This guide explains step by step how to create a minimal linux image for the Rasperry PI 3, using buildroot and a Linux host system (such as Fedora, Debian or Ubuntu).

  • The kernel is armv8 (64-bits).
  • Instead of using glibc, we will use uCLibc.
  • We will use a small initramfs image.
  • All files are stored in a single fat32 partition of the uSD card.

  • This step describes how to download buildroot, and build an image.

    Create a working directory on the Linux host PC, for instance:
    ~$ mkdir -p lfs/rpi3/min_img
    ~$ cd lfs/rpi3/min_img
    Download and extract the latest released version of buildroot:
    ~/lfs/rpi2/min_img$ wget --no-check-certificate
    ~/lfs/rpi2/min_img$ tar -f buildroot-2017.11.tar.bz2 -x
    ~/lfs/rpi2/min_img$ cd buildroot-2017.11/
    Use either make config or make xconfig to adjust the configuration.
    The configuration is:

    Target options

    Build options


    System configuration


    Target packages

    Filesystem images

    Host utilities

    Notes: You can download the configuration file    rpi3_minimal_defconfig

    If you want to use the configuration file instead of changing the configuration manuall, you can use these steps:
    ~/lfs/rpi3/min_img/buildroot-2017.11$ wget ~/lfs/rpi3/min_img/buildroot-2017.11$ mv rpi3_minimal_defconfig configs/ ~/lfs/rpi3/min_img/buildroot-2017.11$ make rpi3_minimal_defconfig

    Depending of the speed of your build machine and your Internet speed, the build could take a while, typically in the 20 to 30 minutes for a first time build.
    Build now:

    ~/lfs/rpi3/min_img/buildroot-2017.11$ make

    Once the build is done, you will have the kernel, the Device Tree Blob (DTB), and the root filesystem tar file:
    ~/lfs/rpi3/min_img/buildroot-2017.11$ tree --charset unicode -L 2 output/images/
    |-- bcm2710-rpi-3-b.dtb
    |-- Image
    |-- rootfs.cpio
    |-- rootfs.cpio.gz
    |-- rootfs.tar
    `-- rpi-firmware
        |-- bootcode.bin
        |-- cmdline.txt
        |-- config.txt
        |-- fixup.dat
        |-- overlays
        `-- start.elf

    2 directories, 10 files

    This step describes how to create a uSD card using the image previously built.

    Any uSD card will do, assuming it's at least a 2 GB card. >br>
    We will create one partition on the uSD card. Actually, what really matters is the first partition of the uSD card: The first fat32 partition will hold Use fdisk to create the partitions: Once you have created the partitions on the uSD card, assuming your linux host assigned the device /dev/sdg (you can check using dmesg), you will do something like this to copy the firmware, the kernel and the DTB:
    ~/lfs/rpi3/min_img/buildroot-2017.02.8$ rm -rf /tmp/rpi3-sd
    ~/lfs/rpi3/min_img/buildroot-2017.02.8$ mkdir -p /tmp/rpi3-sd
    ~/lfs/rpi3/min_img/buildroot-2017.02.8$ fdisk -l /dev/sdg
    Disk /dev/sdg: 62.5 GiB, 67108864000 bytes, 131072000 sectors
    Units: sectors of 1 * 512 = 512 bytes
    Sector size (logical/physical): 512 bytes / 512 bytes
    I/O size (minimum/optimal): 512 bytes / 512 bytes
    Disklabel type: dos
    Disk identifier: 0x00000000

    Device Boot Start End Sectors Size Id Type
    /dev/sdg1 * 2048 131071999 131069952 62.5G c W95 FAT32 (LBA)
    ~/lfs/rpi3/min_img/buildroot-2017.02.8$ sudo partprobe /dev/sdg
    ~/lfs/rpi3/min_img/buildroot-2017.02.8$ mkfs.vfat -n rpi3-sd /dev/sdg1
    mkfs.fat 4.1 (2017-01-24)
    mkfs.fat: warning - lowercase labels might not work properly with DOS or Windows
    ~/lfs/rpi3/min_img/buildroot-2017.02.8$ sudo mount /dev/sdg1 /tmp/rpi3-sd
    ~/lfs/rpi3/min_img/buildroot-2017.02.8$ sudo cp -r output/images/rpi-firmware/* /tmp/rpi3-sd/
    ~/lfs/rpi3/min_img/buildroot-2017.02.8$ sudo cp output/images/bcm2710-rpi-3-b.dtb /tmp/rpi3-sd/
    ~/lfs/rpi3/min_img/buildroot-2017.02.8$ sudo cp output/images/Image /tmp/rpi3-sd/
    ~/lfs/rpi3/min_img/buildroot-2017.02.8$ sudo cp output/images/rootfs.cpio.gz /tmp/rpi3-sd/
    You now need to edit two files on the uSD card: Since we use an initramfs image, we need to change the kernel parameters specified in /tmp/rpid3-sd/cmdline.txt:

    We need now to make a few modifications in /tmp/rpid3-sd/config.txt

    You can now unmount the uSD card and eject it:
    ~/lfs/rpi3/min_img/buildroot-2017.11$ sudo umount /tmp/rpi3-sd
    ~/lfs/rpi3/min_img/buildroot-2017.11$ sudo eject /dev/sdg

    I wrote a simple shell script which create the two partitions on the uSD card, and then copy the files.
    Feel free to use it instead of typing all the commmands above.
    ~/lfs/rpi3/min_img/buildroot-2015.11.1$ wget
    ~/lfs/rpi4/min_img/buildroot-2015.11.1$ ./ --device /dev/sdg


    You are now ready to test your uSD card.

    Insert this card on your Rasperry PI3, and apply power.
    If all goes well, you should get a shell.