
Can change any blockchain parameters given two weeks' notice, during which shareholders can veto any such change.
The Currency of BitShares
MPAs (or "BitAssets") are digital asset tokens that eliminate the burden of price volatility. bitUSD, bitCNY and bitGOLD will always trade near par value for the dollar, yuan and gold on crypto-currency exchanges worldwide.
MPAs are derivatives enforced by smart contracts and backed by 300% collateral.
BitAssets help businesses and shoppers avoid the hassle of transfering holdings back and forth between crypto and cash to evade costly price fluctuations.
Stock Distribution, Crowdfunding, Receipts
Easily issue your own tokens which can be traded freely within BitShares. Use cases include crowdfunding, token controlled access to content, company stock distribution, and IOUs for auditable and secure AML / KYC compliant gateway services.
For Techies and Investors
The core asset BTS gives the platform real-world value and thus allows the creation of collateralized assets (MPAs). Holders of BTS own a stake in BitShares and its success.